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Tormin the Cold. Part II

Tormin the Cold. Part II

29 дек. 2019, 09:4829.12.19
And in addition they didn't fix speed meta at all now new meta: tormin + speed ... great job palarium.... I am now working on my psylar for acc down but I am still facing the speed problem if she gets frozen --> game over 
29 дек. 2019, 19:0129.12.19
I fused Tormin, but got no legendary tomes. When / how are we supposed to get them?
29 дек. 2019, 22:3929.12.19
Deathnaught said:

I fused Tormin, but got no legendary tomes. When / how are we supposed to get them?
When he gets balanced ;)
30 дек. 2019, 12:4030.12.19

Hi, my point of view about this nerfing dilema:

Give players, who fused Tormin, a chance to trade Tormin for Sir Nicholas if you nerf Tormin. This will be a nice gesture. Then every player has his own decision to get Sir Nic instead of nerfed Tormin (after direct nerf will be known).

Some players get Sir Nic (they wished him as a fusion hero before event), some players get Tormin even after beeing nerfed.

That's fair-play for me.

Happy New Year for all.

30 дек. 2019, 12:5330.12.19
30 дек. 2019, 12:54(отредактировано)

Aretha said:

Guys, it's very simple, just count the teams on Platinum arena which don't have Tormin. Do you know how many currently teams don't use it? 

10 from 300 !  Is it balanced for you?  I don't think so. Having such "must have" heroes in the game will just ruin it in the long term, so it's normal that Plarium fixes this imbalance.

I can understand the feeling of injustice when you invested so much (money or time and effort) and after all you get the notification that you wont get what you expected... everyone makes mistakes and delivering such strong hero quick without more tests was one of it, i think. 

In any case the best they can do now is to fix this error and apologize - that's exactly what they are doing, right? May be they do it not good enough, but this is another subject.

What a stupid argument lol.

Count the amount of Arbiters? Why are you not talking about Arbiter? The best speed lead, best healer, best ressurecter, speed buffer everything lol, the difference is Arbiter is used EVERYWHERE, not just in arena ! If everyone had access to Hegemon it would be Arbiter, Hegemon, Tormin. The reason everyone is using Tormin is because he is very available and could be fused with small investment. He is top tier but he is NOT necessary. 

He is good in arena, noone is denying that, that's it. Arena is 2% of this game, irrelevant. Anyone with IQ higher than room temperature wouldn't tryhard to get Platinum in a RNG based arena where you have no clue who your opponents are and what stats they have on their champions. 

But if we had a choice to pick between Tormin and Sir Nicholas, I assure you 99% of this community would pick Sir Nicholas, including myself. Tormin is 1-dimensional arena champ and if he is truly that overpowered there then nerf him for arena (his passive) and buff his damage so that normal people can use them outside of arena for clearing waves in dungeons or farming NM. Buffing his damage will not break him in arena in any way. 
30 дек. 2019, 13:3130.12.19

robertp6904 said:

cry... cry... cry... there you go, enjoy :)

Lol the irony is strong in this one. You are in every thread crying about Tormin lol! 
30 дек. 2019, 14:1730.12.19
30 дек. 2019, 14:18(отредактировано)

robertp6904 said:

AirMaxxx said:

robertp6904 said:

cry... cry... cry... there you go, enjoy :)

Lol the irony is strong in this one. You are in every thread crying about Tormin lol! 
Dont you try to defend it! admit it´s OP and stop your nonsense.
Ofcourse we need to be in every thread crying, if you don¨t see that you are blind.
Another question, why are you in every thread about Tormin? are you afraid of the nerf that is coming?

You can't even handle Forum's basic quotation elements and you wanna talk about Tormin lol.


Upgrade your Resist a little and stop relying on your overpowered speed buffs = easy way to deal with Tormin and his team. 

Once you understand the game mechanics and elements you'll see he is not that OP. Lol. 

30 дек. 2019, 15:0930.12.19

robertp6904 said:

Sure, I listen to you as a pro, thanks, but he still needs a nerf or don´t you agree?

As I said before - this game has many different modes. If Tormin is indeed OP in arena, which is again an irrelevant portion of the game for 99.9% of the people then he should get slightly nerfed there and buffed everywhere else because outside of the arena he is really mediocre or even bad champion unlike Sir Nicholas for example.

