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New progress system is not looking good

New progress system is not looking good

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
5 июнь 2023, 11:2905.06.23

Thats not the point. I don't want to purchase mechs and weapons that I dont ever plan on using. Those creds and acoins are just being wasted getting to the next tier so that I can spend more creds and acoins getting the actual mechs/weapons. As Commrad mentioned, you will have to upgrade mechs and weapons to get to the next tier. Do you know how much it costs to upgrade a mech to 4-5 stars? Let me tell you: it aint cheap.

I presume that, technically, it wasn't that easy to skip some Tiers, and if you have an end-game account, you might have already acquired Mechs from each Tier. In this way, the New Progress System doesn't change the flow a lot but makes it more systematic

5 июнь 2023, 14:0605.06.23

Oh, so it's even worse than I thought. I won't even be in a tier were any of the weapons and mechs are ones that i'm after. I havn't gotten guradian, shadow, tengu, stalker, frag guns, etc. This is gonna be FUN.

5 июнь 2023, 15:4905.06.23

Oh, so it's even worse than I thought. I won't even be in a tier were any of the weapons and mechs are ones that i'm after. I havn't gotten guradian, shadow, tengu, stalker, frag guns, etc. This is gonna be FUN.

This is really gonna be a mess.

7 июнь 2023, 21:2407.06.23

Yeah, but as I said previously, you don't have to fully acquire the Content of a Tier to move to the next Tier. Besides, such a system will help to introduce more Mechs to a player as to be honest, many of them are ignored and skipped. The Tier system will help to make more Mechs relevant.

Nevertheless, don't forget that Mechs from higher Tiers than yours will still be available via Offers and Events

Can I make a suggestion. Why don't you use the gear hub but just keep the XP leveling.

8 июнь 2023, 21:2808.06.23

Oh, so it's even worse than I thought. I won't even be in a tier were any of the weapons and mechs are ones that i'm after. I havn't gotten guradian, shadow, tengu, stalker, frag guns, etc. This is gonna be FUN.

lol you mean expensive right?

8 июнь 2023, 22:5108.06.23

lol you mean expensive right?

Haha yeah.

9 июнь 2023, 08:1309.06.23

Haha yeah.

the delicious treat knows things. careful plarium you don't slip on him

23 июнь 2023, 01:2523.06.23
23 июнь 2023, 01:34(отредактировано)
Lord Pew Pew

Y'all know how much it costs to upgrade mechs and weapons to 5 and 6 stars? It's not cheap.

I received a list of bots that Plarium uses and it wasn't until I received this list that I realized that 90% of the time the other team is comprised solely of Plarium bots. They blow so much smoke up our azz about balance and fair play yet their bots are equipped and maxed out with the very best. HOW IS ANYTHING THEY DO FAIR? 

    They lie all the time, they're spokesperson on here is a company man always evading or giving standard company answers, Crystal Drew is NOT on our side, remember every answer we're given is company approved.

  Look at the bots your up against and see how well they're equipped and maxed out then think to yourself how many thousands of dollars you'd need to spend to equal that. It costs them nothing to frustrate us enough to spend money. You don't think they're spending money for their own stuff do you?

  Yet they'll spout on and on about how they're concerned about fairness and equal play. I guarantee that they will implement an outrageous purchase system for new\old bots and weapons they don't care about us even though they technically work for us how fast do you think this game would go under if people didn't spend a dime for a month. For the list I was given look under Balanced ALS Super bots here on forum.

It took me three screenshots to capture.

23 июнь 2023, 01:5523.06.23
23 июнь 2023, 02:23(отредактировано)

Yeah, but as I said previously, you don't have to fully acquire the Content of a Tier to move to the next Tier. Besides, such a system will help to introduce more Mechs to a player as to be honest, many of them are ignored and skipped. The Tier system will help to make more Mechs relevant.

Nevertheless, don't forget that Mechs from higher Tiers than yours will still be available via Offers and Events

"many of them are ignored and skipped"

That's because they suck!  Forcing poeple to play the weak/poorly designed mechs and wepons doesnt make them relevant that just forces players to use the crap they otherwise would have 0 desitre to use.

23 июнь 2023, 14:5623.06.23

know whats cool they removed the aim assist for em rifles now the stupid bots have em rifles

Let's not forget that bots don't need auto assist they are programmed without human error and don't miss unless u luckily juke. 

In example, how many have hit the fire button only to have your sights move off ur target, or how many times has there been a boy right next to another and they ignore them and target u further away

  Bots are way too Uber and they're perfect because they're programmed to be 

28 июнь 2023, 01:4928.06.23

I been waiting for the new system progres.But since now I never get the new progres system.Can someone help me please. I really want that progres system.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
28 июнь 2023, 09:5428.06.23

I been waiting for the new system progres.But since now I never get the new progres system.Can someone help me please. I really want that progres system.

We are still developing it. Stay tuned, it's on the way into the game 👌

29 июнь 2023, 03:1229.06.23

yes, but if you've noticed the aim assist hasn't been removed from the robots, they always catch you on the first shot of EM. this is the real scam, the game balance excuse and a real stupid LIE.

I think that the bots don't have aim assist but, they are programmed not to miss that's the difference between bot and human. A bot can shoot you while turning a corner and your moving behind cover and still not miss.

  Humans don't have the reactions of a bot.

  Also how are we suppose to complete challenges and stuff of we can't even compete with op bots, I have no issues with people who buy stuff. It's their paycheck fine. But when Plarium just equips their bots with the best stuff that just tells me they don't care about us at all, that they just want that $.