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The EM Rifles are still strong

The EM Rifles are still strong

7 июнь 2023, 04:0107.06.23
7 июнь 2023, 04:07(отредактировано)

I admit it pissed me off that EM Rifle had an auto-aim, I was like "Why should this weapon have an auto-aim when others like Railgun and Longarm don't and nobody complained that it was hard to aim with".

For this time I must say that Plarium you did well to lower the firepower of EM Rifle :)

Of course there is a lot of disagreement about the auto-aim on the EM Rifle, so that's why I propose my idea: I propose that from rank 6, the EM Rifle can have an auto-aim because this way for players who are less advanced in the game will have a chance against this completely devastating weapon and for more advanced players will have a chance to destroy stronger mechs more easily as most legendary mechs have huge amount of HP.

People are pissed because the weapon that was bought with real money was modified in such a way that it no longer operates the way it was advertised. Plarium used the shady bait and switch selling technique after selling thousands after close to a year.

Imo, the game has become more unbalanced since the bots basically still have it and the PC players now have a huge advantage over mobile players. The EM never needed a nerf; it's the bad matchmaking that has created the imbalance.

Take away the bots ability to shoot through a keyhole, the PC players ability to just point and click to shoot, and fix the matchmaking. That's how you make the game balanced. But, this EM nerf was never about balance; it's a money making scheme to push weapons that aren't selling which is why they buffed the minigun on the same day as the EM nerf.

7 июнь 2023, 04:3207.06.23

People are pissed because the weapon that was bought with real money was modified in such a way that it no longer operates the way it was advertised. Plarium used the shady bait and switch selling technique after selling thousands after close to a year.

Imo, the game has become more unbalanced since the bots basically still have it and the PC players now have a huge advantage over mobile players. The EM never needed a nerf; it's the bad matchmaking that has created the imbalance.

Take away the bots ability to shoot through a keyhole, the PC players ability to just point and click to shoot, and fix the matchmaking. That's how you make the game balanced. But, this EM nerf was never about balance; it's a money making scheme to push weapons that aren't selling which is why they buffed the minigun on the same day as the EM nerf.

Excellent feedback!

7 июнь 2023, 06:0007.06.23

People are pissed because the weapon that was bought with real money was modified in such a way that it no longer operates the way it was advertised. Plarium used the shady bait and switch selling technique after selling thousands after close to a year.

Imo, the game has become more unbalanced since the bots basically still have it and the PC players now have a huge advantage over mobile players. The EM never needed a nerf; it's the bad matchmaking that has created the imbalance.

Take away the bots ability to shoot through a keyhole, the PC players ability to just point and click to shoot, and fix the matchmaking. That's how you make the game balanced. But, this EM nerf was never about balance; it's a money making scheme to push weapons that aren't selling which is why they buffed the minigun on the same day as the EM nerf.

Well said.


8 июнь 2023, 21:3408.06.23

You got it right! The Update was made to make the Weapon more balanced compared to other Weapons in the game, but we intentionally kept it one of the top ones.

so can they be removed from the garbage AI now? so fun being nuked by stupid AI with em rifles that can one shot almost all my mechs if they don't have a shield or wall to hide behind. why the sam hell am i facing bots with max weapons pilots implants and mechs now? when none of mine are. for the love of god tell the devs to quit trying to rage bait people into spending. nerf the stupid freaking bots if anything remove the, one shots most of my mechs sniper builds from them and get rm's off them as well. bad enough dealing with people using em's and rm's

8 июнь 2023, 21:3608.06.23

i think a turn off cross platform option is a good idea because mobile play was never all that fun

12 июнь 2023, 04:3712.06.23

Many of you missed his points. That said, at first I was mad. Main reason mirrored by some others here---I PAID for that setup. Regardless of it being better or worse now, thats what I paid for and learned how to use. Someone else in here said they were not used much by people anyway---maybe not in lower ranks but folks---look at tghe top 10 most powerful clans then look at their players---EMs in almost all hangers. Regarding FAIRNESS---it is what it is, the skill is learning how to avoid those players and also how to use them effectivly. I think I do better without the green beam but Im noticing it wasnt taken from everyone!!! Now thats not fair. WTH?  So many of the weapons can be called 'unfair' but alls fair in love and war, remember? You just have to learn your way around them. And, you  cant always just stand in the back field picking off emenies. They get close to you. EMs are just not going to save you in most face-offs.

IMHO, the two most 'unfair' things about this game arfe the long range mortors which require almost no skill, and a new little winged looking mech that glows and cant be locked onto.  I eat all mechs for breakfast with my beams and missles but that thing cleans me out every time its in the play. It cant be killed, or so it seems. EMs are my second 'go to' weapon. They are great for some arenas but terrible in face off fights.

13 июнь 2023, 14:4013.06.23

SO... let's compare the two- longarms to Em rifle's lets use level 12's  1 star to compare

Magazine: Em-1, Longarms 5 

Reload Em: 5.3 , Longarm 12 

Range Em: 165, Longarms 180

Damage per mag: Em 8132, Longarms 23, 070

So lets see less rounds less damage less range + shot delay for the Em rifle .... Why would anyone choose the EM Rifle with that info???? I choose the Em rifle to help defend the surge and slingshots that rush me ... I would have spent the money on a diff mech or weapon had I known ...  You can try and make it a skill issue if you choose but the numbers do not lie I would have never spent a Penny on the EM rifles had this change been in place at the time of purchase... 

Missile racks are also great at defending against surges as they still "empty their whole magezine into the enemy" if you've been EMP'd.

13 июнь 2023, 14:4213.06.23

what do you do insultu people just for their looks ?? I drive a Lexus RCF SPORT. What do you drive grandpa's tricycle?? you can't be biased and just take the look of the game...

Ya' know what they say about first impressions...

23 июнь 2023, 20:0523.06.23
23 июнь 2023, 20:07(отредактировано)

 I have em rifle 6 and 8 I've had them for a lot more time than I've been in this forum and have experienced all the changes. And over all the one witch is by Far the worst is the reduced double damage chance... even thoug they remain in my hangar I avoid useing them because although they are ok weapons they can't kill in the quick way they were designed to...

24 июнь 2023, 12:5724.06.23

 I have em rifle 6 and 8 I've had them for a lot more time than I've been in this forum and have experienced all the changes. And over all the one witch is by Far the worst is the reduced double damage chance... even thoug they remain in my hangar I avoid useing them because although they are ok weapons they can't kill in the quick way they were designed to...

Nah it's the removal of auto-aim while keeping the shot delay. Literally impossible to hit a real player who has the slightest inkling of an idea what they're doing now.

25 июнь 2023, 06:5325.06.23

You got it right! The Update was made to make the Weapon more balanced compared to other Weapons in the game, but we intentionally kept it one of the top ones.

The weapon is no longer legendary. there is nothing legendary about it anymore. you have to rank them up.... now it's good for hand hitting golf balls.... 95% of your weapons have ssisitic or auto aim... the antics you have to go to the circus, not the paying players.