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New Community Manager

New Community Manager

White FlameCommunity Manager
6 апр. 2020, 12:0006.04.20

New Community Manager

Hello guys!

I would like to briefly introduce myself, my nickname is White Flame. I am a new Community Manager here and I am very happy to join the team.

A couple of words about me: I actively play Raid - I love this game! I do not have many Legendaries yet - Martyr and Suzerain Katonn. As for Epics, I have collected quite a lot of them - Royal Guard, Tayrel, Thenasil, Occult Brawler, Gorgorab, Tallia and many others. My favourite Champions among Rares are Coldheart and Apothecary. Now I only need a lifetime to develop them all properly :)

I used to play many Plarium games in the past like Stormfall, Pirates, etc. They definitely look different from Raid, however, they all have their own charm.

Besides my passion for playing games and helping to resolve issues, I love reading, watching sunrises at least once a week (I wake up pretty early) and exploring the world with my 2-year-old daughter.

I'll do my best to create a comfortable atmosphere in our forum. And I will also be working with you in our Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

6 апр. 2020, 17:4506.04.20
Welcome aboard. Good to have you here.
6 апр. 2020, 19:4806.04.20
Hey-hey. Nice to see you here. 🤗 
White FlameCommunity Manager
7 апр. 2020, 06:5307.04.20

WarDaddy1959 said:

Welcome aboard. Good to have you here.

Thanks for a warm welcome! Very excited to be here. 

White FlameCommunity Manager
7 апр. 2020, 06:5607.04.20
Angry Lady said:

Hey-hey. Nice to see you here. 🤗 
Nice to meet you, Angry Lady! 
7 апр. 2020, 11:1007.04.20
7 апр. 2020, 12:09(отредактировано)

Welcome aboard!

Hope you're having a thick Skin, as the Forum can be quite loaded but most of us mean it well, even though we come over differently from time to time :) (be especially weary of a guy called "GothikGuardian" / Arcdar @ Discord --- he sometimes comes over as a very toxic person even though he means well ^^ ;) ))
White FlameCommunity Manager
7 апр. 2020, 13:1007.04.20
7 апр. 2020, 13:11(отредактировано)

gothikguardian said:

Welcome aboard!

Hope you're having a thick Skin, as the Forum can be quite loaded but most of us mean it well, even though we come over differently from time to time :) (be especially weary of a guy called "GothikGuardian" / Arcdar @ Discord --- he sometimes comes over as a very toxic person even though he means well ^^ ;) ))

Thanks for the hint. Sure, I realize that a good Community Manager needs to have thick skin to reduce a risk to be eaten alive : ) Nevertheless, I never respond to aggression with aggression. I respect players and I definitely do not consider them enemies. 

8 апр. 2020, 18:3608.04.20
Welcome and have fun :)
White FlameCommunity Manager
14 апр. 2020, 08:1114.04.20

Dragonslump said:

Welcome and have fun :)

Thanks for welcoming me aboard, Dragonslump! Nice to meet you 

30 апр. 2020, 20:4630.04.20
Очень приятно что вы не представились РУ сообществу. Очень трогательно было прочитать про ваши интересы. Рад поздравить вас с первым фиаско на должности коммъюнити менеджера. Спасибо что вы с нами, очень приятно что КМ начали лично признавать свои косяки. Вот только толку от этого...
1 май 2020, 08:2301.05.20
1 май 2020, 14:5101.05.20
White FlameCommunity Manager
6 май 2020, 11:4206.05.20

Мензоберранзан said:

Очень приятно что вы не представились РУ сообществу. Очень трогательно было прочитать про ваши интересы. Рад поздравить вас с первым фиаско на должности коммъюнити менеджера. Спасибо что вы с нами, очень приятно что КМ начали лично признавать свои косяки. Вот только толку от этого...

Прошу прощения, это бы некрасиво с моей стороны. Приветствие на русском языке разместила в русскоязычной ветке форума. Вы сможете найти его, пройдя по ссылке
7 май 2020, 05:1807.05.20
White Flame said:

Мензоберранзан said:

Очень приятно что вы не представились РУ сообществу. Очень трогательно было прочитать про ваши интересы. Рад поздравить вас с первым фиаско на должности коммъюнити менеджера. Спасибо что вы с нами, очень приятно что КМ начали лично признавать свои косяки. Вот только толку от этого...

