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Plans for the near future

Plans for the near future

As promised, we are continuing to share our plans for the game's future development with you!

There is a new marker on the map of our objectives.

Paladin Cohorts are NPC troops on the Global Map. All players can attack them, and every player will find a challenge that is appropriate for their level. By defeating Paladin Cohorts, you will receive rewards for new Quests and points in some Competitions.

We're actively working on the update, so you won't have to wait long!


Apr 15, 2022, 12:0004/15/22
Apr 18, 2022, 23:2504/18/22

I have to ask, What have Paladins got to do with vikings?

It's becoming more and more, a mix of cultures and time frames.

Apr 19, 2022, 07:2804/19/22

I have to ask, What have Paladins got to do with vikings?

It's becoming more and more, a mix of cultures and time frames.

xyz, we do not pursue the complete historical accuracy but will surely consider your feedback🙏

Stay tuned!

Apr 19, 2022, 07:3204/19/22

Hi kim69! Jarls who are on top now and possess power in the Kingdom went to great efforts to get there. It is up to you to decide how to play. You can play the game without any investments and earn Gold, for example, taking part in Competitions or you can speed up your game process purchasing bank offers. Remember that all Vikings have the same chance of becoming the greatest🤗

Apr 19, 2022, 14:1804/19/22
Ivar Marksman

Hi kim69! Jarls who are on top now and possess power in the Kingdom went to great efforts to get there. It is up to you to decide how to play. You can play the game without any investments and earn Gold, for example, taking part in Competitions or you can speed up your game process purchasing bank offers. Remember that all Vikings have the same chance of becoming the greatest🤗

Hi Ivar. I'm sorry but I think there's an error in your above post. Historically this might have been correct but the massive players are not 10 or 20% stronger than new players they are 1000s of % stronger. To catch up would require a cash spend on a scale of the national debt of a small country.

As for players choosing to play how they like, this is not correct because as Kim points out massive players can now wipe out 80% of small players troops in a single town hit. This results in a severely limited choice as to how to play the game for small players as they are forced to remain shielded or effectively start from scratch with their army. This is before considering that many of the competitions are not open to them and that competition rewards are less generous than they used to be.

Apr 20, 2022, 04:1104/20/22

This seems ok but can restrict who can attack Paladin cohorts to players "appropriate for that level" of cohort so that the big players don't just destroy them all?

Apr 20, 2022, 08:4604/20/22

Hi Ivar. I'm sorry but I think there's an error in your above post. Historically this might have been correct but the massive players are not 10 or 20% stronger than new players they are 1000s of % stronger. To catch up would require a cash spend on a scale of the national debt of a small country.

As for players choosing to play how they like, this is not correct because as Kim points out massive players can now wipe out 80% of small players troops in a single town hit. This results in a severely limited choice as to how to play the game for small players as they are forced to remain shielded or effectively start from scratch with their army. This is before considering that many of the competitions are not open to them and that competition rewards are less generous than they used to be.

Hi Blackadder! I got your point and have forwarded it to the developers👍

Feel free to share all the suggestions with me😇

Apr 20, 2022, 08:5104/20/22

This seems ok but can restrict who can attack Paladin cohorts to players "appropriate for that level" of cohort so that the big players don't just destroy them all?

We have considered such a possibility, Headofriver, stay tuned so you don't miss the further details😉

Apr 20, 2022, 14:5004/20/22

Hi Ivar. I'm sorry but I think there's an error in your above post. Historically this might have been correct but the massive players are not 10 or 20% stronger than new players they are 1000s of % stronger. To catch up would require a cash spend on a scale of the national debt of a small country.

As for players choosing to play how they like, this is not correct because as Kim points out massive players can now wipe out 80% of small players troops in a single town hit. This results in a severely limited choice as to how to play the game for small players as they are forced to remain shielded or effectively start from scratch with their army. This is before considering that many of the competitions are not open to them and that competition rewards are less generous than they used to be.

Grateful that more has been written here as it saved me searching for post I wanted to add to.

I would have to agree with you, though it's stretching credulity, theorectically  everyone can get to the same level, but its not really practical.

Anybody starting now has a severe disadvantage over those that have played a long time,and being cash rich isn't a real solution , if it now costs more to do the same things.

This ties in with a number of other related posts and a particular hot one about CvC.

