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Mech Arena Roundup 09/29/23

Mech Arena Roundup 09/29/23

Hello, Mech Arena community! 👋

Welcome to the latest Mech Arena Roundup, where we'll dive into the latest news and upcoming changes in the game ⬇️

💫 First and foremost, we want to thank you for your tremendous support of the recent Visual Redesign. Your feedback, requests, and suggestions have been noted, and we're committed to carrying Mech Arena’s reimagined look into the future.

In our recent Visual Redesign video, the topic of Hangar Presets was mentioned, and many of you hoped that they would be released with the Redesign. While the development of the feature did go hand in hand with the Redesign, we need a bit more time to finalize it. You can expect the launch of Hangar Presets (now known as Squad Presets) this fall 🍂

✅ Next, let's talk about an upcoming change with the Sponsored Videos feature. As you might know, Sponsored Videos rolled out in stages. The feature was initially limited to a number of players and is currently only accessible on mobile devices. There have been several tests regarding its rewards, and starting next week, the currency of the reward for the "View 2 Sponsored Videos" Daily Objective will be the same for all players: Credits.

Another topic we wanted to cover is the new Modifiers feature that you’ve been enjoying the last couple of weeks. While the feature received a very warm welcome, we want to address some of the most frequently asked questions we’ve seen. First, Modifiers are a free feature, and their benefits apply automatically to any Player who has reached Division 10. While at the moment, you can only see one active Modifier at a time, we're planning to enable multiple types of Modifiers simultaneously in the future. All Modifiers without exception are temporary, with their durations subject to change. At this time, we're not considering an option for players to select their desired Modifier for activation 🤝

🛡 Last but not least, great news for the Tank enthusiasts! By popular demand, Mech Aegis and its Dome Shield are going to be tuned quite soon, so make sure your Aegis is ready for the action.

That wraps up today's Mech Arena Roundup. Please feel free to share your questions and thoughts in the comments section, and have a fantastic weekend! 💖


29 сент. 2023, 13:1629.09.23
29 сент. 2023, 16:2129.09.23

We need A coins else we will leave the game 

29 сент. 2023, 16:2229.09.23

it's true that who works want to be payed but you are subtracting things, credits and acoins you were already giving to your players and this is terrible. 

completely aggree you are trying play a bad game. 

29 сент. 2023, 16:5229.09.23

The squad presets are TOTALLY irrelevant with the implant removal cost staying. 

I did not change my squad a single time since the implant removal cost came back.

Shame on priorities and trying to make more and more cash on your players. Imo, that might be the last mile for me and much more other players.

29 сент. 2023, 16:5729.09.23

I find it uncanny that you actually penilize Computer players 16,000 coins , numerious vaults and containers, all kinds of bennies and stuff........ DAILY!!!!!!!!    JUST BECAUSE WE PLAY ON COMPUTERS!!!!  Humiliating......

29 сент. 2023, 17:0929.09.23

Nos habeis dejado sin la posibilidad de intercambiar armas y pilotos entre los mechs al retirar el descuento por los implantes, o sea, nos condenais a las mismas armas con los mismos pilotos para siempre? Me parece del todo irrazonable y mas aun cuando estais reduciendo las recompensas por todo. A cada actualizacion nosotors, los jugadores que gastamos dinero, estamos peor. Los que van por free ya ni te cuento, sus nietos seran los que puedan maxear un mech/arma a este paso. Si me cuesta a mi que disfruto de holgura economica, imaginate al que no puede pagarlo. No se, en mi opinion deberiais pensaroslo un poco mejor o le veo poco futuro al juego.

Que quede claro que entiendo que teneis que ganar dinero y que el juego se nutre de los que pagamos para jugar, pero os estais pasando de la raya, amigos. El tiempo me dara la razon.

29 сент. 2023, 17:3429.09.23

No ways to earn a coins the game is dead play fortnite leave mech arena a coins give dumb for pilot we have to sped 4000 for plitol but pilot mission is giving 50 a coins Are we beggar chal nikal what are u doing dumb fellow. Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins No ways to earn a coins the game is dead play fortnite leave mech arena a coins give dumb for pilot we have to sNo ways to earn a coins the game is dead play fortnite leave mech arena a coins give dumb for pilot we have to sped 4000 for plitol but pilot mission is giving 50 a coins Are we beggar chal nikal what are u doing dumb fellow. Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins No ways to earn a coins the game is dead play fortnite leave mech arena a coins give dumb for pilot we have to sNo ways to earn a coins the game is dead play fortnite leave mech arena a coins give dumb for pilot we have to sped 4000 for plitol but pilot mission is giving 50 a coins Are we beggar chal nikal what are u doing dumb fellow. Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins No ways to earn a coins the game is dead play fortnite leave mech arena a coins give dumb for pilot we have to sNo ways to earn a coins the game is dead play fortnite leave mech arena a coins give dumb for pilot we have to sped 4000 for plitol but pilot mission is giving 50 a coins Are we beggar chal nikal what are u doing dumb fellow. Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins No ways to earn a coins the game is dead play fortnite leave mech arena a coins give dumb for pilot we have to sNo ways to earn a coins the game is dead play fortnite leave mech arena a coins give dumb for pilot we have to sped 4000 for plitol but pilot mission is giving 50 a coins Are we beggar chal nikal what are u doing dumb fellow. Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins Give more a coins No ways to earn a coins the game is dead play fortnite leave mech arena a coins give dumb for pilot we have to s

