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Seeker is freaking stupid and infuriating to fight

Seeker is freaking stupid and infuriating to fight

30 авг. 2024, 08:4030.08.24
30 авг. 2024, 08:42(отредактировано)

Seeker is fairly easy to counter, all things considered. It shows you the lock on symbol when an enemy Seeker has their sights on you. The same symbol turns red when the Seeker begins its teleport, giving you exactly one second of time to prepare and react. Once the Seeker has teleported to you, you have 5 seconds (Seeker has a 7 second duration, but it takes 1 second to teleport to target and another to teleport back, thus giving you a 5 second window) to engage with/kill it; which most weapons can do. Once the lock on icon turns red, the Seeker will not be able to change its positioning until it has teleported; meaning you can actually move/face backwards and have it spawn in front of you. It no longer gets the bonus back damage on you, greatly reducing the threat. As for the 4 second cooldown, well, it's 4 seconds only because of a 50% cooldown modifier; Seeker normally takes 8 seconds to recharge the ability. 

Sure, if you're using something fragile, like Panther, a Seeker teleporting to you is a death sentence. However, for most other mechs, you have an alternative. 

Aegis: stand with your back to the edge of the Dome shield, and the seeker will teleport outside the dome. As long as you bodyblock the seeker from entering the dome, you'll be fine. 

Killshot: Just dash away

Redeemer: Just redeem backtrack away

Panther: similar tactic as the Aegis; use the stasis barrier to keep the Seeker stuck on one side

Orion: Turn around, hunter mark the Seeker and blast away. That shield won't do much.

Sentinel, Brickhouse: Who even uses these?

Surge: Dash cancel the moment the seeker teleports to you. Use the dash and immediately cancel it by opening the settings menu by pressing the Esc. key on PC, or tapping on the top left button on phone. Congratulations, the Seeker is now stunned and you can kill it. 

Redox, Gatecrasher, Onyx, Hemlock, Solis: Use the 1 second prep time to reposition and then damage/immobilize it with the ability. 

Bastion: Hard counter to Seekers; keep blast shield ready and use it when the Seeker teleports to you

Vortex: Use ability and melt Seeker away while taking 50% less damage

Eclipse: just don't appear on the radar, and the Seeker can't do anything. 

Nomad: You have the choice to either dash away like Killshot, or dash into the Seeker to take out the shield, get 60% damage reduction, and then murder it in cold blood. 

Point is- there's plenty of ways to counter Seeker. I'm aware that not all of the strategies I listed above can be used at all times, but unless you're facing an actually smart Seeker player that keep tracks of you and teleports to you only when you're on cooldown, you have a fighting chance. Of course, it won't work as well if you're in the middle of another fight; but in a team based game like this, you should be fighting with/around your team anyway. The AI bots are especially effective at taking out Seekers; just play near a bot or two when you're aware of a Seeker on the field. 

Also- use mods. The legendary ones cost an arm and a leg, but the ML perimeter mod is fairly cheap and can give your best mechs slightly better survivability. 

I mostly agree with this, but i've witnessed it multiple times how with the right weapon on these  mechs, these tactics won't matter for most mechs, for example if the seek has a storm/missle rack, or even cryo launchers.

Alongside that i've had it plenty of times that because of game issuess the mech appears slightly faster than it should (you know, because of reaction delay between machines), it also doesn't help if your singled out.

And with mods the seeker can survive even longer before you can kill it properly. again i agree mostly with what you said, with the right tactics and/or mech knowledge you can take down a seeker properly, but usually before that time it tends to be too late i've noticed...this is not a problem everyone will have, but it is common enough that ever time seeker can/will become the next meta with much higher ranking players/acoin users just like with disc launchers....right now it doesn't seem like a problem, but you gotta remember that even if there is a proper counter, it doesn't mean it should not be nerfed, again we should take disc launcher as an example as with the right tactics that could also not over powered. 

30 авг. 2024, 12:0230.08.24

At start, a few days the icon showed the direction of the arrival of the Seeker. First therewas no even icon. I shut a few mech next the signal mark just disappeared.  Now I am shooted continously. 🤣

The lock doesn't even update properly.

