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Seeker is freaking stupid and infuriating to fight

Seeker is freaking stupid and infuriating to fight

8 авг. 2024, 18:3308.08.24

Seeker is freaking stupid and infuriating to fight

I had no complaints about it before as most matches in all game modes were relatively even so I never really encountered them. But ever since new tournament matchmaking has been implemented I have had a seeker problem.

The ability to teleport ONE HUNDRED FREAKING METERS FROM ITS INITIAL LOCATION is absolutely RIDICULOUS. On some maps that is FROM ONE SPAWN POINT TO ANOTHER! No mech should be able to do that. I shouldn't be spawning and having someone else teleport ALL THE WAY FROM THEIR SPAWN POINT TO BEHIND MINE AND KILLING ME RIGHT THERE. I have little time to teact to this mech teleporting behind me before I'm dead. Consider the teleporting robots in war robots. 100 meters here is like 1000 in WR. THEY DO NOT HAVE ROBOTS THAT TELEPORT ANYWHERE NEAR THAT FAR BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE FREAKING RIDICULOUS! But seeker does teleport 100m or the equivalent of 1000m in WR. And seeker here in mech arena paired with an effective high energy capacity, AND A STINKING PERSONAL SHIELD FOR GOD MEASURE BECAUSE WHY NOT, arguably takes out critical targets more efficiently than scout mechs. It's an attacker mech. It's supposed to be the critical target. And sure it does become a critical target. But it shouldn't be taking them out so efficiently.

At the same time when up against them I am frequently at a disadvantage because my stage of progress vs theirs and there's a great power disadvantage that makes it impossible for me to counter these mechs. It's really not fun when someone mech stronger than you teleports to you from across the map and executes you immediately. No risk required and all the reward. It's maddening.

9 авг. 2024, 12:5309.08.24

I do think this mech need to get some balances, an example being that they can't teleport near someones spawn point, and secondly (but also for some other annoying, but specific mechs) count the amount of times specific mechs have caused a player to be destroyed and based on that reduce for a time the amount of times these mechs appear in their matches. 

Seeker is a good mech, but its too hard to counter mainly because the weapons people often put on these mechs will shred most mechs in a few seconds (the new mods do help but most 'regular'players don't have them) and because of this fact most hangars will have all their mechs taken out with in a short period of time by players who know who to target. 

And please don't tell people to use mechs that can counter it, not everyone wants to use  mechs to counter a specific mech, or just don't have them...But i do understand that not every mech can be perfectly balanced out since every mech has their strengths for a reason, and if they are balanced too much they just won't be fun or not all that useful. 

But there are some points that need to be fixed or adjusted so seeker doesn't force players to always have a mech or weapon to ONLY counter seeker players. 

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
9 авг. 2024, 14:5709.08.24
13 авг. 2024, 14:53(отредактировано)

Hello guys! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, we will take them into account. At this moment, Seeker is one of two Tier IX Mechs, which means it's indeed one of the most powerful Mechs in the game. Having a good time, proper skills, and overall knowledge of the game. Seeker can be absolutely deadly. However, it has weak spots as well. Without proper support and good tactics, it's not an issue to destroy it in the ambush. Thus, we don't plan to rework it in the near future, but we will keep your request in mind and may return it when we see that the balance is spoiled.

9 авг. 2024, 15:4409.08.24
9 авг. 2024, 15:47(отредактировано)

Hello guys! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, we will take them into account. At this moment, Seeker is one of two Tier IX Mechs, which means it's indeed one of the most powerful Mechs in the game. Having a good time, proper skills, and overall knowledge of the game. Seeker can be absolutely deadly. However, it has weak spots as well. Without proper support and good tactics, it's not an issue to destroy it in the ambush. Thus, we don't plan to rework it in the near future, but we will keep your request in mind and may return it when we see that the balance is spoiled.

Who the hell said lacewing? I thought we were talking about seeker here. Did you even read this thread? Were you trying to respond to something else? How do you get those confused?

