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New content ? updates ?

New content ? updates ?

1 май 2019, 12:2901.05.19

New content ? updates ?

Good day all, 

Didn't the Community managers once say that de 1.7 update (a big one) was delayed and thus coming up end of April, we didn't get any further communication after, and obviously nothing new. It is getting rather stale right now. 

Why did the communication sort of died after the game left the beta phase ? there are many threads around that remain unanswered and bugs and new content unreleased (fusion, faction wars, basically anything besides packs is stuck in development hell..........) 
1 май 2019, 12:4601.05.19

Chaybani said:

Good day all, 

Didn't the Community managers once say that de 1.7 update (a big one) was delayed and thus coming up end of April, we didn't get any further communication after, and obviously nothing new. It is getting rather stale right now. 

Why did the communication sort of died after the game left the beta phase ? there are many threads around that remain unanswered and bugs and new content unreleased (fusion, faction wars, basically anything besides packs is stuck in development hell..........) 

I second that. 


1 май 2019, 15:2001.05.19
2 май 2019, 10:21(отредактировано)

Know this has been brought up in many threads. Mods don't respond, think either because they don't know when it will be released or they know when it's going to be released but know we will be mad when they say end of July.

Know this game is raking in, shows Raid has made over 3 million USD since its release, should be enough to hire more game designers/developers to keep new stuff coming out. Been way to long since anything new has come out. Events were the last thing they made since game came off Beta and they are terrible.
1 май 2019, 17:2801.05.19
Kn1ghtmare said:

Know this has been brought up in many threads. Mods don't respond, think either because they don't know when it will released or they know when it's going to be released but know we will be mad when they say end of July.

Know this game is raking in, shows Raid has made over 3 million USD since its release, should be enough to hire more game designers/developers to keep new stuff coming out. Been way to long since anything new has come out. Events were the last thing they made since game came off Beta and they are terrible.
Absolutely agree...they are terrible and will kill the game very shortly if nothing changes ASAP...the game mechanics are pretty old but the graphics are appealing...if new game comes out from a better company this one will die.
1 май 2019, 18:0201.05.19
Recently the only kind of answers we seem to be getting is the generic "we are working on cool stuff, many exciting things are coming up, stay tuned, and happy raiding"........
2 май 2019, 03:1302.05.19
I think everyone playing this game agrees with you, they counted events as new content which is a joke, they don't seem interested in improving this game at all, more just pushing packs on people, in beta it would be a new pack about every 3 days now its 2 packs a day if not more and they are terrible and so expensive. I don't see how hard it would be for them to drop a new fusion hero so people actually have something to grind for. I think clan boss is the only thing keeping this game afloat yet my clan is very close to killing every boss each day now. After that happens it's death to the game. We've already lost a lot of beta players due to lack of new content
2 май 2019, 08:0202.05.19
2 май 2019, 08:04(отредактировано)

sk8rchick4lifendeath said:

I think everyone playing this game agrees with you, they counted events as new content which is a joke, they don't seem interested in improving this game at all, more just pushing packs on people, in beta it would be a new pack about every 3 days now its 2 packs a day if not more and they are terrible and so expensive. I don't see how hard it would be for them to drop a new fusion hero so people actually have something to grind for. I think clan boss is the only thing keeping this game afloat yet my clan is very close to killing every boss each day now. After that happens it's death to the game. We've already lost a lot of beta players due to lack of new content

Same thing is happening in my clan. Players, even the clan leader, are dropping off.  They say that they will return when the game is updated.  

I've abandoned 2 great accounts in HC, saying the same thing. 4 months later the big update is out. Will I return? Don't think so. :)

2 май 2019, 10:4402.05.19
Bump this needs an official response.
2 май 2019, 11:1502.05.19

Hello all,

I am also very interested in this topic.

When can we expect new content?
2 май 2019, 12:0602.05.19
Hello guys! Your concern is very much understandable and we are sorry for not updating you sooner. We are making last preparations for the release of 1.7 version. Because of the public holidays, the version is not out yet. But it will be very soon. We thank you for your continuous patience.
2 май 2019, 13:4202.05.19
2 май 2019, 16:19(отредактировано)

Cirilla said:

Hello guys! Your concern is very much understandable and we are sorry for not updating you sooner. We are making last preparations for the release of 1.7 version. Because of the public holidays, the version is not out yet. But it will be very soon. We thank you for your continuous patience.

Hi Cirilla,

Thank you for your reply, though it is along the same lines of "it will be out soon". 

Can you, please, be a bit more specific? Which public holidays are  you  referring to?  1st of May? 9th of May? Bank holiday 6th of May?  For example, in Russia "May holidays" are ending on 13th of May. Nearly 2 weeks from now. It also can be refered as "very soon",  on a bigger scale of things. :)

We can understand the delays, etc. But is there any information on what to expect in the new update? I am sure the Devs should really know by now what is going to be ready for the new update.  (See my Qs on the Russian thread.)

2 май 2019, 13:5002.05.19
Cirilla said:

Hello guys! Your concern is very much understandable and we are sorry for not updating you sooner. We are making last preparations for the release of 1.7 version. Because of the public holidays, the version is not out yet. But it will be very soon. We thank you for your continuous patience.
Thank you, but again nothing specific. It is funny your pack offers do come out daily, at absurd prices.
2 май 2019, 14:1802.05.19

Cirilla said:

Hello guys! Your concern is very much understandable and we are sorry for not updating you sooner. We are making last preparations for the release of 1.7 version. Because of the public holidays, the version is not out yet. But it will be very soon. We thank you for your continuous patience.