It takes so long to appear that normally they've already teleported by the time it trys to warn you.

An if you go into stealth, you won't get the warning but they'll still tp

1 сент. 2024, 12:5401.09.24

To be honest - the moment i see a seeker on a map it is like "duck and cover". None of the "tactics" s1lence told us to use work in reality. Mostly you are dead before you can use any of these "tactics". Seeker is like cheating with the permission of the devs and plarium.

3 сент. 2024, 20:1203.09.24
5 сент. 2024, 13:57(отредактировано)

Seeker is fairly easy to counter, all things considered. It shows you the lock on symbol when an enemy Seeker has their sights on you. The same symbol turns red when the Seeker begins its teleport, giving you exactly one second of time to prepare and react. Once the Seeker has teleported to you, you have 5 seconds (Seeker has a 7 second duration, but it takes 1 second to teleport to target and another to teleport back, thus giving you a 5 second window) to engage with/kill it; which most weapons can do. Once the lock on icon turns red, the Seeker will not be able to change its positioning until it has teleported; meaning you can actually move/face backwards and have it spawn in front of you. It no longer gets the bonus back damage on you, greatly reducing the threat. As for the 4 second cooldown, well, it's 4 seconds only because of a 50% cooldown modifier; Seeker normally takes 8 seconds to recharge the ability. 

Sure, if you're using something fragile, like Panther, a Seeker teleporting to you is a death sentence. However, for most other mechs, you have an alternative. 

Aegis: stand with your back to the edge of the Dome shield, and the seeker will teleport outside the dome. As long as you bodyblock the seeker from entering the dome, you'll be fine. 

Killshot: Just dash away

Redeemer: Just redeem backtrack away

Panther: similar tactic as the Aegis; use the stasis barrier to keep the Seeker stuck on one side

Orion: Turn around, hunter mark the Seeker and blast away. That shield won't do much.

Sentinel, Brickhouse: Who even uses these?

Surge: Dash cancel the moment the seeker teleports to you. Use the dash and immediately cancel it by opening the settings menu by pressing the Esc. key on PC, or tapping on the top left button on phone. Congratulations, the Seeker is now stunned and you can kill it. 

Redox, Gatecrasher, Onyx, Hemlock, Solis: Use the 1 second prep time to reposition and then damage/immobilize it with the ability. 

Bastion: Hard counter to Seekers; keep blast shield ready and use it when the Seeker teleports to you

Vortex: Use ability and melt Seeker away while taking 50% less damage

Eclipse: just don't appear on the radar, and the Seeker can't do anything. 

Nomad: You have the choice to either dash away like Killshot, or dash into the Seeker to take out the shield, get 60% damage reduction, and then murder it in cold blood. 

Point is- there's plenty of ways to counter Seeker. I'm aware that not all of the strategies I listed above can be used at all times, but unless you're facing an actually smart Seeker player that keep tracks of you and teleports to you only when you're on cooldown, you have a fighting chance. Of course, it won't work as well if you're in the middle of another fight; but in a team based game like this, you should be fighting with/around your team anyway. The AI bots are especially effective at taking out Seekers; just play near a bot or two when you're aware of a Seeker on the field. 

Also- use mods. The legendary ones cost an arm and a leg, but the ML perimeter mod is fairly cheap and can give your best mechs slightly better survivability. 

Wait seeker no longer gets bonus back damage? So you did in fact NERF it. That doesn't change the fact that it takes advantage of weaker opponents better than maybe anything and it's possibly the most infuriating mech to get mismatched against of all time

Also as Pogster plays said, in reality it's usually the case that they're behind you by the time it's warning you. There's a delay between the seeker's input and the server receiving it then another between the server and you receiving it. Then back the other way from you to the server to them. I'm sure you know this is called latency, or lag. Lag is a fact of online gaming. Most of the time it isn't noticeable, or doesn't have an impact on gameplay. But 1 seconds to teleport does not leave a big window to react at all when you account for lag. See by the time you get the warning you have more like half a second to turn around and act. By the time we've turned around they're shooting at us. It'll still take another half second for me to press the button and for it to register to the server. They have already been shooting at us for a half second. A large portion of our health could be taken by that time. They have full frontal shield hp. A half second increase in tp time would give us that 1 second window

And mods? Hate to break it to you but none of those are cheap, not for f2p. We get like 200 of those regular parts a week and most of them cost like 1000+ parts just to unlock let alone get some decent levels in them

6 сент. 2024, 05:5606.09.24

I mostly agree with this, but i've witnessed it multiple times how with the right weapon on these  mechs, these tactics won't matter for most mechs, for example if the seek has a storm/missle rack, or even cryo launchers.