9 авг. 2024, 20:0609.08.24

Hello guys! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, we will take them into account. At this moment, Seeker is one of two Tier IX Mechs, which means it's indeed one of the most powerful Mechs in the game. Having a good time, proper skills, and overall knowledge of the game. Seeker can be absolutely deadly. However, it has weak spots as well. Without proper support and good tactics, it's not an issue to destroy it in the ambush. Thus, we don't plan to rework it in the near future, but we will keep your request in mind and may return it when we see that the balance is spoiled.

I think you may have replied to the wrong forum discussion. 

10 авг. 2024, 08:2610.08.24

At start, a few days the icon showed the direction of the arrival of the Seeker. First therewas no even icon. I shut a few mech next the signal mark just disappeared.  Now I am shooted continously. 🤣

10 авг. 2024, 08:3110.08.24

Other thing, the warp time shortened a lot, implant, I guess :) some mech even unable to turn back.

11 авг. 2024, 07:1011.08.24

Yes wholeheartedly I agree and I F***ING HATE SEEKER WITH EVERY OUNCE OF MY BEING. I get so angry because the teleport range, the low time to react, the shield, and the damage boost. AND EVERY TIME I TRY TO SHOOT BACK THERE ARE 2 THINGS THAT HAPPEN:




11 авг. 2024, 15:3711.08.24

One more thing I forgot to mention because I didn't notice before. FOUR SECONDS ABILITY COOLDOWN? Might as well make it none. These players can KO a mech of mine. Teleport away, and once I've spawned, they can teleport back and hurt me again. I DON'T EVEN HAVE TIME TO PLAY AS A NEW MECH BEFORE THEY TELEPORT TO AND KILL ME AGAIN! Who the hell thought it was a good idea to give this a 4 second ability cooldown? Why can it teleport as far as some snipers can shoot? Why can it get that and a personal shield and an effective high energy capacity AND ITS COOLDOWN TIME IS THE SAME AS EM RELOAD WITH IMPLANTS?!

I hate this mech. It's freaking annoying. I hate fighting it. I don't want to fight it. If I should keep having to fight it, NERF IT PLEASE!

11 авг. 2024, 15:3811.08.24

Other thing, the warp time shortened a lot, implant, I guess :) some mech even unable to turn back.

And cooldown time increased a lot

11 авг. 2024, 17:1211.08.24

Thats why I don't buy it the mech looks ugly anyway 😀

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
13 авг. 2024, 14:5613.08.24

Hello guys! Sorry that I confused you; I was talking about Seeker in my message, not Lacewing.

Indeed, Seeker is a decent Mech, especially when an experienced and skilled player pilots it. It's Tier IX Mech. Definitely one of the best in the game. Nonetheless, it's not invincible.

Try different strategies. Try to team up with your friends and create anti-Seeker tactics. Use the Mods, after all. It's not invincible.

At this moment, we don't plan to rebalance Seeker, but we will keep in mind your feedback. Thanks!

20 авг. 2024, 19:3120.08.24

Hello guys! Sorry that I confused you; I was talking about Seeker in my message, not Lacewing.

Indeed, Seeker is a decent Mech, especially when an experienced and skilled player pilots it. It's Tier IX Mech. Definitely one of the best in the game. Nonetheless, it's not invincible.

Try different strategies. Try to team up with your friends and create anti-Seeker tactics. Use the Mods, after all. It's not invincible.

At this moment, we don't plan to rebalance Seeker, but we will keep in mind your feedback. Thanks!

Yeah my tactic has mostly been hiding from view until they teleport to a teammate and I shoot them in the back. Problem is that almost always involves a teammate falling

20 авг. 2024, 23:4520.08.24
21 авг. 2024, 13:15(отредактировано)

OMG actually tho I fricking hate seeker.

Especially as I often get very high level opponents, like ~13K SP (I'm 9K)

The big part I hate about seeker is the fact that he can just target you specifically, and when he's maxed and you're not, there's literally nothing you can do about it.

I can't kill a seeker when they TP behind me, no matter what I use (mods do make this less bad now tho), even surge normally dies before the immortality of the seeker wears off and I can stun them.

The only good thing about seeker is it's ability to fight campers.

But obviously I'm f2p I can never have a seeker.

It kinda reminds me of the old disc situation.

