Bit of a mismatch for kvk, we are up against a top 50 clan so we have no hope. The rewards for clan achievements are that bad nobody even trys anymore. so at least we get a few days off the game 😂. We used to have two 40T clans now we have one 25T clan who are not that active, the players that made up the inf are still in the kingdom, just shielded for years and years. Seems our kingdom is dying quicker than the game, so many palace 40s have quit over the last few months. Even the very top clans are losing players, the inf goes up players go down. The biggest player is also the 4th biggest clan on his own 😂. You can say what you like, this game is ALL about how much money your willing to throw away. I have spent a fair amount over the last 5 years, nothing since the last big money grab upgrade and the new event though enough is enough. The game was alot more fun to play at the very start, now its more like a chore very predictable and boring.