Alongside that i've had it plenty of times that because of game issuess the mech appears slightly faster than it should (you know, because of reaction delay between machines), it also doesn't help if your singled out.

And with mods the seeker can survive even longer before you can kill it properly. again i agree mostly with what you said, with the right tactics and/or mech knowledge you can take down a seeker properly, but usually before that time it tends to be too late i've noticed...this is not a problem everyone will have, but it is common enough that ever time seeker can/will become the next meta with much higher ranking players/acoin users just like with disc launchers....right now it doesn't seem like a problem, but you gotta remember that even if there is a proper counter, it doesn't mean it should not be nerfed, again we should take disc launcher as an example as with the right tactics that could also not over powered. 

I face seekers on the regular at high SP, and have had to learn to deal with them to survive in team matches. Seeker is incredibly annoying to face, but as I mentioned earlier, it's not impossible to take out or counter. Seeker used to be very, very meta pre-mods, simply because a Revoker Seeker could shred through multiple opponents in a single teleport. With mods, that has decreased considerably, atleast at the SP that I play in. I understand that not all SP ranges have the tools required to counter Seeker; for example a Tier 2 player facing a Seeker is obviously just gonna die to it without question. That's a situation where nothing can be done; same goes for lag- you cannot do anything if you're facing a Seeker player while having 300 ms ping. 

As for a nerf, yeah, Seeker absolutely deserves a nerf. It doesn't need the shield *and* the bonus damage, so taking away one of those would be just fine. 

6 сент. 2024, 06:0406.09.24

To be honest - the moment i see a seeker on a map it is like "duck and cover". None of the "tactics" s1lence told us to use work in reality. Mostly you are dead before you can use any of these "tactics". Seeker is like cheating with the permission of the devs and plarium.

If my 'tactics' did not work in reality, then I wouldn't be taking the time to list them here, would I? I play at 13k SP and face Seekers on the regular; and I've had a long list of playing in sweaty endgame 'competitive' matches where almost every guy on either team has a Revoker/Storm Rack Seeker. 

If you cannot use the tactics I outlined, then it's thanks to one or more of the reasons listed below

  • You're playing at a Tier disadvantage where you're facing Seekers while having Tier 3-4 equipment. In this case, yes, none of the tactics I outlines will apply since you simply do not have the tools to deal with the tier 9 mech. 
  • You're playing at a ping disadvantage meaning you cannot react to the Seeker in time
  • You do not have the map and game awareness required to react in that 1 second window. In this case, just practice playing against better opponents and hone that skill. 

If you regard Seeker as using a cheat, then ask anyone that uses the mech and listen to their opinion of it. It's easy to be dismissive and claim something is unfair because you cannot deal with it, but complaining does not make you a better player. 

6 сент. 2024, 06:1606.09.24

Wait seeker no longer gets bonus back damage? So you did in fact NERF it. That doesn't change the fact that it takes advantage of weaker opponents better than maybe anything and it's possibly the most infuriating mech to get mismatched against of all time

Also as Pogster plays said, in reality it's usually the case that they're behind you by the time it's warning you. There's a delay between the seeker's input and the server receiving it then another between the server and you receiving it. Then back the other way from you to the server to them. I'm sure you know this is called latency, or lag. Lag is a fact of online gaming. Most of the time it isn't noticeable, or doesn't have an impact on gameplay. But 1 seconds to teleport does not leave a big window to react at all when you account for lag. See by the time you get the warning you have more like half a second to turn around and act. By the time we've turned around they're shooting at us. It'll still take another half second for me to press the button and for it to register to the server. They have already been shooting at us for a half second. A large portion of our health could be taken by that time. They have full frontal shield hp. A half second increase in tp time would give us that 1 second window

And mods? Hate to break it to you but none of those are cheap, not for f2p. We get like 200 of those regular parts a week and most of them cost like 1000+ parts just to unlock let alone get some decent levels in them

> Wait seeker no longer gets bonus back damage? 