Does it make sense to you? If people could pick Tormin or either a Sir Nicholas or Martyr or Venus or Krisk or Arbiter or BEK or Vizier or Warlord or one of those TOP TOP champions they'd pick one of them for sure, so why is it that Tormin is getting nerfed and not one of these mentioned champions who are way more game changing? 
30 дек. 2019, 21:3230.12.19
Tormin is fine - I've fought against him in Arena and 0 times has he made a difference in my win (never lost to a group with Tormin).   The point of the game is to come up with different combinations of champions based on who you want to attack  - and YOU get to choose if you want to fight Tormin or not.  See him all the time? Come up with a group that makes him irrelevant.
31 дек. 2019, 14:1531.12.19
Problem with Tormin and other OP characters like Lilitu is mainly in that they totally undermine time and effort spent in the game before. Sure, it's a great bait and money grab (which is the main purpose of the devs, of course), and yes, the game needs changes and by no means must be stale, but come on. Lilitu is broken as fuck; it can be used with great effect in ANY area of the game and shine; one can safely trade all their legends for just her and that would be a win. Tormin is A MUST for arena; if you don't have him, you're out of competition. People were tired of speedpacks, but now the speedpacks would not be downshifted; instead, they are eliminated from the endgame completely. Now I would welcome positive changes, new interesting options and other improvements, and I do realize that devs deserve to be paid for their decent work, but I do not want to play an entirely different game every month and be forced to pay a crapload of money or be insanely lucky to pull a new OP legend and still invest a crapload of money to feed it with books (and after a couple of months it will be the same thing again) or sit at the bottom being totally incompetitive since I don't have one or a couple of certain totally imbalanced heroes. BTW, I did the fusion without investing a cent, and I have that Tormin, and yes, he sits in the vault, naked and level one. This game is no longer fair, and therefore I quit. Again, this is my opinion only, and if you still have fun playing and still have motivation - it's your call. Just keep in mind that the devs will keep milking you and you are now playing a totally unfair game.
2 янв. 2020, 14:0302.01.20

There should be an option to exchange Tormin for any Void legendary. Either that or allow full refunds for purchases.

2 books is not a real payment. Especially when you commit fraud this big. People spent real money and put in real time then you essentially pull a bait and switch. There were THREE separate summoning events/champion chase and TWO artifact enhancement each usually costing 20M silver each. 

I reckon this whole thing made enough money for Plarium that a Class Action lawsuit for your victims should make sense.

2 янв. 2020, 15:0502.01.20
2 янв. 2020, 15:06(отредактировано)

Hi guys! I have read all of your comments, thank you for your thoughts and taking an active part in the discussion. 

For now, we are not sure when exactly the adjustments that we need to bring will come into force, however, this all is taking longer than we thought because we need to think all changes through, test the champion thoroughly and make sure that he still remains a leverage in PvP meta-changing, as well as fits the specifics of the game balance. We will keep you informed about the champion's further fate. 

3 янв. 2020, 21:5403.01.20
Also consider the cost of changing masteries to combat Tormin, I’ve spent well over 1000 gems changing my heroes masteries to try to stop Tormins passive.
4 янв. 2020, 00:1004.01.20
Why is no one crying about Skullcrown, Seeker, and Tayrel.  Hell, I have more trouble with that combo, and if I had them I could use them elsewhere too.  Tormin is 1 dimensional and should be OP in arena.  
5 янв. 2020, 18:3105.01.20
Cirilla said:

Hi guys! I have read all of your comments, thank you for your thoughts and taking an active part in the discussion. 

For now, we are not sure when exactly the adjustments that we need to bring will come into force, however, this all is taking longer than we thought because we need to think all changes through, test the champion thoroughly and make sure that he still remains a leverage in PvP meta-changing, as well as fits the specifics of the game balance. We will keep you informed about the champion's further fate. 

Maybe it would be a good idea to involve your players in the buffs/nerfs you plan for champs.
9 янв. 2020, 22:3109.01.20
9 янв. 2020, 23:51(отредактировано)

AirMaxxx said:

What a stupid argument lol.

Count the amount of Arbiters? Why are you not talking about Arbiter? ... 

Let's talk about Arbitres, my dear opponent with "clever" arguments. I did the math for you, currently 167 teams from 300 in Platinum are not using it, so it's 44% usage, very far from Tormin's 97% usage.

Next time please, before making yourself ridiculous, do your homework. 

...because he is very available and could be fused with small investment. He is top tier but he is NOT necessary.

