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Update news!

Update news!

Jan 8, 2018, 22:3201/08/18
I haven't yet, knock on wood. I have 3 IOS devices with no issues; however I have yet to update them.
Jan 9, 2018, 06:2301/09/18
Heya Developers: I would like to know if the Snowiking Ubers have disappeared forever or will they return again? Will Snowikings be Ubers for Shaman, i.e. will there be others Shaman Ubers soon again?
Jan 9, 2018, 07:4501/09/18
just a guess,  but unless they do an update before this weekend....
Jan 10, 2018, 10:1701/10/18

i have found the snowikings when they are supposed to appear sometimes theres a delay most likely so there not all released at same time, using the navigator makes them fairly easy to find too, my shaman has advanced a lot faster because of this i love them, i wish they could stick around im guessing when they go upgrading shaman will become a hard slog, im also a pc user and dont have many issues the one i tend to suffer from is an error that keeps popping up its ugly head and puts my whole game at risk if i attack someone this embedded error could kill my game off very quickly if it happens while im resetting my shield after deploying troops to attack someones city leaving me open to attack while i reload the game, i have had this issue since i started to play this game and it really needs sorting out, if im hit when this happens i WILL NOT buy gold packs to get my city and influence back, 

Jan 12, 2018, 03:2201/12/18
Is this an update that crashes or are all systems down?
Jan 12, 2018, 03:3401/12/18
Something is wrong with the server? or is only me? it doesn't load in my pc !
Jan 12, 2018, 03:5401/12/18
Yeah, the servers seem to be down, I came here to see if it was a planned update.
Jan 12, 2018, 15:0001/12/18

doesn't seem to have been a planned update.

Game keeps crashing here too... 

Can't really play the KvK, 'coz it takes too long to reshield & constant crashes are really a pain when you've just dropped your shield. I also had a bunch of boosters running, ready to attack in KvK - they all expired before I could really do anything. This is more than just a little annoyance!

It started (here) right after the KvK started, went on for 2hrs, then came the (?emergency-)maintenance & today we're back to square one - game keeps crashing, really sluppish performance - no fun no more...

Please fix this ASAP!

Jan 12, 2018, 15:0301/12/18
looks like its widespread ,,, cant get game to load over 80 % .. and as usual no word as to whats happening 
Jan 12, 2018, 15:1001/12/18

P.S.: FWIW, the error message here alternates between "Login Server connection lost" & "Problem with internet connection" - and no, my internet connection is just fine...

Some official statement & plan on how to make up for the screwed up KvK would be cool...
Jan 14, 2018, 12:2501/14/18
Server down?
Jan 14, 2018, 12:3501/14/18
I dunno what is happening but game are offline on every platform
Jan 14, 2018, 12:3601/14/18
Jan 25, 2018, 11:1201/25/18

Is this company not responsible for the damages caused? I am a computer technician and networks for 15 years and gamer since 20. After maintenance on January 22 the server gave me error for more than 9 continuous hours, from several computers and different browsers. My loss was more than $ 500, because other players could access the server before me and attacked me more than 50 times. In the forum there are messages from other players with the same problem that day, but this company insists that it was my fault that their server did not work. How do you rate someone who takes your money and then treats you as an idiot?

I am in the kingdom 440 silgultul and my ID is 21014996

Jan 25, 2018, 16:2601/25/18

nancafig said:

Is this company not responsible for the damages caused? I am a computer technician and networks for 15 years and gamer since 20. After maintenance on January 22 the server gave me error for more than 9 continuous hours, from several computers and different browsers. My loss was more than $ 500, because other players could access the server before me and attacked me more than 50 times. In the forum there are messages from other players with the same problem that day, but this company insists that it was my fault that their server did not work. How do you rate someone who takes your money and then treats you as an idiot?

I am in the kingdom 440 silgultul and my ID is 21014996

What the alert did you have when you couldn't login? If other guys had opportunity to play probably something wrong was with your provider or PC. When they make works on server nobody can enter. Did you try to decide he issue with help of advises that was ridden here on forum?

Jan 26, 2018, 05:3401/26/18
update app or refresh your browser?    I had issues until I did the latter.
Jan 28, 2018, 11:4901/28/18

I have the same problem since yesterday.

I coudn't access to the game yesterday afternoon for hours and then had an access late by night.Today same thing i have a fixed image and then no access.

Another thing happened before  to me three times.When i attack some dead towns and one big player attack me i find myself with stop image.i can do nothing and was obliged to restart the game and of course i am zerowed. same scenario three times .

Is that fair to loose connection just when being attacked ?

Mar 30, 2018, 18:3303/30/18

Login server connection lost - since more than 4 hours - whats the fu... problem?

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