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Break before Next Events

Break before Next Events

26 июнь 2019, 08:2826.06.19

Cirilla said:

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Just wanted to give you a heads up about what you can expect in terms of events in the coming week. When the current Dungeon Divers event is over, there will be a 4-day break before the next set of events kicks in. Those are going to be pretty intense and will definitely require your effort. So, we have decided to give a break so that you could prepare for the events well. Telling you as a player, the events are going to be really useful. Wish you all the luck in completing them!   

Hi Cirilla for next event can you please change it into dungeon diver or artifact enhancement ? Summon rush still too early. We just did it 2 weeks ago. Next event should be dungeon diver first, followed with artifact enhancement then after that Summon rush again. 

Or perhaps if possible maybe you can add new event likes potion / scroll hunter.  
26 июнь 2019, 10:1426.06.19
other summ event for p2w gg wp :)
26 июнь 2019, 11:1126.06.19
hey guys, please just get rid of all your shards so we can release the update finally, which includes tons of new heroes which all are better than what's currently available *cough cough*
26 июнь 2019, 12:0526.06.19

CS Team,

I feel for you with all the heat being thrown your way.  The last couple of posts should have gotten your antennae up for a potential firestorm.  Is a summoners event right now really a good idea?  That is like sewing the wind at this point.  If you follow it by dropping 1.8 and there are a bunch of new heroes that can be pulled from shards in the update, you are going to reap the whirlwind.  Likewise, if there AREN'T a bunch of new heroes, the people who passed on the events whilst sitting on piles of shards will come down on you no matter how otherwise cool the update is.  I know that any event requires resources of some kind and that those resources could be put to use working the new content, but shards are the most expensive in game resource (ancient and above) and if people feel you enticed them to deplete a supply right before dropping a big new incentive to pile them up they are going to be furious.  

Would it not possibly be a good idea to just tell everyone via your "NEWS" feature in game whether the update "coming soon" features new heroes that can be pulled from shards?  You surely know at this point whether that will or will not be true even if you do not know exactly when the update will drop.  
26 июнь 2019, 13:2026.06.19
Just want to add you do not need to change the event.  I can see from the teasers why you might have skipped Dungeon Divers right before the update.  Just tell people enough to decide if they want to use shards or wait.
26 июнь 2019, 15:2826.06.19
Rush13 said:

I agree with all others about the summoning event right before patch. Your going to piss off a lot of people including myself if this update isn’t out in time for this summoning event. Better change the event or push patch 1.8
Why would they care if they can always sell shard packages before and during the 1.8 update? People will still buy them. Business 101 my friend.
27 июнь 2019, 12:1827.06.19
27 июнь 2019, 12:19(отредактировано)
kalo said:

With the whole "apple delayed it" situation, why not submit it for review, wait for it to be approved and only then post the teasers? I mean, "ready" normally means "ready 2 weeks before planned release date".

Because that is not how teasers work. The situation with 1.8 is not normal, and the teasers were planned and created with a specific date in mind for the Update to go live. If your idea was followed, two or more teasers would have to be dropped on the same day - right before the Update too - while leaving the weeks leading up to the Update completely devoid of information. Whether or not you think that is best personally is irrelevant, the lack of information about upcoming features is not something the community in general takes positively.
29 июнь 2019, 11:4029.06.19
29 июнь 2019, 13:18(отредактировано)


There is no doubt that some updates and teasers for the upcoming events are necessary, as they help to build good rapport with the community. TBH, I might be one of the loudest voices on the forum asking for it. And I see the increased number of community updates as an improvement. 

However, these teasers and updates are not followed through. Which makes them more of a false promise, rather than a source of excitement and joy. So when players realize that they have been let down once again, a second wave of frustration and disappointment starts to build up. 

I would imagine, that this 1.8 update situation is abnormal. And it is very tricky to handle such a huge delay well. But I can't understand why everyone is trying to act as if it is not a big deal, and push teasers, events, updates as they were planned beforehand. We are at least 2 weeks overdue on the "big 1.8". And I guess we might have to wait a bit longer still. It is a great shame that this gap is no filled with some good and useful events, great deals, etc. In that case it would look like the company is trying to deal with the issue rather than downplaying it. Promising more and delivering less is not that good of a practice, really.

29 июнь 2019, 14:0029.06.19

Angry Lady has a point.

The goal of the "game" the developers are playing is to maximize the return on their hard work.  When you have the problems that are occurring right now,  that stinks if this is your livelihood and many recognize it is largely beyond the developers true control.  But one point to consider is that you are burning through goodwill and that burn isn't on a straight arithmetic projection.  It gets worse over time.  To maximize the long term financial return on the game, you need to keep your player base engaged.  The forum following crowd is a small (and rather angry) segment of that population.  You also have segments on Discord and Reddit.  Your biggest segment is not on any of those and the silence in game right now is deafening.  They have to be disengaging and you must see that in your server stats.  Nobody is happy.  One solution to this would be to do new and exciting things that do not require new code.  Sell a pack of three void shards for $4.99, for example.  Sell three ancient shards for $0.99.  Give away a shield armor set on a random tuesday.  Do a  range of these that are well outside the norm but do not wreck the game - and say you are doing it because of the delay.  That lets people know you care and keeps people logging in to see what you will do next.  It also douses some of the anger (you will still get scorched on the forums, sorry, some people like to complain).    
30 июнь 2019, 00:0530.06.19

People should keep in mind that it is not easy to give out info that you yourself dont have or have not possibility to control that info. If 100 people ask me when will the sun rise and I am not allowed to say "I dont know", what can I say then? "Soon" is the only word I can think of. Cause I know it will rise eventually.

