The thing you can observe is that the 20% is linked to the triggering of skill 1. With some other heroes such as Nethril you can be sure that the 3 hits can set a dot because you'll sometimes see the message for failure due to the resistance of the opponent on one of the hits, whereas it only occurs on the first and not one the 4 hits with Foli. By the way, 50% for 1 hit seems to be more efficient. What's your point of view ?Because a 4 hit attack with something like giant slayer and bonus application of debuff masteries make his a2 nasty awesome.
Aurix said:
Because a 4 hit attack with something like giant slayer and bonus application of debuff masteries make his a2 nasty awesome.
I agree, his skills are powerful, but, I still don't understand why the same terms about the % of debuff don't match.
For instance :
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Has a 30% chance of placing a 5% [Poison] debuff for 2 turns
You will sometimes see a sequence such as :
Poison / Poison / Resisted
But here,
Attacks 1 enemy 4 times. Has a 20% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.
You won't ever see :
Resisted / Resisted / Decrease DEF / nothing
It always shows Decrease DEF or Resisted on the first hit
Conclusion : you don't have 4 x 20%
Is there a problem with the descriptions ?
They should probably normalize all the tool tips, I read it as it's a 4 hit attack with a chance (single chance) to apply debuff. It should probably be worded like Athel's A1 "hits three times with chance to apply weaken effect on last hit".
Aurix said:
They should probably normalize all the tool tips, I read it as it's a 4 hit attack with a chance (single chance) to apply debuff.
You are right, they should do so. Because the description for Nethril is :
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Has a 30% chance of placing a 5% Poison
You clearly see 'has a chance', but you can get 3 debuffs 5% poison.
It must be 'has a chance for each hit' for both of them.
Foli is a legendary, 20% for 1 hit is way weaker than some epics with 50% for the same debuff on skill 1
3 x 30% poison(5%) for Nethril is ok. But there is a problem with Foli, and I really think it is a bug they have to fix.
Hi, guys
KemoSabeYo said:
Can we please have another Foli fusion event for those of us who are new and missed the first one?
Most likely, there won't be another Foli Fusion, yet we are making new characters and new Fusions for our players to partake. There will be more exciting Fusions in the near future, so stay tuned.
Have a nice day.