Valmeyjar said:
The rolls are random, yes. That's why they buy all 9 speed packs. You can probably get one decent speed set from those. I don't even know whether these packs are truly random themselves. Maybe Plarium drops one or two decent pieces in each? If I had the money, I'd buy a few to check :-)
No I do get the point that buying them in combo with what you get from dungeons and stuff can make it much easier. But spending that much money is just insane. Like the packs were i think between 35-49 usd depending on if they were epic or lego and rank 5 or rank 6 and thats a lot of money to buy all the packs at once.
H3lp3r said:
Here I try to suggest improvements for the arena:
As far as I can remember, I started playing raid sometime early 2019. I eventually reached gold 1 or gold 2 in arena. After a bit, around the time when we had the new quest system for tormin or frosting (forgot what it was called; where you got the bears), I quit raids as I got bored. When I came back to raids, a few months ago, I found myself being able to climb to maximum silver 3.
Problem No. 1:
The problem with arena is that behind it locked a major account progression mechanism. This in itself is not a problem, what makes it a problem is if players can’t progress in arena. The account progression mechanism I am speaking of is not missions, which generally seem to be the main point highlighted by even content creators. I feel the great hall is a much more important mechanism which allows for account progression than one character (Arbiter). Furthermore, the issue although highlighted is not restricted to new players, but extends deep into midgame players. We have to remember with arena becoming so much harder, definition of beginner and mid game player has also evolved. I consider myself as mid game player and will obviously face arena missions as road blocks once I get to the relevant ones; although as expressed earlier my concern is more for the great hall.
Now with the background to the problem out the way, let me highlight the problem with my personal example. It has been around 2 months I have been back to the game and over these 2 months (roughly) I have only managed to accumulate around 400-500 silver medals for the great hall. With a simple calculation, at this rate it would take a staggering 17.1 months to max out one section in the great hall (considering we are able to use silver medals to upgrade the gold medal parts of great hall). With such slow progress, how long can layers be expect to carry on playing? One month? Maybe two? What makes it worse, the current system will not allow progress to higher arena tiers for majority of the average players. See problem no. 2 as to why.
Problem No. 2:
With the current situation, of course the problem is not going to get better. As mine, or anyones account progress, so will others who are in same arena tier. Thus although our accounts may be progressing, one can expect our progression in the arena to be stagnant due to everyone progressing at the same average rate.
I agree with Valkyries post that removing the arena missions or addressing them specifically is not the solution to the problem. Arena is bigger than just the missions.
Plarium can use examples from other games, and see how they evolved their arena as the player base and power grew. Once such example I can think of is Clash Royale; Ash maybe you can help here? I am sure plarium would be able to evaluate their system and since I am unable to dig deep into Clash Royales system atm, here are my suggestion on improving arena:
• Rebalance the points needed for all tiers. For example: B1 (900p), Bronze 2 (910p), B3 (930p), B4 (970p), S1 (1000p), S2 (1010p), S3 (1030p), S4 (1070P) and G1 would start at 1100p. In this way, majority of player who climb past the beginner stage would be in gold and able have their account progressing (such as in the great hall) in an observable rate.
• Rebalance the progression from tier to tier by increasing the amount of points gained for a win and decreasing the amount lost for a loss. Since this will eventually also become bottlenecked, this system may need constant balancing.
I think Clash Royale probably used a combination of these two ideas to address their arena. Of course, these suggestion are a rough guide, and would need fine-tuning by plarium.
I hope these ideas are helpful. I look forwards to your thoughts.
Rebalancing the point system will not address the problems of having teams way to strong in the lower ranks. Right now you have team that should be in high silver low gold, down in low silver and high bronze. No matter what the point threshold they set will be won't change the problems player teams.
One thing that could fix the problems could be extending the ranks so that more players can fit into the ranks. Allowing more players into the ranks could let some of the stronger teams move up and out of the lower ranks, so that the matchmaking becomes more balanced with teams that are more evenly matched.
My only suggestion to fix this issue is to make sure your Devs are playing the game regularly. The only way to know how to repair this is to have "been there, done that".
My account is not able to progress in the missions due to being stuck at "Reach Silver 1", and the list of missions following that I could have completed weeks ago. Something is out of place here. If it requires too much effort in coding, how about moving the missions tied to the arena down the list so they are more matched with player progress?
It makes no sense to attempt reaching Silver 1, then go pick up a 2* artifact. Really? lol
I have a small suggestion that might help you as you continue to work on improving our arena experience.
