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Update news!

Dec 6, 2017, 14:2212/06/17
How do I get my shaman to second level?
Dec 6, 2017, 14:2912/06/17

jacob said:

How do I get my shaman to second level?

You can buy the charms for the initial shaman in the clan shop.

Dec 6, 2017, 21:5212/06/17
ok after you pruchase the biggie the big charm were can you find it in the item chest ? 
Dec 6, 2017, 21:5512/06/17
Once you have the 25 charms go to the Shaman and click the upgrade button
Dec 6, 2017, 22:3412/06/17
aw ight thank ya .. so i need more charms .. awesome
Dec 6, 2017, 23:1112/06/17
Hieveryone, can someone tell me why i can't reach the viking,  i already two day see only  black square when trying to load the game? 
Dec 7, 2017, 03:2512/07/17
Would love to hear confirmation in the update that crafting drops from invaders have been reduced or hear that its a bug that is being fixed. Since the shaman update where I used to get rare and epic I'm getting almost completely Unusual.  That is a HUGE drop in level and quite frankly a huge hit to value of energy packs.
Dec 8, 2017, 04:2712/08/17
I have advanced the first Shaman to the 6th tier and level 52 where he can at some point manufacture Legendary items but have to wait for my Learned Skills to advance so I can make higher level items. In the meantime how do I advance the second Shaman past the second tier. There are no Charm bags for her in the clan store as there are for the male Shaman.Once she got to level 30 she is stalled.
Dec 8, 2017, 13:1012/08/17

What's the different between Shaman's and Hero's equipment??How can I craft Shamans equipment? 

Dec 10, 2017, 17:0512/10/17
Still after 6 days unable to load on PC account using a variety of browsers and on 2 PC's and 1 laptop, with different operating system. Tried reinstalling Java, clearing cache etc etc, contacting support but little help yet...anyone found a solution?
Dec 12, 2017, 11:3212/12/17

SoClose said:

What's the different between Shaman's and Hero's equipment??How can I craft Shamans equipment? 

The difference between equip a shaman and equip a hero is that only a shaman can wear it. First of all you need to open slots for equipment in the skills of a shaman. Then go to the forge, open the equipment tab and select the "Shaman" filter in the upper right-hand corner.

Dec 12, 2017, 14:3412/12/17

Now the update is live also in the browser version?

Dec 14, 2017, 04:2912/14/17
The costs for shaman upgrades and equipment are completely disproportionate to their effect. Having to craft 4 rare pieces of equipment in order to craft a lvl 1 shaman weapon is insane. someone needs to rethink these things.
Dec 14, 2017, 08:4512/14/17

giochimmo said:

Now the update is live also in the browser version?

as I know they added the update in the browser version the same day like a mobile

Dec 22, 2017, 08:2412/22/17
Whats up with another maintenance during an event ?
May 31, 2018, 01:2605/31/18
When is the release of shaman cavalry?
Jun 1, 2018, 08:1806/01/18

Badburn said:

When is the release of shaman cavalry?


You can find all information about our updates in the News and Events section ( Stay tuned and you won't miss anything!

If you have any more questions, we will be happy to help. Enjoy the game!

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Your Plarium Support Team

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