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(Teaser) Coming Soon: A New Faction

(Teaser) Coming Soon: A New Faction

4 окт. 2019, 21:1704.10.19
how about fixing the artifact management and removing silver requirements to equip / unequip.  we already have to grind for, and manage a ton of different sets and trying to experiment is just not worth the effort.
8 окт. 2019, 15:1608.10.19
8 окт. 2019, 15:16(отредактировано)

Hello! We are preparing the features that will make Artifacts management more convenient. 

As for removing Silver cost, that's not in our plans. The reason is fairly simple. Artifacts, especially at max level, make up the bulk of a Champion’s Stats. Artifact Sets have different bonuses that have a dramatic effect on gameplay, strategy, and the efficiency of certain Champions. Allowing these Artifacts to be swapped for free whenever the player wants would upset the balance of the game too much, making it very easy to min-max your team for each and every specific challenge. It would be most unfair in PvP, where players could easily equip their Champions to counter a specific opponent, then change the setup to counter another team, and so on. Attackers have a significant advantage of being able to control their team manually already, this would skew the scales far too much.

We have also made certain Silver can be obtained with relative ease by farming Artifact Dungeons, selling unwanted old Artifacts, gaining it as a reward for other activities in the game.

In the future, please post questions of this type in Game Discussion sections so that we could process them more efficiently in the relevant area accordingly so that it does not cause confusion. Thank you ;)

madfox said:

how about fixing the artifact management and removing silver requirements to equip / unequip.  we already have to grind for, and manage a ton of different sets and trying to experiment is just not worth the effort.

9 окт. 2019, 06:0209.10.19

how about for a new Faction goblins

9 окт. 2019, 14:0809.10.19
Hey! That looks awecome And I do like the idea. It would definitely be a hit!