Bump the amount of medals in Bronze 4 from 2 to 3 medals for each victory. In my opinion the mission to reach Silver 1 is the biggest roadblock for newer players. I think it's perfectly acceptable to keep that mission as a milestone. What this small change will do is keep Silver 1 mission unchanged while allowing players to build their teams up to a level where they can break out of Bronze 4. The Great Hall is the biggest difference maker between players, and allowing players to upgrade the lower levels of their Great Hall allows them to have continual account improvement even if they are struggling to climb ranks in the arena.Arena issues are not considered top priority for plarium.
If they were top priority, then why has this not been fixed yet?! This is getting the same priority as something mildly annoying that you may want to fix....if you are working around xmas....and have already done all other super-low priority chores ....and are done picking your nose. Imagine payments not coming in because of issues at the bank, that would be a real top prority issue. Real top priority issues are analyzed, communicated and resolved in a much shorter timeframe.
Avallach said:
If you're not going to remove the arena missions from challenges, then you should at least reduce the requirements to make it easier for people to complete them. It is unacceptable that we had to beg you for months for you to even notice and acknowledge that there is a problem with Classic Arena, but now we have to also wait who knows how many months while you figure out who to solve this issue. And all this while we're just supposed to sit tight and not be able to complete Arbiter missions? That is absurd. If you cannot remove it, you should reduce it.
Reach Gold 1? Okay, Reduce that to reach Silver 4
Get Great hall bonus to level 6? Okay, Reduce that to Level 4
So simple, at least make us believe that you actually care about your players, we don't need more of your empty promises. We need changes that are going to help us NOW!
You never give the players a quick fix to reduce the pain, we always have to wait and wait, it's no wonder people are quitting in droves. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to keep members in a clan right now? we have to recruit every day because somebody is quitting.
This is just your typical response, we're working on it, nothing new at all.
I understand your frustration with Plarium. I've had my issues for sure! It is kinda crappy that players that started a few months earlier than others were able to slide into Gold 4 and stay there fairly easily without even attacking.
But then if they do the reducing the requirements of Gold 1 to Silver 4. Or to make the great hall 4, they'd have to do them all. Wait until you gotta get like 5k Gold medals for the level 10 great hall mission.
Honestly though, I wish I still had missions and goals for Arbiter. It made it so much more enjoyable playing the Arena. But, at a certain extent nobody is going to play if they have to work 500x harder than their predecessors. Not fair at all. I honestly think they should just add more brackets and groups. Obviously if the problem is a growing player base, then reduce the player base by increasing the amount of servers. In turn reduces the player base.
“We are focusing on the complex set of changes in the Arena overall rather than on short-term solutions like removing the Arena-based Missions from the game. These Missions are an inalienable part of the gameplay that help players to progress and should not be removed because of the complications.”
- You said it... “COMPLICATIONS”. Why would any game developer design a game with any complications? This belies the true virus that has infected your development process. No true game developer would intentionally or unintentionally design a game that has complications. Except Plarium. Plarium admits that complications are to be expected, if not part of their process. Why? Because they are a gambling company, not a gaming company. Just add the BL to gaming and that tells the whole story. A blackjack dealer who complicates your hand might not be smiled upon by NSW regulators. Why is it acceptable to complicate the hands of Raid players?
Save your money guys. Don’t spend anymore on extending the misery of this game. Be smart and put your money in your 401(k).Not only is arena broken - you broke the fcking game - as I've mentioned in previous posts that you ignore -
1) Arena/Dungeons - opponents come out of sleep and attack immediately without losing a turn
2) Tormin is broken to FCK with your latest changes - he attacks for NO FCKING reason at all
3) Rotos is fcking broken - again attacking for no reason at all when turn meter is at half and he hasn't been attacked yet - and he's already over powered
4) Champions are attacking 2 times in clan battle and Arena AGAIN FOR NO REASON - I mean, I have draco spitting poison TWICE in a row
Seriously - whatever has been spent on this game in since the last release you should return because you've essentially STOLEN our money.
Day 140...still cant progress to you kidding ...i farm enough and spend too much damn time, just to find that my progression in missions, quest and challenges is stopped for nearly 3 monts...perfect, i have no words.... outgrown monsters along with noobs and let the best win ....remove cap, so this people can progress to gold and stop bother new this situation, i dont see any point of making more than regular 5 arenas, and since today, dont even care of win or lose....because i see i will never progress any further if i dont leave my girlfriend, job and is so frustrating even to look that....just remove arena missions and quest and challenges..trow them it in some "arena" category and continue fix it....and let us play other content...because, really i think soon to stop until see some update...last - removing Arena Mission IS A is for all new and weak players, for all who want some content and for all who want just to continue with game....