Where did I ever say that?

> So you did in fact NERF it. 

Do you think I'm a dev or anyone that works for Plarium directly? I'm just a player who volunteered their time to manage the forum every now and then. 

As for the suggestion to increase the Warp time by half a second, well, the 1 second window is already a lot. I doubt making it 1.5s would have much of an effect in all fairness, but it would piss off Seeker users quite a bit. Any nerf to anything, no matter how inconsequential it is, will always have a lot of pushback from the playerbase. I mean, take a look at the most popular threads in this forum- one of the most popular ones is the thread complaining about the EM Rifle 'nerf'. A nerf that did nothing to diminish their effectiveness and actually just made them even deadlier in the hands of skilled players. 

As for mods, well, I did admit that it's expensive. Outrageously so ($80 for a single build? What in the everloving hell-) but the fact of the matter is that they're a part of the game and they're here to stay. And another pointer: DO NOT buy or upgrade any Epic mod. None at all. A maxed out epic mod is worse than a base level Legendary mod. You get 50 elite mod parts every 4-5 days, so you can spend 2-3 weeks and equip your best mechs with the Legendary Perimeter ML mod. 

17 сент. 2024, 03:4817.09.24

It's ridiculous the amount some mechs cost like why are weapons and mechs in the same price range. If play to unlock was a thing then m9re of us would have a fighting chance against these god like me

17 сент. 2024, 15:2717.09.24

Since Seeker is OP, I would like to share some things I do to counter it.

1: Back up. If you are backing up as the seeker teleports, it will teleport in front of you. The faster your mech, the better this works

2: Always have a Surge, Bastion, or Zepher in your line-up, and don't spawn these mech first.

3: Make sure you have a ML perimeter shield upgraded to at least level 3, this is extremly helpful against seeker because it negates the back dmg until you turn around.

4: My prefered weapon to counter seeker is Grav Beam, though this is probably an unpopular opinion. I find it works well, unless they have a Galvanic Hull

17 сент. 2024, 16:3517.09.24

Also use Galvanic Hull.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
18 сент. 2024, 13:5818.09.24
The General

Since Seeker is OP, I would like to share some things I do to counter it.

1: Back up. If you are backing up as the seeker teleports, it will teleport in front of you. The faster your mech, the better this works

2: Always have a Surge, Bastion, or Zepher in your line-up, and don't spawn these mech first.

3: Make sure you have a ML perimeter shield upgraded to at least level 3, this is extremly helpful against seeker because it negates the back dmg until you turn around.

4: My prefered weapon to counter seeker is Grav Beam, though this is probably an unpopular opinion. I find it works well, unless they have a Galvanic Hull

Basically, the countering points prove that it's not OP, as it can be countered. I don't deny that it may be very powerful, especially if it's picked by a skilled player, but nevertheless.

18 сент. 2024, 20:2618.09.24
18 сент. 2024, 20:27(отредактировано)

Seeker is fairly easy to counter, all things considered. It shows you the lock on symbol when an enemy Seeker has their sights on you. The same symbol turns red when the Seeker begins its teleport, giving you exactly one second of time to prepare and react. Once the Seeker has teleported to you, you have 5 seconds (Seeker has a 7 second duration, but it takes 1 second to teleport to target and another to teleport back, thus giving you a 5 second window) to engage with/kill it; which most weapons can do. Once the lock on icon turns red, the Seeker will not be able to change its positioning until it has teleported; meaning you can actually move/face backwards and have it spawn in front of you. It no longer gets the bonus back damage on you, greatly reducing the threat. As for the 4 second cooldown, well, it's 4 seconds only because of a 50% cooldown modifier; Seeker normally takes 8 seconds to recharge the ability. 

Sure, if you're using something fragile, like Panther, a Seeker teleporting to you is a death sentence. However, for most other mechs, you have an alternative. 