Any changes that have been been made to the game, and need to be,or are corrected later, benefit those who have been able to take advantage of earlier conditions, or loop holes that have been deliberately opened or accidentally so ,and later closed.

There's lots of examples of this.but the hot topic of hidden sieges illustrates this perfectly.

Clans are manipulating the draw,so they garner an easier opponent, and thereafter, so they can win the event, without which, they might not have gained the copius amounts of rewards for doing so, and the advantage it gives.

Apr 21, 2022, 14:2604/21/22

Hi Ivar. I'm sorry but I think there's an error in your above post. Historically this might have been correct but the massive players are not 10 or 20% stronger than new players they are 1000s of % stronger. To catch up would require a cash spend on a scale of the national debt of a small country.

As for players choosing to play how they like, this is not correct because as Kim points out massive players can now wipe out 80% of small players troops in a single town hit. This results in a severely limited choice as to how to play the game for small players as they are forced to remain shielded or effectively start from scratch with their army. This is before considering that many of the competitions are not open to them and that competition rewards are less generous than they used to be.

The game is designed to be played and founght on multiple levels. Is a beginning player going to challenge veteran players for the Throne in JOT. No. But learning the basics of fighting at a low level can prevent costly mistakes later. The key is to find at what level you are comfortable at fighting at based on the time, effort and money you which to invest in.

As far as getting wiped out those usually occur by shield drops and a hard learning lesson. If you playing this game as a quick fix thats okay. But true success comes from planning and effort. I have several players at various stages of growth. We teach each player to contribute and be successful at the level they are comfortable. KD 806 Born2Burn Chief, 38-10 cvc record.

Our clan understand that it is not strong enough to battle for the Throne or towers in Asgard. However, we have ruined many a day with our trap towns and SH sieges. We have no troops huggers here.

Apr 21, 2022, 23:4904/21/22
Apr 21, 2022, 23:50(edited)
I Smell Smoke!

The game is designed to be played and founght on multiple levels. Is a beginning player going to challenge veteran players for the Throne in JOT. No. But learning the basics of fighting at a low level can prevent costly mistakes later. The key is to find at what level you are comfortable at fighting at based on the time, effort and money you which to invest in.

As far as getting wiped out those usually occur by shield drops and a hard learning lesson. If you playing this game as a quick fix thats okay. But true success comes from planning and effort. I have several players at various stages of growth. We teach each player to contribute and be successful at the level they are comfortable. KD 806 Born2Burn Chief, 38-10 cvc record.

Our clan understand that it is not strong enough to battle for the Throne or towers in Asgard. However, we have ruined many a day with our trap towns and SH sieges. We have no troops huggers here.

You clan is not a small one though and you have some big players (relatively) within your clan which explains the success of your tactics. You also have the ability to seige which is having an overbearing effect on cvc results under the current scoring system.

Unlike many clans/kds you appear to accept newcomers and smaller players which is nice to see.

Looking at kd battle results I suspect that you appreciate the limitations of smaller clans and kds and are happy with that.

Apr 24, 2022, 23:3004/24/22
Apr 24, 2022, 23:32(edited)

Kim, That is the game we play but the solution to the problem you identify is one we all have in common no matter how strong we are.  We all get harrassed by those stronger than us (in JOT or Holmgang or Siege or whereever)....We all learn the hundreds of ways we need to protect ourselves from the predators up the food chain.  There is ALWAYS someone stronger than me (and you).  The game is RUTHLESS to players who try to do it alone and greatly rewards players who are in a clan.  Choosing the right clan is obviously partly social for the newer players, but it is also very important that it be a clan that is stong enough to defend you, your stronghold, and perhaps be in alliance with the strongest clan in the kingdom so that you are able to get repute, and shards during siege (while being protected).  

Apr 28, 2022, 17:0104/28/22
Apr 28, 2022, 17:02(edited)
Ivar Marksman

Hi kim69! Jarls who are on top now and possess power in the Kingdom went to great efforts to get there. It is up to you to decide how to play. You can play the game without any investments and earn Gold, for example, taking part in Competitions or you can speed up your game process purchasing bank offers. Remember that all Vikings have the same chance of becoming the greatest🤗

Very disappointed with the myriad changes in the game.

It's all about buying, buying and buying.

Impossible events for most players.