29 сент. 2023, 17:5029.09.23

I thought that y'all  increase the amount of A coins we get by completing daily tasks 

But, i was totally wrong

How we will able to get those mechs and weapons with this only weekly 200 A coins. This is TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE i totally disagree with y'all decision

29 сент. 2023, 18:1329.09.23

No money no honey like this game...😭😭

Such a worst things happens in this game....

29 сент. 2023, 18:1929.09.23

Besides listening to advice and taking hasty actions, do you sometimes wonder what this could lead to? You first offer and then take away, offering to replay your scenario again. We are People and not animals in the circus, but even they don’t treat us like that. We spent our free time on your registrations and votes, and wrote requests. And now I hope you can smell what it’s starting to smell like. Why did your rating start moving in the opposite direction and you know perfectly well Why?! 

29 сент. 2023, 18:4429.09.23

I gotta second, or third, or fiftieth what everyone else said. I don't watch ads for credits, I watch them for the 30 A Coin bonus per day. It is essential, and seemed at least decent if you took away fortune vaults, but losing both just means I have a bunch of flashing yellow in my hanger, never to be upgraded because I too am on a paid strike to get back implant discounts.

We gotta make that a movement!

29 сент. 2023, 18:5529.09.23

1. We need implant removal discount back.

2. AFK feature will much appreciated.

3. Voice chat will be helpful while playing with clanmates.

4. Aegis dome should be made to shoot through it for teamates.

5. It will be a great pleasure if we can stop receiving blueprints for pink star mechs and weapons, and redeem or exchange useless blueprints (already pink star) with others mechs or weapons.

Thank you

Ты прав, Дружище, на все 100%

29 сент. 2023, 19:1829.09.23

"Starting next week, the currency of the reward for the "View 2 Sponsored Videos" Daily Objective will be the same for all players: Credits."

No more Vault Blitz, Implant Part removal penalty, and now this...how many more ways are you going to choke our supply of already-limited A-Coins?!? 👎👎 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎 

29 сент. 2023, 19:1929.09.23

No that doesnt just about rap it up at all , a lot of good comments on here you need to pay attention to. REMOVE IMPLANT REMOVAL COST is another one , what were you thinking seriously ? Youve literally taken away the ability to customise pilots and mechs for different game modes. I advise you remive them permanently and give the players something they actually want and then apologize for putting the cost back in the first place. Then and only then can you be forgiven 

29 сент. 2023, 19:2529.09.23

No that doesnt just about rap it up at all , a lot of good comments on here you need to pay attention to. REMOVE IMPLANT REMOVAL COST is another one , what were you thinking seriously ? Youve literally taken away the ability to customise pilots and mechs for different game modes. I advise you remive them permanently and give the players something they actually want and then apologize for putting the cost back in the first place. Then and only then can you be forgiven 

Wow taking away the measly but crucial acoins for ads......smh , you should be ashamed of yourselves truly 

29 сент. 2023, 19:2729.09.23

Its a good job people cant swear on here because you would be getting absolutely bombarded with extremely annoyed people. Do you just not care anymore ? Last money grab ?or do you want to have a game that survives the test of time ? Choose wisely and quickly because time maybe running out for you if you dont start listening, quicker than youd imagine 

29 сент. 2023, 20:0229.09.23
29 сент. 2023, 20:02(отредактировано)

What needs to be tuned is Vault Blitz.

