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  Update: boosts, bonuses, and Clans Battle tasks, game account linking, and much more

Update: boosts, bonuses, and Clans Battle tasks, game account linking, and much more

Jan 31, 2020, 20:2201/31/20

Not a great update

Again all day long game locks out. If I'm lucky and the game doesn't crash when I Select a tile /town or invader I get a message you can locate your town here. These bugs happen every time you run a significant update.

Like my partners said I 'm not spending any more money "not even for you great new offers" until things settle down and its safe to go fight without the game crashing. I'm not letting my town burn loose all troops and rss just because the game doesn't run properly and the face an inquisition with Plarium for days to get it resolved. I didn't make these problems Please sort them out.

Feb 1, 2020, 00:0702/01/20
why are you wasting time moving the shield category they were find just the way they were this is stupid having the seven day shield at the top there are a lot of things you idiots should be fixing there sure as hell need some changes in how this game is being managed only thing in this last update worth a shit was is being able to play pc accounts on phone if anyone ever figures it out and until the small clans and players start getting some help from you your not getting any from me and means for you idiots NO MORE MONEY
Feb 1, 2020, 18:2502/01/20
Like most of it, but the new sorting system is bad in my opinion.
Feb 2, 2020, 11:2702/02/20

A question on the new cvc categories: does "enemy warriors" only refer to the cvc opponent or to everyone who's not from your clan? 

And where is rhe difference between category 1 and 4? Kill enemy warriors in town or on tile. Pop and sh are separate, I get it. But what other options remain? How does this make sense? 

Sidenote: putting yielding and invaders/ghosts in one category just doesnt make any sense at all. 

Feb 2, 2020, 13:2002/02/20
Whiskey said:

This is Ludicrous......

Kiss good buy to defending Towers or traps Pop or SH. The balance of power is so distorted you could not get enough troops to defend against a clan with players that have those boosts.

This is so poorly planned and just another money grab from people. Well thats the end for me When my Gold boosts and rss run out I'll quit. I can find better things to spend my money on than donating my kids inheritance and pension on.

These people just dont give a damn.
i see,feel same way,just an money grab as i see it as well ...........
Feb 2, 2020, 14:2502/02/20

the new categories cvc are perfect ... for a kvk !!!

reallly wish a rollback from these horrible update
Feb 2, 2020, 17:0502/02/20

Yeah I don't  get it. It says kill warriors in a SH and POP. Pop makes sense, but how do you kill warriors at a SH? Besides that I'm intrigued to get into battle with this new format, I'm not exactly a big player, but we can still make some points and more Importantly GOLD. Bring back bastion of the beasts

Feb 2, 2020, 17:0602/02/20

MaraPolo said:

The new tasks cathegories  are more awful than the ones you had introduced in harvest. Now that's no Clan Battle anymore . It's just anouther KVK because everyone will fight everyone. The smaller clans and the smaller Player have to pull their heads und fyce the storm.

Why should anyone gather resources anymore ?  The big clans will forbit all kingdom players to gather ressources , because they don't want to loose points.  The last changes gave the smaller players more power in the CvC because gathering ressources was one cathegorie . Hunting ghosts and invaders were the second cathegorie for smallerplayers to make points.  Increase Inifluence is possible for all . 

Now you have 4 Killing cathegories . Now the clan only need to fight stronghold and POP and to place a trap . Afterwards they rebuilt their troops and that't whole CvC .  That's not very interesting and for smaller players senseless to do anything during cvc .

More difficult it is for small clan . Usaully there's a uge clan in kingdon to rule the pop .  And there are rules in kingdom . For all smaller clans it will be suicide to attack these konungs clan at the POP .  They'll need to decide how many wariors might be allowed to be killed by a small clan for getting some points at the PoP cathegorie .

SH- defence is no problem if both clans have the possibility to use that feature. 

for attacking Towns and ressource locations they have to be unshielded . Why should I go yielding without shield when I 'll be under attack by everyone ? Up to now we went peacefully yielding during CvC because usaully you were only attacked by your opponent . Other player didn't get any points for attacking us.