Aegis: stand with your back to the edge of the Dome shield, and the seeker will teleport outside the dome. As long as you bodyblock the seeker from entering the dome, you'll be fine. 

Killshot: Just dash away

Redeemer: Just redeem backtrack away

Panther: similar tactic as the Aegis; use the stasis barrier to keep the Seeker stuck on one side

Orion: Turn around, hunter mark the Seeker and blast away. That shield won't do much.

Sentinel, Brickhouse: Who even uses these?

Surge: Dash cancel the moment the seeker teleports to you. Use the dash and immediately cancel it by opening the settings menu by pressing the Esc. key on PC, or tapping on the top left button on phone. Congratulations, the Seeker is now stunned and you can kill it. 

Redox, Gatecrasher, Onyx, Hemlock, Solis: Use the 1 second prep time to reposition and then damage/immobilize it with the ability. 

Bastion: Hard counter to Seekers; keep blast shield ready and use it when the Seeker teleports to you

Vortex: Use ability and melt Seeker away while taking 50% less damage

Eclipse: just don't appear on the radar, and the Seeker can't do anything. 

Nomad: You have the choice to either dash away like Killshot, or dash into the Seeker to take out the shield, get 60% damage reduction, and then murder it in cold blood. 

Point is- there's plenty of ways to counter Seeker. I'm aware that not all of the strategies I listed above can be used at all times, but unless you're facing an actually smart Seeker player that keep tracks of you and teleports to you only when you're on cooldown, you have a fighting chance. Of course, it won't work as well if you're in the middle of another fight; but in a team based game like this, you should be fighting with/around your team anyway. The AI bots are especially effective at taking out Seekers; just play near a bot or two when you're aware of a Seeker on the field. 

Also- use mods. The legendary ones cost an arm and a leg, but the ML perimeter mod is fairly cheap and can give your best mechs slightly better survivability. 

Well, from what I've found, the lock doesn't seem to be accurate (often it shows up way late)

Normally I'll go into surge stealth, with no lock ever showing and think I'm fine.

Then I die to the (maxed out) seeker behind me.

Honestly, now with mods, I think the bigger issue is the matchmaking, given it can put you up against maxed seekers when you have absolutely no way to fight them.

Also seeker can't be stunned until the tp animation has finished, and can apparently still hit you even during it.

19 сент. 2024, 13:1419.09.24

If my 'tactics' did not work in reality, then I wouldn't be taking the time to list them here, would I? I play at 13k SP and face Seekers on the regular; and I've had a long list of playing in sweaty endgame 'competitive' matches where almost every guy on either team has a Revoker/Storm Rack Seeker. 

If you cannot use the tactics I outlined, then it's thanks to one or more of the reasons listed below

  • You're playing at a Tier disadvantage where you're facing Seekers while having Tier 3-4 equipment. In this case, yes, none of the tactics I outlines will apply since you simply do not have the tools to deal with the tier 9 mech. 
  • You're playing at a ping disadvantage meaning you cannot react to the Seeker in time
  • You do not have the map and game awareness required to react in that 1 second window. In this case, just practice playing against better opponents and hone that skill. 

If you regard Seeker as using a cheat, then ask anyone that uses the mech and listen to their opinion of it. It's easy to be dismissive and claim something is unfair because you cannot deal with it, but complaining does not make you a better player. 

  • "You're playing at a Tier disadvantage where you're facing Seekers while having Tier 3-4 equipment. In this case, yes, none of the tactics I outlines will apply since you simply do not have the tools to deal with the tier 9 mech.  "

This is, in fact, the single biggest problem I'm running into.  I'm in a bit of a better situation as I'm Tier 5, but its not much.  

I think the real issue is the match making.  I recently started another account, just to see what its like to start over (been playing for over 1.5 years, game has changed).  As a Tier 3 on that account, I've had to deal with Bastion and Nomad.  I don't see how that should ever happen.  I really think the devs can and should fix this situation.  Basically, if you have mechs of a certain Tier in your squad, you can't be matched with someone who has only unlocked a certain other tier.

