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(Patch Notes) (08.08.2019) Update 1.10 Patch Notes

(Patch Notes) (08.08.2019) Update 1.10 Patch Notes

8 авг. 2019, 19:1208.08.19

Fixed Hakkorhn Smashlord’s [Blood Offering] Skill, self-damage is no longer mitigated by the Champion’s DEF

Так почему когда он бьет у противника смягчается защитой?  Такое себе удовольствие иметь на 3-м скилле - 50к собственного хп и ударить противника на 10-20к ....помоему это бред для легендарного героя

8 авг. 2019, 19:1308.08.19
s13v12w said:

Everyone should write a support ticket and demanding compensation for the SB nerf. I don't even want my damn books back, I want the 2k energy for mino and the 5x 5* chicken for the foodchamps back!
Полностью согласен
8 авг. 2019, 19:1408.08.19

Marius said:

Artifact Drops adjusted, High-Rank Legendary Artifacts are far more likely to drop from later Stages in the Dungeons (while Rare Artifacts drop rate has been decreased for those Stages). Earlier Stages have a decreased drop rate for High-Rank Legendary Artifacts

Can we get more clarification on what is a later stage and anything regarding the magnitude in the change in drop rate?

8 авг. 2019, 19:1408.08.19
Why don't you fix progression  rewards? your about to give me a rare tome for lv50... Why don't you fix your stupid rng upgrade system ? it tooks me 25 try's to get from 11 to 12... Why you put ancient shards in shop only for summ event not always ? why the drop rate for ancient shards from dung is so low that i spend 1k energy and i didnt get one? Why the mystery shards drop rate for rare is so low ??? we already dont have any chance to farm Void or Sacred atleast make the greens more useful... you have more than 450 champs COMEON.... make THE GAME fun and enjoyable not terrible disappointment....
8 авг. 2019, 19:3408.08.19

hi gays!

why i can not to enter in the game after your update? why the game do not support meizu m3 note  after update?
8 авг. 2019, 20:1408.08.19

marygana said:

Kerykeion said:

Doesn't make sense how you can have standard legendary champs like Zavia, Nethril, Martyr, Longbeard, Bad-el Kazar, Lord Shazar, Drexthar, Prince Kymar and leave so many other legendary champions as complete garbage in comparison.

Absolutely true. I expected a piece of balance from this update, but we get  a buff on Valkerie, who is one of 3 imbalanced heroes with mass counter-attack buff.

I think Valkyrie is still garbage compared to the other two. On the other hand, Tomb Lord is actually incredibly strong right now if he remains unchanged. He can get multiple turns consecutively on certain dungeon fights. Hopefully he won't get re-nerfed back to garbage town. I'm still not investing into him until I get confirmation that it is working as intended.

8 авг. 2019, 20:4408.08.19
8 авг. 2019, 20:52(отредактировано)
I put in 4 champs. 2 maxed and two lower level. I only get one of the maxed in multi battle. Nothing about this in notes. You seem to be able to add 3 low level and one maxed but no more than one max. If you try you get the non leader maxed kicked out and you’re forced to run with three. If I had a level 60 Elhain instead of a 50 I wouldn’t mind so much for places like brutal stage 12. But I’m still at 50
8 авг. 2019, 20:4608.08.19
8 авг. 2019, 20:51(отредактировано)

L'aggiornamento all'arcaio d'acciaio è semplicemente una TRUFFA!

Upgrading to the SB is simply a scam!

8 авг. 2019, 20:4808.08.19
I have to apologize. I adjust Tomb Lords eqipment to high crit quote and now he is stronger than before... 
8 авг. 2019, 20:5508.08.19

TL;DR Steel Bowyer Nerf = way too far. Overboard.

My first comment and look into the forums. I open my phone this morning to play Raid, and it's got an update, I look up the patch notes and see that Steel Bowyer got nerfed. Bad. 

I did some googling to see if people had talked about her being too powerful or something. I came across the post a few months old, where a dev (I think) said they had intended on working on her. To power her down, but still keep her viable. 

 Her A3, while VERY powerful it was her ONLY good skill. However it was not game breaking, and was over shadowed and out-classed by a lot of champs. I've only been playing the game around 6 weeks and only saw Steel Bowyer on new players starting Clan Boss line-ups. And giving her:

- an increase of +1 cooldown (from 6 turns to 7)

- cutting her attack from x3 to x1 (-60%)

- according to many people the actual damage per arrow is lower as well, which leads many to suspect the actual attack or skill has been altered for the worse. 

This does not make for a "still viable" Champion. The Uncommon, outlaw monk... sees more play. Is used in Clan Boss as a near staple for those without a decent poison Champ. 

And no in-game announcement about her being to over powered on release, only forum posts. That not all players partake in. Meanwhile players spent real money, buying energy, gems, and gear to level up what they thought was a good starting Clan Boss Champ... only to have wasted their time, and money. 

What the hell Palarium. Seriously. You need to fix your fix.
8 авг. 2019, 21:1508.08.19
Joshua Swan said:

TL;DR Steel Bowyer Nerf = way too far. Overboard.

My first comment and look into the forums. I open my phone this morning to play Raid, and it's got an update, I look up the patch notes and see that Steel Bowyer got nerfed. Bad. 

I did some googling to see if people had talked about her being too powerful or something. I came across the post a few months old, where a dev (I think) said they had intended on working on her. To power her down, but still keep her viable. 