The last events I couls watch the forest of shield mushrooms grow . But without possibility to attack tiles no one will drop shield . And with no one dropping shield it will be hard to get points for attacking Towns and ressouces location.

For the uge amount of smaller players like me you take away all tasks to be usefull for a clan. You take away all interesting  possibilities to have a good CvC game feeling .   You take away all pleasures for working on the clans victory .

Now there is no event left for beginners smaller and not so mighty players .  It's only a game for the big and  oversized guys.

You are so right . We have 100 players , mainly small players , farmers and Ghost-hunters  - now we got an cvc opponent with One player who is 1.9Trillion . We now told our guys NOT to farm , and that we need to kick anyone who has no shield . Because if our cvc enemy will kill one Troop of our players, he straight will get 2 Points for the cvc . The game is absolutly not in balance- this new update is just good for the huge players - not for any smaller once or beginners - I am sure that many will stop playing and stop buying packs . I think will loose a lot of money because of this update . Wrong strategy for marketing the game. 10000 smaller players who buy a pack of 20 dollars will bring more if 100 big players buy packs for 100 dollars . BUT this is your guys choice....... all have a nice day
Feb 2, 2020, 18:5502/02/20
si vous voulez nous dégouter à jouer à ce jeu, vous prenez le bon chemin, il risque d'y avoir de plus en plus d'abandon..
Feb 3, 2020, 02:4802/03/20
Alice Vytsenets said:



• New boosts 

- 10-Minute Troop Enlargement, 460% 

- 10-Minute Troop Enlargement in Onslaught, 955% 

- 10-Minute Warrior Training Limit, 7300% 

Added upon players' requests: 

• Clans Battle 

Revised task categories and changed number of points that are awarded for resource yielding and hunting Invaders and Ghosts. 

• Bonuses for victory in the Clans Battle 

Bonuses that are displayed in the Clans Battle description and after victory in the Bonuses section of the Events window have now been combined into two categories: 

- Building Speed, Knowledge Learning Speed, and Resource Transformation Speed in Stronghold 

- Building Speed, Knowledge Learning Speed, and Warrior Training Speed 

• Account linking 

To save or restore your game progress on a device, in-game Plarium ID linking is now available. For users of iOS 13 or later, Apple ID linking is available. 

• Notifications about forthcoming updates 

Now a news article will be posted in the game 24 hours before the update. 

• Strongholds 

The minimum distance between Clan Strongholds has been increased to 16 tiles. This change will not affect Clan Strongholds that have already been constructed. 

• Sorting 

Marching Speed-up items in the "Boost the process" window and boosts are sorted in descending order by bonus value, and then by duration. 

• Coordinates 

When sending location coordinates to a chat, the location information is sent as well, and when sending a Town's coordinates, the player's name and Clan tag are sent as well. 


On Android devices, the "Back" button in the Mail window now works properly. 

Increase your troops, save your progress, and get more breathing space from other Clans! Discuss the update in the comments.

Feb 3, 2020, 02:5602/03/20
why not sell nuclear bombs to knockout shields and blowup strong holds 
Feb 3, 2020, 10:4402/03/20

Kaizomb said:

Yeah I don't  get it. It says kill warriors in a SH and POP. Pop makes sense, but how do you kill warriors at a SH?

stronghold lvl 4 can use precious dust for start a defense of their stronghold that they reinforce... not really for the young clan

And POP make sence only if it was your ennemy clan or yourself who own it... for a smaller clan, owner of pop in home and ennemy kingdom can be a other clan who is a lot bigger that you

Feb 3, 2020, 11:5902/03/20

Hello everyone, I too have been playing this game for more than three years and I like it very much, I appreciate the beauty of the graphics and the updates to improve it. You are really good, certainly among the best.

I write because I would like to have the opportunity to remedy wrong choices made in the past from inexperience, in the Valkyrie citadel the choice of troops was made at random and was wrong. As for me I think for many other players.

I made mistakes but I wish I had been given the opportunity to fix it and a second chance would be greatly appreciated.