Hi Ciri!!!

Thank you very much for these informations. I love you!!

Best Regards
2 май 2019, 14:5302.05.19
Thanks for the reply Cirilla, we appreciate the response. However it is still too vague as others have stated, I think we came to the point of being very doubtful of ETAs that say "very soon", since it is something we heard before many times. 
2 май 2019, 15:1102.05.19

Generic response better than no response but still wasn't worth much. Community is repeatedly telling you game is getting stale and people are leaving.

Push the new content and fix the bugs along the way. please and thank you.

2 май 2019, 16:4402.05.19
2 май 2019, 23:18(отредактировано)

jcaires said:

Cirilla said:

Hello guys! Your concern is very much understandable and we are sorry for not updating you sooner. We are making last preparations for the release of 1.7 version. Because of the public holidays, the version is not out yet. But it will be very soon. We thank you for your continuous patience.
Thank you, but again nothing specific. It is funny your pack offers do come out daily, at absurd prices.

By the end of the day, shards, champs and other in-game resourses are desirable only if you are an active player. If the player has lost his interest in the game, no matter how many "good" deals he is offered on "valuable and very rare items", those items got no value to him. 

P.S.  I guess that carrot  on the stick is getting rather mouldy. 
2 май 2019, 17:3602.05.19
2 май 2019, 17:38(отредактировано)
Angry Lady said:

jcaires said:

Cirilla said:

Hello guys! Your concern is very much understandable and we are sorry for not updating you sooner. We are making last preparations for the release of 1.7 version. Because of the public holidays, the version is not out yet. But it will be very soon. We thank you for your continuous patience.
Thank you, but again nothing specific. It is funny your pack offers do come out daily, at absurd prices.

By the end of the day, shards, champs and other in-game resourses are desirable only if you are an active player. If the player has lost the interested in the game, no matter how many "good" deals he is offered on "valuable and very rare items", those items got no value to him. 

P.S.  I guess that carrot  on the stick is getting rather mouldy. 
What I meant is that the improvements and bugs fixes and events take long to implement, but not daily chargeable packages! Also, btw, with the money you are making, support should be a priority...it is awful currently, very awful!
3 май 2019, 01:1703.05.19
3 май 2019, 01:19(отредактировано)
Kn1ghtmare said:

Generic response better than no response but still wasn't worth much. Community is repeatedly telling you game is getting stale and people are leaving.

Push the new content and fix the bugs along the way. please and thank you.

Only reason I haven't droped this game is because I found a great clan full of amazing people and we have a very active discord. Otherwise would have left a long time ago. Most of my clan are saying this is a shit game, yet we keep playing it hoping for improvements.
3 май 2019, 01:4003.05.19
18 июль 2019, 14:39(отредактировано)

Lufia said:

Kn1ghtmare said:

Generic response better than no response but still wasn't worth much. Community is repeatedly telling you game is getting stale and people are leaving.

Push the new content and fix the bugs along the way. please and thank you.

Only reason I haven't droped this game is because I found a great clan full of amazing people and we have a very active discord. Otherwise would have left a long time ago. Most of my clan are saying this is a shit game, yet we keep playing it hoping for improvements.

There is very little to actually do in the game.  I spend more time looking at the index than I do playing.  It is fun to look at all the legendaries I will never have.  Even looking at what legendary skills would work best in a team is a pipe dream.  What kind of improvements do you think they will add?  They have positioned themselves to get a bunch of cash initially, then user counts plummet when they realize even with years of grinding you might NEVER get a desired legendary.  At that point they drop prices a bit and then stop developing.  Leave now, or stay and await inevitability.  I’m good either way.

Need anymore proof than a community manager with only 43 posts?  I think not.
3 май 2019, 17:4403.05.19
ArcanWyvern said:

Lufia said:

Kn1ghtmare said:

Generic response better than no response but still wasn't worth much. Community is repeatedly telling you game is getting stale and people are leaving.

Push the new content and fix the bugs along the way. please and thank you.

Only reason I haven't droped this game is because I found a great clan full of amazing people and we have a very active discord. Otherwise would have left a long time ago. Most of my clan are saying this is a shit game, yet we keep playing it hoping for improvements.

There is very little to actually do in the game.  I spend more time looking at the index than I do playing.  It is fun to look at all the legendaries I will never have.  Even looking at what legendary skills would work best in a team is a pipe dream.  What kind of improvements do you think they will add?  They have positioned themselves to get a bunch of cash initially, then user counts plummet when they realize even with years of grinding you might NEVER get a desired legendary.  At that point they drop prices a bit and then stop developing.  Leave now, or stay and await inevitability.  I’m good either way.

Need anymore proof than a community manager with only 43 posts?  I think not.
Not only is there little to do in the game, we are forced to have little to do with the pathetic energy cap they give us. This game is heavily reliant on grinding for the right gear, leveling, ascending, and for masteries, but they don't give us the tools to be able to do that at all. Unless, of course, if we fork over $100 to buy their packages that allow us to do just a little of that.