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More about changes to the Clans Battle

More about changes to the Clans Battle

Nov 18, 2019, 03:5811/18/19

This is going to be as expected, its not worth the while bothering with.

There is the requirement to do things not normally done,and without a stronghold the clans already 1 category down.

A separate category for points in defending, means you have to let someone attack you, which means either on tiles or leaving the town exposed. 

You mostly get attacked on tiles by much bigger players so the loss in manpower is significant, it will also mean that yielding will also be that much harder .

Of course this may be your plan.


I believe its ill conceived,

Lets see how many more players quit.

Nov 18, 2019, 04:0311/18/19
i agree 100 percent not worth the effort and dam sure not worth giving plarium any more money for so little return 
Nov 19, 2019, 01:1611/19/19
when sending troops to defend the stronghold seige do we have to keep reapplying boost or do they stay active once the boost time is up untill troops are recalled.
Nov 20, 2019, 01:5611/20/19

Well even though the first event was won because it was against a dead clan,the second is already 'lost' after the first day,and so not worth the effort of chasing the opponents score.

The doable clan levels are done, and the score is currently a draw, but the contest is already lost on points,so the personal targets are now moot.

Its as has been stated elsewhere,the opponents are from a new kingdom with more scope to get big points on building and knowledge for influence and has already amassed mega points in the training healing and resurrection section.

They may have course won under the old system.

Nov 20, 2019, 23:3111/20/19
Nov 21, 2019, 02:11(edited)

Update, It looks like I was seriously scammed by the opposition.

When the opponent was announced I looked at the members , there was only 3 of them, and 1 of them long time inactive,The clan low on influence.

I have just checked the scores, something made me check the membership. I wanted to find out where they were...

There are now 4 in the clan, the new player is nearly 9 billion, theres no way this is right.......

Obvious how and why they could score so much... Just one more reason to not take the events seriously.

Edited later.

I realised that it looks like I am complaining yet still entering in to the spirit of the game,whereas this is not the case.

I was not actively competeing in the CvC, but when doing other things or event events, its impossible not to score in the CvC  where they overlap.The score just happened to be a draw, but there was little chance of winning on points.

I am  wondering  just how they scored so many points, because technically someone can not join after the event shows and score counting points.

Is it bugged or am I missing something?
Nov 21, 2019, 21:0511/21/19
Bring back the bastion of the beast town skin! It’s the only thing worth fighting for to win CvC. You took that away so as our motivation to win our CvC . Not cool ! Ugh 😩 it’s gotten boring- the buck stops here until this is fix!
Nov 22, 2019, 00:2411/22/19

Just finished cvc and am really disappointed.  The new score board does not update in real time which is a problem.  my personal score would update, but not the area i was working in.  for example, i was trying to bring up my clan's score for ghosts and invaders at the end of the cvc.  i spent A LOT on energy for both hero and shaman to turn the score to our favor.  instead my personal score only went up.  i waited to see my hard work pop up on the main score board an it never did.  when the cvc was over, i went back to look and the score was the same.  my points did not calculate at all.  i was probably watching for the last 15-20 minutes and never saw them get added.  not even at the very end.

we need real time scoring back.  how can we know what to work on when we don't have this?

also how is is that we scored more but lost?
Nov 22, 2019, 07:0711/22/19


It was perhaps a puppet clan and the 9B player was just there to transfer rss to keep up troop training / influence increasing?


Did you check just at the end of CvC? Or after the hour or so that it takes for the game to finalise everything once the event has ended? It is actually hard for the losing clan to know when this is.

Totally agree on the need for real time scoring. There has never been true real time clan scoring though, it's just worse now.

Not clear on your last point. If they are ahead in more categories than you once everything is finalised, they win - total score doesn't matter. It's only if you are equal that the total score decides the winner.
Nov 22, 2019, 11:1211/22/19
Nov 22, 2019, 11:14(edited)

That's a good point.They were expecting to win so someone was transferred in.

Had I thought I was going to be scammed I might have been able to make note of things that might've been evidence of this.

I could have checked who's influence must have rocketed in order to score so much in this section of the game.

Of course it may have been possible to score as much as they did here but I do not know how to calculate points from building and knowledge so don't know if it was possible to beat it.

One thing is certain, its another nail in the coffin as far as the futility of this game and honesty of events.

Even in a war game,which as far as I believe, it isn't, it ought to be about winning not manipulation.

Nov 22, 2019, 22:3411/22/19
Nov 22, 2019, 22:44(edited)

Unexpect said:


Did you check just at the end of CvC? Or after the hour or so that it takes for the game to finalise everything once the event has ended? It is actually hard for the losing clan to know when this is.

Totally agree on the need for real time scoring. There has never been true real time clan scoring though, it's just worse now.

Not clear on your last point. If they are ahead in more categories than you once everything is finalised, they win - total score doesn't matter. It's only if you are equal that the total score decides the winner.

Yes, i did check at the end.  I watched until the end...not score change.  i checked probably a couple of hours change.  I checked the next day thinking there would a change...and nothing.  Got your point on total points.  It just sucks now because high score isn't factored in any way.    So much power spent on getting points and no impact (sigh).  I will be sure to watch scoring again and send an update.  :)
May 21, 2020, 02:5905/21/20

We just finished CVC and lost.    Our enemy did the SH siege thing in the last 25 minutes, and we never attacked them,  but they got 870M pts and we got 0   

So how did they get points?   did someone else attack them and they got points?  Is that how it works?   I made the assumption that they only get points if their enemy,  (US) attack them
May 21, 2020, 15:3105/21/20

Someone. you?  no, I think their avatar is different, also asked this question  today.

The stronghold siege is a way to get points from defending an attack from a non real player, i.e. its totally game generated.

I just realised that this might have been introduced precisely  to counter the situation where nether clan involved in the competition risks loosing points in the battles section. 

However its been much maligned, and in fact its no better than buying troops to win. In either case the big i.e. rich clans can afford to do this.