i hope both scrodg and krampus wisit plarium. this is for paying players and also not for the normal players that plays betven 2.5-8 h a day becous only to fix the lv up event you nead to play around the kl evry day until the event is over nice math. it is far from last nice rainbeast and saint nicolas event wher you also had alot of time to preper and that lasted longer the treshold was alot lowe and most players coud atleast get one of the higer rewards if not the higest the event is only doibel for thos ho hawe sawd a hal yers of shards potion and brews and chikens. the best ods for geting this hero whoud be if you hapend to so lucky as to have al heros alredy preperd and that ods is lower then one percent. this is also the 5 event in a row that is only for paying players. and it is not in the spirit of crismes they are not genurus i senserly erdg evry player that plays a plarium game to lower the ranking on it in the shop that seams to be the only way to get them to understand that this is not aceptibel. they are gona nead to chang the event ore compensait evry player as they newer have compensaited player befor i am gona raid the game out until 5 of january if they havent done anything befor that i am out of the game for god. it shoudent mater wher a game is product but aperently it do so god work isrel and god work plarium this event takes the word gread to a new lv i have started loking on ader games and most seam farer in terms of juse. may sudgestion for compensation al the shards neaded to compleat this years event and a monthly reminder whid next years fusion event and heros neade markt so that players can save up for it to next year if it is actuly going to be a next year for this game cheating players on good holydays event is normaly a deathsentens in the game world and know they did it whid both halowen/harvest festival and crismes ther scor in shop is alredy going down from 5 to 4.5 in a coupel of days i hop it gos down to 1 so they are not wisebel any more and cant heart mor pepol until thay have rebuilt ther name agen