29 сент. 2023, 21:2929.09.23

No paráis de dificultar el acceso a las acoins (imprescindibles para cualuier progreso en el juego) eliminasteis las 400 acoins fijas de las cajas de la fortuna a las que todo el mundo podía acceder con bastante facilidad, las sustituisteis por un play off en el cual, solo unos pocos afortunados que dediquen un monton de horas al día consiguen acoins. Cobráis una barbaridad de acoins por cambiar implantes, lo cual hace que no uses ni implantes ni pilotos ¿a quién se le ocurre que vas a cambiar un implante por lo que te podrías comprar un mech decente? Estáis limitando la jugabilidad, la versatilidad y la posibilidad de probar distintas opciones de mech con armas e implantes diferentes. Yo ya no pongo implantes nuevos, casi es mejor jugar sin piloto y sin implantes. No se exactamente que es lo que pretendeis con estas decisiones que tomáis, o tal vez si, lo cuál me da más miedo. El camino que estáis tomando es como mínimo desagradable y ofensivo y demoledor para la mayoría de jugadores. Conozco varios que han decidido abandonar, no les falta razón.

Espero que cambiéis el rumbo actual y rectifiquéis de vuestros errores. Rectificar es de sabios, no hacerlo es de necios. Mi opinión no cambia desde que inicié el juego, no habéis cambiado ni un ápice vuestra politica. Y no creo que vayáis a cambiar en un futuro. Decepcionais.

29 сент. 2023, 21:3929.09.23

This is an ability idea for the dev I call I rust rust in an status effect  debuff that dose two things 1 it lower the affected enemy/player  damage by a large amount  2 all mech that under this effect loose the ability to sprint it is not like status freeze it it doesn't slow u down it just stops u from being able to sprint  what do u 

29 сент. 2023, 22:0229.09.23
29 сент. 2023, 22:19(отредактировано)

agies shield needs to be phased, but will lead to people using it for campers and rocket mortar with no way to kill them.

Implant recover should be 7 day cool down timer and a reduced acoin for quick 100% recovery.  You have already milked us enough for them.

Mechs should have a implant slot for the mech specific implant, not on the pilot. Two would be even better, possible next level of star level for mech?  This would also help reduce people recovering implant costs.

em rifle auto aim should returned, we purchased that gun with that feature. Or reduce the time it takes to fire.

illegal box gambling, where you purchase a ticket and the spin does not even include the top prize. Which is illegal

are you aware here in Australia, game ratings are changing. So your gambling spin boxes will give this game a MA+ rating.  So only 16+ will soon be able to play this game, as an update will also trigger an age check. 

giving us implants for mech specialists events, return it back to acoin. Who even wants epic implants, we aim for legendar.  As you will milk us for recovery of those implant costs going from epic to legendar.

hanger redesigned for tablet sucks, mechs are now so far away when looking at hanger.

30 сент. 2023, 02:1130.09.23

To the Developers/Admins of Plarium,

Here are some of the concerns of Mech Arena players:

  1. Removing the 400 Acoins from the Vault Blitz really hurts, and now you're planning to remove the 30 Acoins from sponsored videos? It's like you're trying to make some players not wanna play anymore. It's already hard enough to earn that 30 acoins as it is, but we keep watching those unskipable video ads, even though we don't want to, just so we could get those petty 30 Acoins that you're trying to replace with credits. Those 30 Acoins is what's driving us, F2P players, to play EVERY SINGLE DAY. I guess 30 Acoins a day is pretty fair.
  2. On the same matter, decreasing the buying/upgrading cost via Acoins, would be a really great help, if you're considering to decrease the overall Acoins earned.
  3. The autoaim of BOTS using EMR should be remove, it's so Overpowered. It's fair enough you remove the aim of EMR from us, but not from the BOTS.
  4. Clan Rewards is very much appreciated
  5. Receiving blueprints of a fully maxed mech/weapon doesn't make any sense. I mean, what good is it if we can't use them anymore?? There should be, at the very least, some kind of blueprints conversion feature that lets you convert blueprint (of maxed mech/weapon) into: 
  • Blueprints (of other mech/weapon) of the same grade/rarity. Example of BP Conversion: 2 BP of Maxed Phanther >> 1 BP of Killshot. 2 Epic BP of Maxed mech/weapon converted to 1 Epic Bp of Non-maxed mech/weapon OR if you want, this conversion feature is exclusive to those MAXED mech/weapon to be fair. This concern is critical because BP's of maxed mech/weapon has literally no use when they're maxed.
  • Acoins. BPs of Maxed mech/weapon converted to Half the Acoins needed when completing an upgrade. Example of BP conversion: Let's say that 1 Legendary BP = 120 Acoins (originally 240 Acoins per BP), 1 Epic BP = 24 Acoins (originally 48 Acoins per BP), 1 Rare BP = 6 Acoins (originally 12 acoins per BP).
  • OR if you don't want the 2 options above because it might ruin your money-making offers, maybe you should consider removing the BPs of maxed mech/weaponas rewards from all crates, to give room for other mech/weapon's BP.

Thank you!