Simple solution: tiers G or above will not drop to S or B. Majority of players will be in G eventually and S and B will be beginner stage.Hi,
Here I try to suggest improvements for the arena:
As far as I can remember, I started playing raid sometime early 2019. I eventually reached gold 1 or gold 2 in arena. After a bit, around the time when we had the new quest system for tormin or frosting (forgot what it was called; where you got the bears), I quit raids as I got bored. When I came back to raids, a few months ago, I found myself being able to climb to maximum silver 3.
Problem No. 1:
The problem with arena is that behind it locked a major account progression mechanism. This in itself is not a problem, what makes it a problem is if players can’t progress in arena. The account progression mechanism I am speaking of is not missions, which generally seem to be the main point highlighted by even content creators. I feel the great hall is a much more important mechanism which allows for account progression than one character (Arbiter). Furthermore, the issue although highlighted is not restricted to new players, but extends deep into midgame players. We have to remember with arena becoming so much harder, definition of beginner and mid game player has also evolved. I consider myself as mid game player and will obviously face arena missions as road blocks once I get to the relevant ones; although as expressed earlier my concern is more for the great hall.
Now with the background to the problem out the way, let me highlight the problem with my personal example. It has been around 2 months I have been back to the game and over these 2 months (roughly) I have only managed to accumulate around 400-500 silver medals for the great hall. With a simple calculation, at this rate it would take a staggering 17.1 months to max out one section in the great hall (considering we are able to use silver medals to upgrade the gold medal parts of great hall). With such slow progress, how long can layers be expect to carry on playing? One month? Maybe two? What makes it worse, the current system will not allow progress to higher arena tiers for majority of the average players. See problem no. 2 as to why.
Problem No. 2:
With the current situation, of course the problem is not going to get better. As mine, or anyones account progress, so will others who are in same arena tier. Thus although our accounts may be progressing, one can expect our progression in the arena to be stagnant due to everyone progressing at the same average rate.
I agree with Valkyries post that removing the arena missions or addressing them specifically is not the solution to the problem. Arena is bigger than just the missions.
Plarium can use examples from other games, and see how they evolved their arena as the player base and power grew. Once such example I can think of is Clash Royale; Ash maybe you can help here? I am sure plarium would be able to evaluate their system and since I am unable to dig deep into Clash Royales system atm, here are my suggestion on improving arena:
• Rebalance the points needed for all tiers. For example: B1 (900p), Bronze 2 (910p), B3 (930p), B4 (970p), S1 (1000p), S2 (1010p), S3 (1030p), S4 (1070P) and G1 would start at 1100p. In this way, majority of player who climb past the beginner stage would be in gold and able have their account progressing (such as in the great hall) in an observable rate.
• Rebalance the progression from tier to tier by increasing the amount of points gained for a win and decreasing the amount lost for a loss. Since this will eventually also become bottlenecked, this system may need constant balancing.
I think Clash Royale probably used a combination of these two ideas to address their arena. Of course, these suggestion are a rough guide, and would need fine-tuning by plarium.
I hope these ideas are helpful. I look forwards to your thoughts.
Why not just remove the Arena from the missions page and stop pretending like you're making it any better by doing nothing.
Even paying for over 500 gems to refresh the arena didn't help me get past the arena SILVER missions. (Didn't even make it to bronze 4 with 68k power and a decent team) The fact that you haven't made a simple remove change and are losing player-base due to it shows that you're not willing to adapt and improve the game so that it benefits a massive portion of the new and returning players.
I don't even care about Arena, I just want to progress. As do many others.
I've had the philosophy of "Buy" packs to do better, but they don't help, So i'll refrain from spending anything until these matters are fixed or I find a new game to play, unfortunately leaving these type of issues in games has killed several previous games I've played. Hopefully you fix it before something better comes along.
Nope, They're all still in Arena and the Bronze2/3 have teams with 100-140k and most do not play the game no more.Are you sure the time-span required for a player to be removed from Arena (due to inactivity) has been reduced to 14 days?
Because I can still see inactive players (who didn't even login for months) present in different Arena Tiers.
Attached 2 snaps for reference. They're from my clan activity panel. Please have a look.
PS - Kindly update the mobile version of this forum/website to support attachments. Currently, we cannot attach any files but only reply in text on the mobile version of this forum. It's such a pain to send the snaps to our PC first, to be able to share them here. After all, we majorly play on our mobile devices, so we should be able to reply & share effectively using it only.