Agree with you, 97% usage for Platina is a not necessary, it's a "must have" and that's what i call "imbalanced". Also, "small investment" is a debatable argument.

... Arena is 2% of this game, irrelevant. Anyone with IQ higher than room temperature wouldn't tryhard to get Platinum in a RNG based arena where you have no clue who your opponents are and what stats they have on their champions.

I like that "2%" argument, it looks like a very well "calculated", nice proof... of what exactly? Your perception of the game? What's another 98% of the game for you? Potions, campaigns, 4 keys of the clan boss? Or may be training food? Don't bother to respond, it's a rhetorical question. 

So, I tried to find any valuable argument in your topic, which can explain that you quoted mine, but I did not find any, sorry. 

10 янв. 2020, 14:5610.01.20
Take away Tormin and the Platinum pros are dropping back to Bronze where they belong...
11 янв. 2020, 02:2511.01.20

My luck in summoning Legendaries has been terrible, Tormin was my chance to finally get a hero on my team worth using.  All the money aside, I spent an unbelievable amount of hours farming for him, then the cost of upgrading him, and now ......

If this game is to evolve then change is necessary, Tormin helped to break up the speed team clones in Arena and let us test some new builds for a change.  His passive may be a little OP but I feel we need more time to see how things balance b4 we start talking about nerf's.
14 янв. 2020, 11:5314.01.20

im truly amazed at how aggressive the community has gotten due to an upcoming Tormin nerf. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out how broken he is. Take a look at Platinum arena tier where he is represented in approximately 99,5% of all teams. he is not a meta changer he IS the meta.

I´ve been in platinum several times, last week i was at rank 46 at highest. I was in platinum for roughly 4,5 days and i fought a total of ONE team that dident have Tormin in it. ( not counting 1 champ defence teams )

As someone who has always ran a high resistance tank team in arena ( originally due to lack of good aoe nukers ) im almost offended that anyone would suggest that speed meta was ever superior. Yes in early-midgame speed meta was and still is dominant however at the highest level tank teams were never inferior at all. Tank teams are simply way more resource heavy to build and Tormin is a champion that was introduced to deal with a problem that was always none existant at the relevant levels.

Its not that i cant beat Tormin teams, i had roughly a 94-96% winrate in platinum with about 250 matches played give or take but its hilariously repetitive to fight that walking slotmachine. If Tormin had been a shard exclusive legendary he would´ve been perfectly balanced just like hegemon, nicholas and all the rest. balanced by extreme rarity basicly and if i saw just as few tormins as i see nicholas i certainly wouldnt have any problems with him at all. Ontop of that Tormin is superior to both hegemon and nicholas by a landslide.

The problem with Tormin is that he turns the entire arena into a slotmachine where its purely RNG based. now some people like to say "just build resistance" im sitting at between 400-450 resistance across the board and usually its not enough. Tormin is probally THE easiest champion in the game to build as you literarelly only need one stat on him. namely accuracy. you can keep him at base speed with base stats as they are utterly irrelevant.

Its disgusting to see how self entitled people are to a champion that clearly negatively impacts the game experience. My suggestion for balancing Tormin would be to change his passive to ONLY activate on TM boosting buffs and no other buffs what so ever. he was built to counter the imaginary problem of a speed meta. atm he counters everything. ontop of countering speed teams he´d still have his taunt and he´d still have his freeze on A1 which is still far more than most champions has in their kits. make people have to build real teams again rather than a champion that comes with an all inclusive kit absent weaknesses.

The Halloween fusion Jack was a perfect example of a good fusion, he has his uses but he is not an auto include into every teamcomp. stop releasing toptier fusions entirely and only do midtier fusions and let the toptiers stay in shards.

Intill Tormin is fixed im not going to personally bother with platinum tier but instead im going to sit with 1 champion defence n grind 3 secound auto battles for medals.


14 янв. 2020, 13:4414.01.20

I think a reasonable nerf for Tormin would be that his freeze from his passive will have a cool down of 1 turn once it triggered. There are actually so many champs that could cleanse his feezes but mostly this champs have additional effects like turn meter increase or healing that could cause the next freeze, which makes no sense at all. Doompriest or Mausoleum Mage... I was hoping so much to have two champs here I could use against Tormin but with their cleanses... comes the next freeze.

I think I need to wait to pull certain champs and build a counter team only for and around tormin, like JGigs described in his youtube video:


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