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Update on Recent Problems in the Game

Update on Recent Problems in the Game

19 фев. 2020, 12:2119.02.20
I still don't have my Gold pass back... I am sorry for those Who are still banned. I Hope we all get beck what we purchased... Wasted Time we wont get back, that's for sure but i am looking forward for some compensation.... But most i want what i purchased 
19 фев. 2020, 13:3619.02.20
And what about these Multi-battles we lost over these 3 days? Will they give us back those 135 multibattles back?!

jonaswaller said:

I just saw this:

Guys, here is a brief summary of what we have just fixed:

- we've changed some of the new rewards (after 760 stars) in FW: Rare Tome has been replaced with Epic Tome, Ancient Shard with Void Shard and 500,000 Silver with 1,000,000 Silver;

- the bug where you only were getting 55 Multi-battle attempts instead of 100 (players who haven't logged in to the game yet will get their 100 multi-battles once they log in, but those who have already played today will get them at 00:00 UTC (at refresh);

- the bug with decreased XP earned with activated Raid Pass.

We keep working on unbanning the players that still remain banned. We will keep you updated on this.


Work faster...

I wonder if they have an order or how they work (on my 6th day now)

19 фев. 2020, 15:1919.02.20
19 фев. 2020, 15:20(отредактировано)

It's been a week, the same problem, no solution, I can't believe it

19 фев. 2020, 17:0019.02.20

Same here.. Stuck on authentication. Plarium, you guys ROCK at fixing big. Thumbs up! Keep doing whatever your doing rignt now (vacation perhaps?)

19 фев. 2020, 19:2419.02.20

Yay soon to be in Day 7.

I Saw Simone that hade ben baned for 2 days before they come back.

What kind of order is that. 

Latest first not oldest.

That is what i call custumer support.

19 фев. 2020, 19:4119.02.20
Hi guys, It's three days thai I have problems to login the game... can you help me?
19 фев. 2020, 20:1519.02.20
Can't say that I'm happy with the promised results. As of today, the 19th of February, my raid pass that I purchased is still useless. I'm not a whale but I have invested more than I should into the game. While I find the game enjoyable, spending money with zero reward is getting old.
19 фев. 2020, 22:1619.02.20
20 фев. 2020, 00:14(отредактировано)

6 days blocked..and YAY I'm back Thank You guys!!!

..now need make up rollback..and Battle Pass time lost..grind time :( 

19 фев. 2020, 23:3019.02.20
XP still not sorted and I can't write a ticket from my account.  What the hell are you guys doing????
19 фев. 2020, 23:5319.02.20

Got my account back around 1pm cst today. Battle Pass is accounted for and active. Lotsa trash compensation item. Due to account being rolled back to not when you were actually banned but that day. I lost all in game progression, levels, some very nice 6* gear that I had +ed to 16. So basically the grind is back on trying to get Battle Pass Daily and Weekly quest caught up. Good Luck everyone and hope you all get at least your BP reinstated.

20 фев. 2020, 12:5420.02.20

Hi, guys!

As of right now we unbanned almost all the accounts and keep working on the rest of banned accounts. We've also issued compensation to such players and restored the active BP to the unbanned players and all levels they received before the ban. Also, all the received Shards before the ban were restored.

We will keep you posted. 

Thank you for understanding.

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