Feb 3, 2020, 22:3702/03/20

I noticed for the new cvc that battles are more than half of the points you can gain.  I'd like to see it go back, or even back to what it used to be.  We'll see how the next cvc goes.

Feb 3, 2020, 22:5302/03/20
Seeing alot of complaints that this new update really targeted helping the bigger players, you all have to keep in mind that the bigger players run out of things to do and goals to accomplish, while smaller players have tons of things to do as they build. Also, bigger players, spend more, hence, in essence, they pay for this game to be around for all to play. The next update will likely make adjustments to the CvC scoring as they get feedback and track results in this CvC, but I like their attempts at balancing things out, before was too weak and too much like farmville, now it seems a bit over balanced toward kills, eventually they will find the balance. I love the new OS and troop boost for training, will make training massive amounts of troops so much faster.
Feb 3, 2020, 22:5502/03/20
Allen2_L said:

do not see anything that helps me out there for any event would like to see a advertising block option added every time i attack a invader or ghost a popup advertising hero or shaman energy for 100 dollars comes up and i have to click it off and i do enough clicking as it is with out these pop ups  and it sure as hell does not make me want to spend a 100 dollars or any for that matter plarium has seen to that with these new upgrades in the last year or so and i will not waist any more money till the game gets on a more equal and affordable format 
Strange, I get these pop ups, but only maybe two or three times per day.
Feb 3, 2020, 23:4102/03/20

Fizz0 said:

A question on the new cvc categories: does "enemy warriors" only refer to the cvc opponent or to everyone who's not from your clan? 

And where is rhe difference between category 1 and 4? Kill enemy warriors in town or on tile. Pop and sh are separate, I get it. But what other options remain? How does this make sense? 

Sidenote: putting yielding and invaders/ghosts in one category just doesnt make any sense at all.

There are no points for killing troops from players other than your CvC opponent.

Category 1 - CvC opponent only

Category 2 - CvC opponent only

Category 3 - CvC opponent and Plarium troops

Category 4 is the total of 1,2 and 3

It is my guess that category 4 exists so that big clans (that can hold the PoP and have level 4 Strongholds with Tower of Odin) have the possibility of winning just by fighting.

But it also means that for most clans a draw will be virtually impossible.

With the greater emphasis on fighting, not yielding will be an option that clans will have to consider and this may be part of the reason for combining it with invaders/ghosts but again I am only guessing.

Feb 4, 2020, 13:4102/04/20
Feb 4, 2020, 13:48(edited)


what a stupid update for CVC points.

Why 4 times steps only with kill?????

Why intruder and resources collect in one step?

What is when one clan had no level 4 stronghold and the other have this?

And why the place of power? Who do you think had this in a kingdom? All clans??

At this cvc our enemy is only 1 active member who had the nearly the influence from all of us.

He kill some troops in resource till from us. So he had 2 steps for him. He not collect resources so we can not kill some troops from him.

Now he heal or build many troops and make many ghost and intruders.

So we had no chance to win.


Play anyone of you developer this game??????

Instead of reworking the matchmaking this crap.

Make matches whith look on inluence from the whole clan, influence from each member, number of members. AND not only influence from the clan

Feb 4, 2020, 15:4702/04/20
Feb 4, 2020, 15:48(edited)
In war one needs to be adaptable ... know one's strengths and one's weaknesses ... know when to hold and know when to fold (yea that is poker ... lol) ... I find this change to be interesting ... and those who mostly farm will get way more points and attacking invaders/ghosts gets way more points ... and this gives more dimension to the game ...
Feb 5, 2020, 10:0802/05/20

Lot of whining about the update. I am in a clan of 3 in League of Recruits.

The new scoring for invaders/ghosts and rss collecting have enabled us to get to check point 12 with 14 hours to go!

I have only killed 5 ubers, trained 1.5m T1, completed a few small knowledge upgrades and farmed rss. I will reach check point 15 for personal rewards. If we win that is 1.8m gold plus boosts.

If you play smart in a small clan the rewards can now be huge.