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cant complain true official way for some reason harrassement insunguating im pedofiel gets me mad

cant complain true official way for some reason harrassement insunguating im pedofiel gets me mad

13 авг. 2018, 10:5313.08.18


I have plenty of material to show you and Tipark can make to you sure that nothing is fake but i try to keep some respect to her believe it or not ;)


dont say its fake cause its an email and not a game message the rest and i would never show her email here in public...You can ask her if these messages are from her or not ..if she refuse these message then "Apocalypses" will come ...but as i said dont push the limits and stay all focus to the account prob !

Smuats ! :P
13 авг. 2018, 11:4013.08.18

This is what i am doing ...but from the moment some of them do it in public i just continue their way !

Is this so hard to understand that i use their method ?

You are free to disapprove the methods that other use and i just continue as i said ;)

Dont get confused :)
13 авг. 2018, 11:5613.08.18

Why post fake screenshots and even unrelated screenshots, Geekman? Why not post again that message you and Mattius made about Elwenn? I have a copy.

And come back to SRS, we already miss you!
13 авг. 2018, 12:1213.08.18

arsen_321 said:

Why post fake screenshots and even unrelated screenshots, Geekman? Why not post again that message you and Mattius made about Elwenn? I have a copy.

And come back to SRS, we already miss you!

Plaruim, put an end to this subject !!!

The conversations become OUT OF SUBJECT !!!!

Elween, Tipark, NOTHING A SEE on this subject !!!!!!!!!!

14 авг. 2018, 00:5914.08.18

Mattius said:


Let me be VERY clear! I do not condone or authorise ANY behaviours which include personal attacks, dirty tactics or threats of physical violence. You have publicly accused Greekman of creating an account and pretending to be the Chief (Tipark) of Takoyaki and ordering her players to attack OB221 -- I had no knowledge of this until it was brought to my attention. I said, that if it can be proven that is one of OUR players , then I will happily take action. I honestly have no time for such low minded tactics.

You have again PUBLICLY accused Greekman of creating this account (https://prnt.sc/kgryki  and https://prnt.sc/kgrji4) implying that Orero (current Chief of Apocalype) likes Thai boys and small children. These kind of accusations are abhorent and have no place in the game!!

First of all, I can understand why Orero would very upset. And I strongly encourage Plarium to find out the IP address of the player and ban/block them from the game. However publicly accusing someone of this behaviour (without proper evidence) is also abhorent -- and can be considered defamation. This can also be considered a criminal matter in some countries.

What will you do when Plarium finds out it was NOT Greekman? What will you do if it was another player (perhaps in your clan) who had a vested interest in sowing chaos in SRS and escalating the conflict between our two clans??

Again, if I find out for sure it was an SRS or SBG member, I will take action and boot them from our clan as such people have no place in our community. I've reminded our clans that such behaviour has no place in SRS or SBG. I have said "despite being a war game, keep it classy"

SRS/SBG does not need to resort to low minded and repulsive tactics to win the game. We have plenty of troops to do that for us. This type of drama needs to end!

.. and ARSEN_321, next time post the ENTIRE screenshot (https://prnt.sc/khvdbw and https://prnt.sc/khvdm5) of my clan shout. don't cherry pick!

If a player is harrasing you, block and report! If Plarium receives enough reports they can take action. Accusing someone publicly of this kind of behaviour is worst possible way to resolve this situation.

You AND your clan have a reputation for just these kind of tactics. Loyalty, class, intergrity and respect have no place in your clan. EVERYTIME you are accused of such things you deny it .. yet so far everytime people have supplied info to back it up and you still do nothing. You have shown repeatedly that A you don't use your own troops you let those that coin do it all for you. B anyone that has spent any time in your clan can verify that NOTHING is done without your approval. C honestly it is actually more surprising that Greekman hasn't publicly been shamed long before this for all of his sexist comments. Or his tactic to harass those he feels are enemies either personally or clan wise.

Mattius let me sum this up.. You had to of been a woman in a former life because you still are


14 авг. 2018, 02:2014.08.18

Greekman said:

Greetings to all Ladies !

About Tiparks messages for charging me many things i only have to say this


About this account that Orero believe its mine I encourage also Plarium ban this account and test his IP with mines if they want ! 

Every people who play this game knows that many clans fight SRS cause for some reasons they are still No1 clan ...This is not bad ...

Its funny also by charging someone for something you dont show any proves e.g for this account ...

Yes its true that as enemies we change many messages each other but should i remind Orero with his alt called me Greekp...y ? :)

If we start changing screenshots i am ok with it !

Dear Orero if you want to quit for some stupid thing like this you can do it but if you want to quit cause your credit card is red its another story :P

http://prntscr.com/khy9ss   (make some fun also :)  )

In the past you charge SRS that play dirty by spying etc etc etc ...Yes maybe we do it ...and its a nice part of the game ...but you forget that you did and do the same

http://prntscr.com/khyb15  (bad infos :P )

Where is this funny (with a good way) Orero when he make it with his 15 members to take down an SBG Obelisk and sharing messages all the time?

Oh Yes i forgot ..when you win (for a while) something then you can send messages ironic or any other kind :P  http://prntscr.com/khybzh

Are you sure that you get tired of some drama or the true is behind other things ? http://prntscr.com/khydli  ;)

I can write for hours and saying things but i should thank you all for talking about me :) When you do that maybe you love him ,jealous of him or in the end maybe you see him every night in your dreams :P

P.S  Now tell me the truth...It hurts a bit and you do all these things ? :P  http://prntscr.com/khyfj4 

In the serious part of my post ...I wish Orero keep healthy and get some more rest and 2nd ...I encourage plarium ban this ip from this guy who made this account and also test it with mine ...I will be there when these rumors you said about me come to the light and appologize public to me again :)

Kisses and have fun all

Greekman ;)

Greekman what you don't realize is that you answer shows your lack of care and concern. You are not apologetic at all. You show glimpses of convos that might lead people to believe you to be honest. However you show only one part kinda funny that way. The SS of the somewhat apology from Tipark was early on before the final opinion was satisfied. Yourself and Mattius are both quite skilled and known for manipulation of texts/pm SS from other clans chats. notorious for only showing what might lead or at least call into question whatever story you are trying to sell to other clans to create your desired results. It is also quite amusing that Mattius "claims" he doesn't condone such behavior yet you are VERY well known for commenting on players family. Whatever it takes to get them riled and Mattius stands by you . So Mattius and Greekman cut the B S -You allow and support anything the man with the most money does. Just like Plarium wont do anything because of the money Greekman spends in game. so basically its all about the money. No one that has been bullied, harassed, and stalked by you will believe a word of denial from you or mattius

14 авг. 2018, 02:2914.08.18

Greekman said:

Matt you are a bad guy !!!!

Yes you are a good guy only when you "threat" your members like this  http://prntscr.com/khyzus

And you see people who have 2 years in TK clan not recognize them anymore http://prntscr.com/khz0cj

Then you wonder why FD destroyed and then you can understand that Apocalypse will have the same luck ;)

Really now do you believe that Tipark is so innocent ? :) http://prntscr.com/khz1ut  This is one of her messages to Chief of Hispanos about me in the past :)

Dont make me bring in light more things that you will not believe in your eyes :)

Lets stay focus at this account who make to Orero this thing and lets encourage all Plarium ban this account and tell us if my ip is behind this !

Thank you Arsen ...but this is the 1% of my bad tries :P

proving everyones point with your fake/altered and misconstrued SS.. again you show no remorse care of concern for the other players in volved in this game.. no sense of decency.. You really do have the mentality of a small child dont you.. sad sad sad sad