With the most recent update I noticed something is (still?) strange with Lyssandras 'transfer debuff to enemy' ability. Steal buff works on my mystic hand, but when Lyssandra has a debuff and uses her standard attack, the animation freezes a short time. Some seconds later the debuff is still shown over Lyssandras HP bar while the enemy hasn't inherited the debuff - at least it's not displayed. You may want to have a look into this.
Kind regards
Arthuriosarthurios said:
With the most recent update I noticed something is (still?) strange with Lyssandras 'transfer debuff to enemy' ability. Steal buff works on my mystic hand, but when Lyssandra has a debuff and uses her standard attack, the animation freezes a short time. Some seconds later the debuff is still shown over Lyssandras HP bar while the enemy hasn't inherited the debuff - at least it's not displayed. You may want to have a look into this.
Kind regards
Hey there. It's not connected to the issue that is described her - it was long resolved. If you can, please capture a video or screenshots of the issue and post a report in the Bug Reports section.