Discs were super good at fighting campers, but also too good at everything else.

I've had to fight a maxed out revoker 12 seeker, (and he had a maxed out ember 12 nomad as well), and let me tell you, oh boy is it fun

(He WASN'T tanking BTW, the only thing he didn't have max was his revoker (it was 1 level off max)) 

20 авг. 2024, 23:4920.08.24

Yeah my tactic has mostly been hiding from view until they teleport to a teammate and I shoot them in the back. Problem is that almost always involves a teammate falling

And most seeker sweats won't tp to a bot, and given the average match composition... 


20 авг. 2024, 23:5120.08.24

One more thing I forgot to mention because I didn't notice before. FOUR SECONDS ABILITY COOLDOWN? Might as well make it none. These players can KO a mech of mine. Teleport away, and once I've spawned, they can teleport back and hurt me again. I DON'T EVEN HAVE TIME TO PLAY AS A NEW MECH BEFORE THEY TELEPORT TO AND KILL ME AGAIN! Who the hell thought it was a good idea to give this a 4 second ability cooldown? Why can it teleport as far as some snipers can shoot? Why can it get that and a personal shield and an effective high energy capacity AND ITS COOLDOWN TIME IS THE SAME AS EM RELOAD WITH IMPLANTS?!

I hate this mech. It's freaking annoying. I hate fighting it. I don't want to fight it. If I should keep having to fight it, NERF IT PLEASE!

The worst part of seeker for me might just be the lack of need for LOS.

You can't even DAMAGE the seeker, but they can damage you.

It's basically just mortars all over again 

21 авг. 2024, 14:5721.08.24

One more thing I forgot to mention because I didn't notice before. FOUR SECONDS ABILITY COOLDOWN? Might as well make it none. These players can KO a mech of mine. Teleport away, and once I've spawned, they can teleport back and hurt me again. I DON'T EVEN HAVE TIME TO PLAY AS A NEW MECH BEFORE THEY TELEPORT TO AND KILL ME AGAIN! Who the hell thought it was a good idea to give this a 4 second ability cooldown? Why can it teleport as far as some snipers can shoot? Why can it get that and a personal shield and an effective high energy capacity AND ITS COOLDOWN TIME IS THE SAME AS EM RELOAD WITH IMPLANTS?!

I hate this mech. It's freaking annoying. I hate fighting it. I don't want to fight it. If I should keep having to fight it, NERF IT PLEASE!

in fact this is exactly what happened to ME, killed 4 times by the same player in the respawn time. but we know it. sooner or later it will be nerfed, as soon as they release a similar mech, but more powerful, because these are capable of doing it, instead of teleporting and shooting you, it teleports directly on you crushing you, instant death, it would be a sales success among the new ones.. and a further general stampede among the old ones, but they will do it... keep in mind that SHEECKER is the evolution of surge,, only that surge runs fast, this one teleports, there will be the further evolution instant crushing,

23 авг. 2024, 01:3123.08.24

OMG actually tho I fricking hate seeker.

Especially as I often get very high level opponents, like ~13K SP (I'm 9K)

The big part I hate about seeker is the fact that he can just target you specifically, and when he's maxed and you're not, there's literally nothing you can do about it.

I can't kill a seeker when they TP behind me, no matter what I use (mods do make this less bad now tho), even surge normally dies before the immortality of the seeker wears off and I can stun them.

The only good thing about seeker is it's ability to fight campers.

But obviously I'm f2p I can never have a seeker.

It kinda reminds me of the old disc situation.

Discs were super good at fighting campers, but also too good at everything else.

I've had to fight a maxed out revoker 12 seeker, (and he had a maxed out ember 12 nomad as well), and let me tell you, oh boy is it fun

(He WASN'T tanking BTW, the only thing he didn't have max was his revoker (it was 1 level off max)) 

Yes that is what I hate most about seeker too. With the tournament test a couple weeks ago I saw it at its worst. A max seeker can freely take a team of randoms and avoid other max players in the process. It is unreasonable how little risk they have to take for the reward they can get

23 авг. 2024, 14:3323.08.24

Yes that is what I hate most about seeker too. With the tournament test a couple weeks ago I saw it at its worst. A max seeker can freely take a team of randoms and avoid other max players in the process. It is unreasonable how little risk they have to take for the reward they can get

Maybe if they had a damage reduction by 30% instead of an increase, then it would be a least a little risk.