Прошу прощения, это бы некрасиво с моей стороны. Приветствие на русском языке разместила в русскоязычной ветке форума. Вы сможете найти его, пройдя по ссылке
12 май 2020, 23:1712.05.20
7 июнь 2021, 18:25(отредактировано)

Welcome to the world of  plarium

15 май 2020, 05:4715.05.20

Good afternoon. It is unfortunate that basically my visits to you occur only on scandalous news. I am creating this message here, because it was she who took responsibility for what happened. So, as you know, a YouTube song contest has recently taken place. Personally, I liked the contest, but it could not do without scandals in the RU community forum. The fact is that one of the players wanted to clarify the rules of the competition with the employees of the Plarium, namely the ability to use someone else's music for the songs. To which the answer was given that someone else's work cannot be used, as this would violate the rules of the competition. Towards the end of the competition, it became clear that this rule was not true. After that, White Flame pleaded guilty to the confusion in the rules and apologized to the contestants, and twice. Today I found that this topic has been removed from the forum. Thus, White Flame returned its apology. So all subsequent apologies can not be perceived as an awareness of their mistakes. This attitude towards people, I consider unacceptable. I believe that you should know how the Plarium relates to you. And how ready she is to bear responsibility for her mistakes.

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
15 май 2020, 15:4515.05.20
15 май 2020, 15:47(отредактировано)


Мензоберранзан said:

Good afternoon. It is unfortunate that basically my visits to you occur only on scandalous news. I am creating this message here, because it was she who took responsibility for what happened. So, as you know, a YouTube song contest has recently taken place. Personally, I liked the contest, but it could not do without scandals in the RU community forum. The fact is that one of the players wanted to clarify the rules of the competition with the employees of the Plarium, namely the ability to use someone else's music for the songs. To which the answer was given that someone else's work cannot be used, as this would violate the rules of the competition. Towards the end of the competition, it became clear that this rule was not true. After that, White Flame pleaded guilty to the confusion in the rules and apologized to the contestants, and twice. Today I found that this topic has been removed from the forum. Thus, White Flame returned its apology. So all subsequent apologies can not be perceived as an awareness of their mistakes. This attitude towards people, I consider unacceptable. I believe that you should know how the Plarium relates to you. And how ready she is to bear responsibility for her mistakes.

There were rule clarifications and further discussion on the subject in the relevant threads. Current comments are out of the context in this thread. Please stick to the topics pertinent to the subjects matter.

Have a nice day.

17 май 2020, 18:5817.05.20
White Flame said:

Hello guys!

I would like to briefly introduce myself, my nickname is White Flame. I am a new Community Manager here and I am very happy to join the team.

A couple of words about me: I actively play Raid - I love this game! I do not have many Legendaries yet - Martyr and Suzerain Katonn. As for Epics, I have collected quite a lot of them - Royal Guard, Tayrel, Thenasil, Occult Brawler, Gorgorab, Tallia and many others. My favourite Champions among Rares are Coldheart and Apothecary. Now I only need a lifetime to develop them all properly :)

I used to play many Plarium games in the past like Stormfall, Pirates, etc. They definitely look different from Raid, however, they all have their own charm.

Besides my passion for playing games and helping to resolve issues, I love reading, watching sunrises at least once a week (I wake up pretty early) and exploring the world with my 2-year-old daughter.

I'll do my best to create a comfortable atmosphere in our forum. And I will also be working with you in our Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

17 май 2020, 18:5917.05.20

I wanna know: when Hebrew will be added to the game? It's Israeli game and we people from Israel heven't our own chat and can't post in Hebrew... WTF?

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
18 май 2020, 14:1918.05.20


xerox said:

I wanna know: when Hebrew will be added to the game? It's Israeli game and we people from Israel heven't our own chat and can't post in Hebrew... WTF?

Currently, we are using the most common languages for our players. We are considering adding Hebrew, but not in the nearest future.

Have a nice day.

6 июнь 2020, 03:3206.06.20

Ya how do I get in touch with a game technician over the phone  the number that I got earlier is always busy  and game tickets are a waste of time they don't help. Anyways I have spent a lot of money on this game to be treated this way, and I am sorry this is not the proper way to handle this and I can't get into my acount anymore .6/2/20 morning I log on to My acount everything is good, that night I logged in automatically start me on a new game did ticket next day they need info I send what I can nick name etc, the next day they tell me that acount does not belong to me it is another users. I don't know if he understands English very well or something, I send him screen shots of having a different account then what I have sent  my latest pack that I bought and several more I he stopped responding to me  i hate sorting my business  but I have spent over 3 ,000 $ on this game in the last year, and I a getting very frustrated  with the way I am being treated I am very active player on multiple times a day I don't know what to do someone help plz.