I honestly don't know why this hasn't already been done with match making.  Its not a complicated concept.  We all know that the power calculations can be manipulated in some amazing ways.  The fact that you can even put a Nomad or Bastion into a squad an keep the SP down, under 2k, is the proof.  The real thing is that your wallet shouldn't determine your win-loss rate (ie, you can afford outrageous mechs, so you can use them against ANYBODY if you just keep your SP low).

If I had to make the change myself, I'd probably go about it by looking at the tiers of the mechs in the squad.  If I have a squad with only T3 mechs, I shouldn't be facing T7 - T9 mechs.  Why would anyone even consider a squad with only Rare mechs a match for a squad with Legendary mechs??  I can understand Epics in this case, but Legendary?  In a similar instance on my other account, I've unlocked T5 mechs and if I'm only running mechs from T6 and below (Epics or worse), I shouldn't face T9 mechs.  When they were unveiled, T9 was advertised as a step above existing mechs - they should be treated as such by restricting who can face them.

You can't do this with weapons so easily, but mechs? - yes, something needs to be done.

If I'm a new player at T3 after 2 weeks and I'm getting hammered by players with not Epic grade mechs, but Legendaries from Tier 8?  I don't see the fairness of the game and I would quit without a second thought.

20 сент. 2024, 22:2920.09.24

I hate this game because of this not fair mech seeker. Improbably won't play it any more as it is frustrating to play againstnthis mech. Do with it something, Seeker cannot have only advantages, it's not possible to enjoy the game any more.

21 сент. 2024, 00:4921.09.24

Wait until you start facing the new mech Deathwalker. If they have preprogrammed non human bots for teammates, you aren't killing it. 

22 сент. 2024, 16:4322.09.24

> Wait seeker no longer gets bonus back damage? 

Where did I ever say that?

> So you did in fact NERF it. 

Do you think I'm a dev or anyone that works for Plarium directly? I'm just a player who volunteered their time to manage the forum every now and then. 

As for the suggestion to increase the Warp time by half a second, well, the 1 second window is already a lot. I doubt making it 1.5s would have much of an effect in all fairness, but it would piss off Seeker users quite a bit. Any nerf to anything, no matter how inconsequential it is, will always have a lot of pushback from the playerbase. I mean, take a look at the most popular threads in this forum- one of the most popular ones is the thread complaining about the EM Rifle 'nerf'. A nerf that did nothing to diminish their effectiveness and actually just made them even deadlier in the hands of skilled players. 

As for mods, well, I did admit that it's expensive. Outrageously so ($80 for a single build? What in the everloving hell-) but the fact of the matter is that they're a part of the game and they're here to stay. And another pointer: DO NOT buy or upgrade any Epic mod. None at all. A maxed out epic mod is worse than a base level Legendary mod. You get 50 elite mod parts every 4-5 days, so you can spend 2-3 weeks and equip your best mechs with the Legendary Perimeter ML mod. 

Except as I explained, 1s is not a lot of time when you factor in lag. I have relatively good ping that doesn't seem to affect most games. I imagine I could be at a ping disadvantage playing against pc players on ethernet. So like, the only real way for me to guarantee I'm not playing at a ping disadvantage, is to hook up my pc to ethernet

22 сент. 2024, 17:0022.09.24
23 сент. 2024, 22:14(отредактировано)

Basically, the countering points prove that it's not OP, as it can be countered. I don't deny that it may be very powerful, especially if it's picked by a skilled player, but nevertheless.

Silence seems to disgree saying Seeker "definitely needs a NERF" As well players seem to be in agreement with that (on this forum that is).

Also, contrary to your point, just because a mech has a counter, doesn't make it not OP. Most of these tactics simply only check it anyways with the exception of stunning it. And you can only stun it once the teleport has finished and they can fire at you so it's not a perfect counter.

And though it does have a counter, seeker having such dominance on the battlefield forces us to use the mechs which counter it. And eventually people will counter the counter. And then what? This is why many games will NERF characters even though they have a counter, because it negatively impacts diversity in play still, which is unhealthy for a game.

Luckily most people have a stun mech anyways. This still doesn't change the fact that seeker is the worst mech to play against with a tier disadvantage. But mods didn't come out that long ago. Maybe how people feel about seeker will change with time. But I implore the team to monitor the situation