 Her A3, while VERY powerful it was her ONLY good skill. However it was not game breaking, and was over shadowed and out-classed by a lot of champs. I've only been playing the game around 6 weeks and only saw Steel Bowyer on new players starting Clan Boss line-ups. And giving her:

- an increase of +1 cooldown (from 6 turns to 7)

- cutting her attack from x3 to x1 (-60%)

- according to many people the actual damage per arrow is lower as well, which leads many to suspect the actual attack or skill has been altered for the worse. 

This does not make for a "still viable" Champion. The Uncommon, outlaw monk... sees more play. Is used in Clan Boss as a near staple for those without a decent poison Champ. 

And no in-game announcement about her being to over powered on release, only forum posts. That not all players partake in. Meanwhile players spent real money, buying energy, gems, and gear to level up what they thought was a good starting Clan Boss Champ... only to have wasted their time, and money. 

What the hell Palarium. Seriously. You need to fix your fix.
Bowyer neft has been announced for a long time.  She is still fine for mid-spider and dungeons, she was meant to be a scaled down version of Royal Guard, which she is now.  I actually didn't level her until the nerf came out and the fact that they upped the modifier made her able to use warmaster so I think outside CB she's actually very god, and x3- > x1 + 3x modifier = same damage outside CB.  PK was complained about and a lot of high level people still use her.  
8 авг. 2019, 21:1608.08.19
All I want to know is the (now deleted apparently) post by valkyrie on a thread saying that elenaril and zavia's a3 derping would be fixed.  I understand the 75k damage per skill cap but this should be a multihit and elenaril doesn't even get extra damage out of it so no possibility for even a WM proc.  
8 авг. 2019, 21:3308.08.19
8 авг. 2019, 21:47(отредактировано)

That Bowyer nerf...

Planarium: We're nerfing her


Planarium: *waits until the thread stops being spammed with rage*

Planarium: OK We did it anyway. We totally warned you though so it's ok :D

Meanwhile Norog is still my only lego and his only reason to exist is for Magic Keep...and that's only until I level the uncommon and rares that are better than him for this.

I'd be much more angry if we didn't just get a bunch of free stuff from the maintenance and update freebies haha. 
8 авг. 2019, 21:4008.08.19

revilo69 said:

I have to apologize. I adjust Tomb Lords eqipment to high crit quote and now he is stronger than before... 

He is still trash.  He *seemed* like a champion built for arena.  Instead, they changed him into a champion that is merely ok for clan boss.  And even then, you have to waste a bunch of legendary tomes on him just to make him on par with someone like Aothar as far as poisons. 

And his att and def down are too unreliable to use as your primary att and def down.  So, they didn't fix Tomb Lord, they only changed him to make him worthless in a different way.
8 авг. 2019, 21:4108.08.19
Oh, and just fyi for those who don't know, they nerfed the drops on clan bosses.  I downed NM with top tier chest today, all to get rare tomes!!!  Who the hell is going to need rare tomes when downing NM?!
8 авг. 2019, 21:4208.08.19

Multumim Marius! 

8 авг. 2019, 22:0308.08.19
He has an infinite loop now
8 авг. 2019, 22:3108.08.19
Were artifacts rebalanced as well? Were there more champs rebalanced than those on the list? My power level dropped 10k+ since the update.
8 авг. 2019, 22:3308.08.19
Çelik okçu çok kötü olmuş . Eskiden daha iyidi. Büyük oyun becerisini mahvetmişsiniz.  3 vuruş 1 vuruşa inmiş hadi o neyse , ama soğumasını 7 tura çıkarmak hiç mantıklı değil. 
8 авг. 2019, 22:4408.08.19
9 авг. 2019, 00:18(отредактировано)

Natsu said:

Joshua Swan said:

TL;DR Steel Bowyer Nerf = way too far. Overboard.

Bowyer neft has been announced for a long time.  She is still fine for mid-spider and dungeons, she was meant to be a scaled down version of Royal Guard, which she is now.  I actually didn't level her until the nerf came out and the fact that they upped the modifier made her able to use warmaster so I think outside CB she's actually very god, and x3- > x1 + 3x modifier = same damage outside CB.  PK was complained about and a lot of high level people still use her.  

The "announcement" wasn't a true announcement. I've been a F2P player going strong for 6ish weeks now, and i've gone over the in-game announcements, and i've looked for anything formal outside of the forums. I haven't found anything. (maybe i missed it? if so do you mind linking it?). However I don't believe a forum post qualifies as announcing the nerf. Also, prior to the nerf, many players had already put a lot of resources in. 




Unfortunately, we noticed a number of issues with her performance recently. Steel Bowyer was always meant to be a powerful Rare Champion, however, when it comes to Clan Boss, she is outperforming too many Epic and Legendary Champions that should be performing the same role as her. This is not something that she was intended to do despite the initial goal when she was being created.

As such, we will be adjusting her damage output as soon as we are able. While we will do our best to keep her a viable Champion, she will not be able to pull of things she can right now with the Clan Boss.



stated above, it's said she was supposed to be a "powerful" rare champion. in her current state, she is not at all powerful. out classed by many in rare, and as stated before even by outlaw monk in uncommon rarity in CB. 

In short, They took a Champ that was OP in clan boss, said they needed to "rebalance", and instead balancing, and "...keeping her a viable champion..." , made her a not-at-all powerful, or  "still fine" champion.