Increasing difference between players, in events such as Holmgang, Fury and Asgard it is not worth participating because it is most likely that you will come out burning.

I am in a Kingdom of many small clans, we are also not eligible for Kingdom events.

Nor can we change Kingdoms, it means losing a lot of resources and impulses invested in the Clan Fortress, losing the accumulated resources of each player, and worst of all, the Kingdoms do not want to accept new people so as not to rise in influence.

What options do we have players who spend a good monthly money are not in the Top 1000? 

Apr 29, 2022, 09:5304/29/22

Very disappointed with the myriad changes in the game.

It's all about buying, buying and buying.

Impossible events for most players.

Increasing difference between players, in events such as Holmgang, Fury and Asgard it is not worth participating because it is most likely that you will come out burning.

I am in a Kingdom of many small clans, we are also not eligible for Kingdom events.

Nor can we change Kingdoms, it means losing a lot of resources and impulses invested in the Clan Fortress, losing the accumulated resources of each player, and worst of all, the Kingdoms do not want to accept new people so as not to rise in influence.

What options do we have players who spend a good monthly money are not in the Top 1000? 

I am sorry that the current game difficulty does not satisfy you, aqyles. Our major aim is to provide you with the comfortable gaming experience, I have forwarded this feedback to the developers for the further consideration🙏

If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to improve the game, feel free to share them with me😇

May 6, 2022, 23:5605/06/22

hi just thought it would be nice if we could win our personal score prizes as we do spend money to help clan to try and win during cvc.. But we come away with nothing you match us up with players who have Alliances and we are out numbered ...But give it our all to try and win .. we cannot even run siege during cvc as the bigger clans hit us and we get no where .. you shoul even the playing board by just letting the clan that we are up against are the only ones that can attack ... the way you have it is our biggest clan in the kingdom it is their  enemy that attacks us we do not stand a chance ... we spend our hard earned money as well .. all $ add up to money in your pockets. but you must surely give others a fighting chance if they play right ... we all spend money we also can take our money else where when we do not stand a chance ....thank you for listening to my opinon 

May 7, 2022, 08:3305/07/22

You can also find a good Alliance with other Clans. Also, thank you for your feedback, marina! We have forwarded it to our specialists 🤗

May 7, 2022, 19:5105/07/22

I think that this, as often is the case here, that the response given, is over simplifying the solution to the problem.

Yes, it is possible to form an alliiance, will it be sufficient to make a difference,?Probably not.

The reason for this is, no big clan is going to be interested in forming an alliance with a small one, it would be potentially  too risky for them loosing the rewards of a win.

Secondly, they will already have formed alliances with their friends, or themselves, nothing like keeping it in the family.

This also is relevant to another post, which suggests that the top clans have worked hard to get there, I would say no they haven't , they  have done one of two things, or a combination of the two.

They have bought their way there.

They have cheated their way there,using loop holes,often since closed,or previous game functions no longer in existence

May 30, 2022, 06:0305/30/22

Face it ,this game is Pay to Win, unless you have hundreds to thousands of dollards to spend you will never be able to advance far.

May 31, 2022, 21:0405/31/22
Ivar Marksman

xyz, we do not pursue the complete historical accuracy but will surely consider your feedback🙏

Stay tuned!

I have been playing this game for years. From the very beginning I really dislike, that Celtic events like Halloween or St. Patrick's Day are being favored, also the US-American Thanksgiving, but true Teutonic / Viking events like the solstices, Ostara, Yule, Thanksgiving, Frigg's Day, etc ot the names of the months together with their cultic meaning are not being mentioned at all. The game is not meant to be historical correct, I get it. But it would be nice to have at least the most important cultic elements recognized. 

Being Ásatrùar myself, this was the initial reason why I started playing this game. I know of many people, who stopped playing the game, because there weren't Vikings in this Vikings game. 

Maybe you could have game events, or certain hidden achievements, or equipment, or items, that can only be reached by knowledge of myths from the EDDA or historical background? Maybe an ingame quiz could pop up on certain occasions or within a coffer with one random question, which needs to be answered within a given period of time and receiving a better item in exchange for the right answer, if the question is answered fast. Maybe also a nice amount of Rune coins?

I also would like to have higher levels for hero and shamans and automated change of clothing for shamans, like we have for our hero. My shamans have at least two sets of clothing. 

