• Achievements
For certain actions, you now earn achievements that can be used as an honorific. When you upgrade an achievement, its bonuses increase.
• Improved tutorial
When you start a new game, an introductory video is shown. You will receive an additional reward for completing the tutorial.
Added upon players' requests:
• VIP levels
The maximum number of VIP levels has been increased to 40. Now you can refresh the Task list multiple times and complete all Tasks instantly. Moreover, there will be bonuses that significantly improve various military and economic stats.
• Troop Sets
In the window for forming a troop, you can use templates that you prepare in advance. You can save the type, tier, and number of warriors in a Troop Set.
• Troop capacity
Tier VI melee capacity has been increased.
• Rankings
There are more rankings now. You can find out the performance of Clans and Jarls, as well as your own. This stat is based on the number of top places taken and checkpoints passed in Competitions. You can also view Clan rankings by number of victories in the Clans Battles and by number of enemy warriors killed.
• The Throne of Jotunheim window no longer closes automatically when the Reinforcements tab is being viewed during a successful attack on the Fortress.
Live for battles, achieve more in less time, and bask in glory! Discuss the update in the comments.
Important!We know that you have experienced some difficulties with the displaying of certain game elements after the update. To resolve the issue, please update the game application to the latest version.
Thank you for your understanding and patience!
Hello team,
in addition to all above I want to share with you (Plarium Team and Viking Players) below screenshots, taken from our 805 Kingdom Fury Battle. We lost, this is not so important, main questions here are:
- Did we really lost or Plarium have discovered new Math in this world?
- How we can trust you about our achievement after bug like that?
- How do you expect us to pay money and to get lies as a gift for them?
These are the results of top 2 clans. Even only the sum of our result is more than total Kingdom 805 points...
I do not know how to explain all above, I learned 4 parts of Math during my Higher education but I have never seen such calculations.
Dear Jarls,
Thank you for providing us with this information.
We are already aware of the issue and are working to resolve it. Please note sometimes it takes a long while to solve the issue.
You will know that the issue is resolved in the News section in the game or in one of the following updates.
We will contact you if we need any additional information.
Just remember, we're always here to help with any questions. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Great... 3 maitntenance in 2 days...
you broke our Clan Battle, we started SH def and you started maintenance.... are you kidding us?
We pay money, real money and you use us as free testers of you bugs. No, we are not free in fact, we pay to be your testers.
minou13 said:
you removed the vip level thats so stupid how can a hunter see if there dead or not :( you kild the game for hunters its a fight game now we have no controle to see who's playing or not on a easy way you fuckt it up for the hunters :(
GOOD !! I am ecstatic about that ! Now if I drop my shield to be attacked with my VIP activated, no one will know what level I am at. Great strategic move there !! Don't change it !!
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