In my opinion, Marius is doing a great job as a community manager. He always stay calm and trying his best to help out whenever possible. But he doesnt always have info lying on his desk like a fruit basket in the morning. And he works as a middle man so he cant always give you everything right.

Talking about info I feel sorry for Cirilla, she wants to help calm angry people down in anyway possible. When she got some info from Developers she came running to this little forum and post it right a way. Little did she know that her info was inaccurated. And what did you guys do to her? You throw stones at her like she was a troll. Poor girl. (One of those stone was mine, the tiny small one, sorry) :3

So, be nice people. Everybody is doing their job hard. Nobody want you guys to be happy more than this company. Be sure of that.

30 июнь 2019, 03:4830.06.19


You have only been around for a short amount of time. I imagine most of the criticism is stemming from those of us with 6+ months of being subjected to "coming soon" for far too long. 

Currently I am bored and am playing less. All these great things supposedly being released 'soon' but with little info has forced me to save gems, energy, silver etc. Nothing to do but arena, try and get clan boss hits in before killed and wait in frustration.

Some updates that have been promoted as great new content in the past (when actually happened)  have turned out to be poor. Sometimes the excuse was not able to implement and will be added later or they underestimated the quality.

One note if no one is complaining or criticizing then no one is playing. The feedback shows a lot of people are enjoying the game for the most part. 

I am holding out until I see what is coming but if is much longer or a dud I think my time in game will come to an end.

30 июнь 2019, 07:5530.06.19
30 июнь 2019, 08:27(отредактировано)

Cirilla said:

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Just wanted to give you a heads up about what you can expect in terms of events in the coming week. When the current Dungeon Divers event is over, there will be a 4-day break before the next set of events kicks in. Those are going to be pretty intense and will definitely require your effort. So, we have decided to give a break so that you could prepare for the events well. Telling you as a player, the events are going to be really useful. Wish you all the luck in completing them!   

How about @Cirilla or any other Community Managers takes a look at this issue:


This is messed up!

1 июль 2019, 07:4701.07.19

kalo said:

It's easier said than done, but if you can pull it off, we all get monthly or bi-weekly updates, even minor ones, and steady feedback from Plarium. And most importantly, we'll know that when you announce something - it will be in game in 2 weeks, not in some "coming soon" abstract future.

Again, this is not quite how it all works in reality, nor would it particularly help matters if something goes wrong - the same delay would be there, you'd just be left without any information as to what to expect at best.

And I have to reiterate again that issues with 1.8 were not foreseen, it's not exactly something that could be accounted for when planning the schedule for teasers.

1 июль 2019, 08:3301.07.19

Hey Marius,

Any news on the update?


2 июль 2019, 20:1102.07.19
Are we there yet?
3 июль 2019, 02:4603.07.19

looks like steve is driving the buss

 sorry tried to crop the picture with html but didnt work. 

but maybe marius or someone from plarium can post a bit.ly for an APK or exe for plarium play ;) 

maybe we can get this to work?  style="width:200px;height:100px

3 июль 2019, 07:5103.07.19
zeixxs said:

Hey Marius,

Any news on the update?


No news right now, I am afraid. I will make a post - or several more like - once I've had confirmation that 1.8 is available for a "Light Update".
3 июль 2019, 13:4303.07.19
Well maybe by the weekend Apple will get it together for us and give a green light! In the mean time we will all be okay, everyone please realize they are working hard, didnt realize this game would literally blow up this big and are trying to make up ground and keep up! Its a great game, ive left every other mobile to focus on this game,so the updates will come! I doubt any of us have the 300 plus champions so far or even all the legendaries so keep grinding, get better and get ready for more great stuff to come! :) 
3 июль 2019, 14:2903.07.19

Scruffyzeus said:

Well maybe by the weekend Apple will get it together for us and give a green light! In the mean time we will all be okay, everyone please realize they are working hard, didnt realize this game would literally blow up this big and are trying to make up ground and keep up! Its a great game, ive left every other mobile to focus on this game,so the updates will come! I doubt any of us have the 300 plus champions so far or even all the legendaries so keep grinding, get better and get ready for more great stuff to come! :) 

I agree but for some people, like myself we have been waiting since the first teaser over a month ago. I can only speak for myself, so when I tell you I have every slot unlocked. 300 champions, 17 6stars, enough food leveled up already for another 5 6stars. I’ve saved every epic I’ve gotten so have about 40 of those. Truly the only thing that I can do that is productive in this game currently is farm food, and I can’t until patch to see what champs I can use for food ( new fusion coming), don’t want to use any food I have that may be needed. And the other is mino, every 5 star and 6star I have is currently maxed in masteries. So again can’t do that atm either. For the past 3 weeks I only log on to do cb keys to help clan and to get my 3 star for the exact same reason. Outside of that I don’t even play. The past month of this game has in no way been fun to me. This past Friday I created a new account and it’s already lvl 40, pulled apoth lol that was awesome. But it’s f2p. Just to pass the time. 

We understand things happen, and at the end of the day it is just a game. I’d just really like to see the patch notes, I mean REALLY. A month of waiting, and currently we are just waiting on Apple to give you the green light. Why have we STILL not seen the patch notes to AT LEAST, give the community HOPE for the future of the game. 
6 июль 2019, 09:3906.07.19

Hi all i am new here, after update game is slow especially equipment upgrade,  and also you can add equipment upgrade similarly like hero upgrade, for example if i have 2 common boots from set life with 3 stars and both have hp % i combined them to get 1 common boots with 4 stars and hp % or use 2 uncommon boots with 4 stars one have speed one hp after get one uncommon boots with 5 stars and one stat from equipment used (speed or hp)... and like that for all equipment. Anyone know when faction wars will be unlock?