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Quests that don't make sense.

Quests that don't make sense.

2 окт. 2022, 05:1802.10.22

I actually enjoy these quests , makes you break the automatic routine you would usually have .. and its not like few click is hard but makes you switch it up here and there ... I actually try to do these and win the match ... 

Your lack of attention and gripe with these is just ... wont say , aint rly here to offend you , just to provide another pov ... 

Are the quests too simple ? Yep kinda , but thats the point .. to be available for everyone to complete without too much hassle ..

What plarium needs to do is introduce a new challenge line , where it actually challenges you and reward you for it . leave all actual quests like they are , they're good for anyone playing raids ..

I guess when I see it become more of a hassle than a challenge, I feel like it's just wasting my time. And yes, it's not much of a hassle...but it's even less of a challenge. 

2 окт. 2022, 05:2302.10.22

Don't play the victim here, you started it with your "or would you prefer to get all the quest rewards from just login 1 time a day". All I said was that the quest doesn't make sense, you insult me with suggesting that I'm a whining freeloader when all I am expecting is a real challenge. 

"so you say you might waste a arena token (meaning  you cannot complete the quest)" 

Let me spell it out for you: YOU DO NOT EVEN NEED TO WIN TO COMPLETE THE QUEST....(meaning you don't need to do ANYTHING besides put the right players in the team.....wow, what a challenge, I don't know how I'd complete this difficult quest. And trust me, I have no problem winning those battles, I'm comfy with my arena. I said I'd rather have them take my token than have me reorganize my team for dumb quests that make no sense. If you have a hard time reading English, it's all good. It's not my first language, either....but don't come with your snarky attitude, putting words in my mouth, making assumptions on my behalf. I said nothing to you, I did nothing to you. YOU assumed that I just wanted free stuff with no challenge, and now YOU assume that I cannot complete the quest. Don't act like a victim like I insulted you. Don't start no s**t, won't be no s**t. 

I'll tell you what I'm about. I'm about bigger challenge and bigger reward as you grow your account. Every other part of the game, you evolve.....except daily quests where you do the same quests you did during your first day. I don't need FREE STUFF, I want content that makes sense, not "let's see if you can find 4 champs of the same color in your roster". If you're still not sure what I'm about, I don't know how to explain it to you. 

Inflammatory, bickering, insult laden nonsense like this isn't necessary. You two can talk to each other like adults while disagreeing, those aren't mutually exclusive concepts. Getting the last word in at the expense of being mature and respectful of one another isn't a great look. 

Forum rules state I should be giving you a week off, but I hope this warning will suffice that we should treat each other politely. 

@PriestGuardian You also need to chill out. 

Zero need to get into petty squabbles here, lads.

2 окт. 2022, 14:2902.10.22

Inflammatory, bickering, insult laden nonsense like this isn't necessary. You two can talk to each other like adults while disagreeing, those aren't mutually exclusive concepts. Getting the last word in at the expense of being mature and respectful of one another isn't a great look. 

Forum rules state I should be giving you a week off, but I hope this warning will suffice that we should treat each other politely. 

@PriestGuardian You also need to chill out. 

Zero need to get into petty squabbles here, lads.

I get it, I got heated, and I appologize. But we do seem to have people here who are way too comfortable being rude to people....not blunt like Kram, but downright snarky. If they want to crack cheap jokes, that's fine....but don't do it by calling people lazy, freeloading, or incompetent. I don't think it's too much to ask for. 

2 окт. 2022, 17:5402.10.22

Bah, j'ai enregistré une équipe pour chaque quête et problème réglé ;)

2 окт. 2022, 18:0002.10.22

Par contre, ce qui mériterait d'être changé concernerait quelques quêtes contenues dans les missions et défis quand celles-ci demandent de trouver un équipement sans grand intérêt. Notamment en campagne, chercher des chaussures avec bonus attaque ou vie n'offre aucun intérêt. La vitesse est une constante d'efficacité dans ce jeu et corriger cette quête aiderait le nouveau joueur à l'apprécier.

2 окт. 2022, 18:4402.10.22

I dont think the quests are particularly well thought out, they feel like they have been done by someone who does not play.

The ones that irritate me are the ones restricting my tag teams when i am trying to stay in my league or climb (since tag is competitive without silly restrictions) and the one saying 'beat an arena team of higher power' since i have no defence all week. This means i have much higher base power than the teams in my opponent list and i end up having to make two or three man teams.

But 'busy work' is a part of all these type of games, it certainly doesnt do more than mildly irritate me when i get the two quests mentioned. It certainly does not bother me more than that.

2 окт. 2022, 21:2702.10.22



Totally agree on this, especially right around reset time. There is a workaround, though. What I do is find a set of teams where I know I can counter 2 of them for sure, and one that I have no chance of winning against anyway - for this I put in whatever the quest dictates. Two out of three is still not too bad.

2 окт. 2022, 22:3802.10.22
Tyr Anasazi



Totally agree on this, especially right around reset time. There is a workaround, though. What I do is find a set of teams where I know I can counter 2 of them for sure, and one that I have no chance of winning against anyway - for this I put in whatever the quest dictates. Two out of three is still not too bad.

This is the best answer, as the only quest that really could cause u to lose a match on purpose is the tag affinity/affinity restriction.   And if u are winning 3 of 3 every time it's a non issue:)😃  I'm not aware of anyone with this problem.   

All of the complaints start with this isn't a challenge,  but eventually evolve into give me better free stuff for doing nothing.... 

I agree with whoever above said, "be careful what you wish for "

3 окт. 2022, 10:3003.10.22

This is the best answer, as the only quest that really could cause u to lose a match on purpose is the tag affinity/affinity restriction.   And if u are winning 3 of 3 every time it's a non issue:)😃  I'm not aware of anyone with this problem.   

All of the complaints start with this isn't a challenge,  but eventually evolve into give me better free stuff for doing nothing.... 

I agree with whoever above said, "be careful what you wish for "

Generally i chill in tag bouncing between G1 and S4.

When i made a push for G2 and got the tag quest, yup it annoyed me a bit - i just skipped the quest