Cirilla said:
Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Just wanted to give you a heads up about what you can expect in terms of events in the coming week. When the current Dungeon Divers event is over, there will be a 4-day break before the next set of events kicks in. Those are going to be pretty intense and will definitely require your effort. So, we have decided to give a break so that you could prepare for the events well. Telling you as a player, the events are going to be really useful. Wish you all the luck in completing them!
Hi Cirilla for next event can you please change it into dungeon diver or artifact enhancement ? Summon rush still too early. We just did it 2 weeks ago. Next event should be dungeon diver first, followed with artifact enhancement then after that Summon rush again.
Or perhaps if possible maybe you can add new event likes potion / scroll hunter.