Also high level Jarls shouldn't be able to attack small Jarls. With my second account I am in a kingdom, which has been ruined by only 5 troll players, who attack others and so nobody can farm without shield. This is really annoying, especially when you have worked hard on your clan's stronghold. If there were the possibility to move the whole stronghold to another kingdom, this would solve the given problems. 

Then there still is the problem with the places needed for the achievement pioneer. The places are blocked by troll players. They refuse to go and some aren't even in the game anymore. And the last point in Jötunheim is also blocked every time Jötunheim is running. Why can't the towns sitting on these places be removed after sitting there for 1 minute or so? Or Plarium could make these places cut down gold, ressources and troops if somebody sits there fror more than 3 minutes. This really needs to be solved. 

And finally, there ought to be more possibilities to earn Rune coins. ATM you can oly earn a fair amount of Rune coins if you are able to slaughter other jarls, yet this you can only do with high level equipment and highest level skills. Why not have Rune coins drop while defending the clan's stronghold against the npc's?

May 31, 2022, 21:1005/31/22

hi just thought it would be nice if we could win our personal score prizes as we do spend money to help clan to try and win during cvc.. But we come away with nothing you match us up with players who have Alliances and we are out numbered ...But give it our all to try and win .. we cannot even run siege during cvc as the bigger clans hit us and we get no where .. you shoul even the playing board by just letting the clan that we are up against are the only ones that can attack ... the way you have it is our biggest clan in the kingdom it is their  enemy that attacks us we do not stand a chance ... we spend our hard earned money as well .. all $ add up to money in your pockets. but you must surely give others a fighting chance if they play right ... we all spend money we also can take our money else where when we do not stand a chance ....thank you for listening to my opinon 

Same here, especially with my first account. We always get enemies, who are so extremely well equipped and who outnumber us and have so much more influence than we have. Most of us make 10 times as many points than we need for our personal checkpoints, yet the war is decided alone via the place of power. That's not okay.

Jun 1, 2022, 10:0406/01/22

I have been playing this game for years. From the very beginning I really dislike, that Celtic events like Halloween or St. Patrick's Day are being favored, also the US-American Thanksgiving, but true Teutonic / Viking events like the solstices, Ostara, Yule, Thanksgiving, Frigg's Day, etc ot the names of the months together with their cultic meaning are not being mentioned at all. The game is not meant to be historical correct, I get it. But it would be nice to have at least the most important cultic elements recognized. 

Being Ásatrùar myself, this was the initial reason why I started playing this game. I know of many people, who stopped playing the game, because there weren't Vikings in this Vikings game. 

Maybe you could have game events, or certain hidden achievements, or equipment, or items, that can only be reached by knowledge of myths from the EDDA or historical background? Maybe an ingame quiz could pop up on certain occasions or within a coffer with one random question, which needs to be answered within a given period of time and receiving a better item in exchange for the right answer, if the question is answered fast. Maybe also a nice amount of Rune coins?

I also would like to have higher levels for hero and shamans and automated change of clothing for shamans, like we have for our hero. My shamans have at least two sets of clothing. 

Also high level Jarls shouldn't be able to attack small Jarls. With my second account I am in a kingdom, which has been ruined by only 5 troll players, who attack others and so nobody can farm without shield. This is really annoying, especially when you have worked hard on your clan's stronghold. If there were the possibility to move the whole stronghold to another kingdom, this would solve the given problems. 

Then there still is the problem with the places needed for the achievement pioneer. The places are blocked by troll players. They refuse to go and some aren't even in the game anymore. And the last point in Jötunheim is also blocked every time Jötunheim is running. Why can't the towns sitting on these places be removed after sitting there for 1 minute or so? Or Plarium could make these places cut down gold, ressources and troops if somebody sits there fror more than 3 minutes. This really needs to be solved. 

And finally, there ought to be more possibilities to earn Rune coins. ATM you can oly earn a fair amount of Rune coins if you are able to slaughter other jarls, yet this you can only do with high level equipment and highest level skills. Why not have Rune coins drop while defending the clan's stronghold against the npc's?

I understand your point, Thoruna! Thank you for your detailed feedback and suggestions. I have forwarded it to our specialists.

Hope our future innovations will meet your expectations 😇