Now that mods are a thing I don't think seeker should have the sheild ANYWAY. 

24 авг. 2024, 23:1224.08.24
24 авг. 2024, 23:14(отредактировано)

Here's how seeker should perhaps work (maybe even his ring as a Frisbee lol):

Seeker shoots out a flare, like orion, that requires a lock.

If the flare hits an enemy mech, seeker starts playing an animation where his ring spins up, and an animation starts also playing at his destination (his destination won't move if the tagged mech does)

After a second or so (cuz honestly more than that would probably render him useless, yet another scam (haha get it I'm funny))

After a second or so (cuz honestly more than that would probably render him useless, yet another scam (haha get it I'm funny)), seeker would tp as usual, except to the designated target area, and then return as usual and the ability would go on cooldown for 14 seconds.n for 14 seconds.

If the flare misses, the ability would go on cooldown for 4 seconds, if it hit then the duration would start, and then a 14 second cooldown.

30 авг. 2024, 06:4330.08.24
30 авг. 2024, 06:48(отредактировано)

Seeker is fairly easy to counter, all things considered. It shows you the lock on symbol when an enemy Seeker has their sights on you. The same symbol turns red when the Seeker begins its teleport, giving you exactly one second of time to prepare and react. Once the Seeker has teleported to you, you have 5 seconds (Seeker has a 7 second duration, but it takes 1 second to teleport to target and another to teleport back, thus giving you a 5 second window) to engage with/kill it; which most weapons can do. Once the lock on icon turns red, the Seeker will not be able to change its positioning until it has teleported; meaning you can actually move/face backwards and have it spawn in front of you. It no longer gets the bonus back damage on you, greatly reducing the threat. As for the 4 second cooldown, well, it's 4 seconds only because of a 50% cooldown modifier; Seeker normally takes 8 seconds to recharge the ability. 

Sure, if you're using something fragile, like Panther, a Seeker teleporting to you is a death sentence. However, for most other mechs, you have an alternative. 

Aegis: stand with your back to the edge of the Dome shield, and the seeker will teleport outside the dome. As long as you bodyblock the seeker from entering the dome, you'll be fine. 

Killshot: Just dash away

Redeemer: Just redeem backtrack away

Panther: similar tactic as the Aegis; use the stasis barrier to keep the Seeker stuck on one side

Orion: Turn around, hunter mark the Seeker and blast away. That shield won't do much.

Sentinel, Brickhouse: Who even uses these?

Surge: Dash cancel the moment the seeker teleports to you. Use the dash and immediately cancel it by opening the settings menu by pressing the Esc. key on PC, or tapping on the top left button on phone. Congratulations, the Seeker is now stunned and you can kill it. 

Redox, Gatecrasher, Onyx, Hemlock, Solis: Use the 1 second prep time to reposition and then damage/immobilize it with the ability. 

Bastion: Hard counter to Seekers; keep blast shield ready and use it when the Seeker teleports to you

Vortex: Use ability and melt Seeker away while taking 50% less damage

Eclipse: just don't appear on the radar, and the Seeker can't do anything. 

Nomad: You have the choice to either dash away like Killshot, or dash into the Seeker to take out the shield, get 60% damage reduction, and then murder it in cold blood. 

Point is- there's plenty of ways to counter Seeker. I'm aware that not all of the strategies I listed above can be used at all times, but unless you're facing an actually smart Seeker player that keep tracks of you and teleports to you only when you're on cooldown, you have a fighting chance. Of course, it won't work as well if you're in the middle of another fight; but in a team based game like this, you should be fighting with/around your team anyway. The AI bots are especially effective at taking out Seekers; just play near a bot or two when you're aware of a Seeker on the field. 

Also- use mods. The legendary ones cost an arm and a leg, but the ML perimeter mod is fairly cheap and can give your best mechs slightly better survivability.