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Details about the upcoming changes in the Clans BattleDetails about the upcoming changes in the Clans Battle

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Details about the upcoming changes in the Clans Battle

Oct 29, 2019, 09:2210/29/19
And the little guy that can only do so much only gets rewards for personal achievements if his clan wins that don't sound far at all because his clan never helped him reach those personal achievements so why should he be punished if his clan looses
Oct 29, 2019, 21:3510/29/19
Oct 31, 2019, 22:1910/31/19
hi  guys and ladys...any question? u can ask me...
Oct 31, 2019, 22:3010/31/19
Yes,full bull shite..too much drunk,zero emotion...question one can i have u Alice?
Oct 31, 2019, 22:3110/31/19
too tired something more write....
Oct 31, 2019, 22:3410/31/19

Alice,are u here?i change my mind

too tired..,
Oct 31, 2019, 22:3610/31/19
guys kingdom 615 my bickname Charon V
Nov 1, 2019, 05:2411/01/19
Just what I’ve been waiting for.👍.
Nov 4, 2019, 01:0711/04/19

Heracles said:

The 7 categories approach seem to have some pitfalls that need to be addressed.... let me mention a few:

1. Maxed out SH/Town: If the clan has maxed their SH Level, Buildings, and knowledge, they will not be able to compete in this category and the enemy can grab these points by scoring just "1 point" in this category. The same also applies to individual players who have maxed their town buildings and knowledge !

2. Killing Troops: If both clans are effectively able to shield their towns, any one clan can win the points for this category by killing just one soldier in a low level un-shielded town !

3. Yielding: We all know that you cannot yield unless you can stay the whole time on your computer to protect your troops..... which is not possible for many people who spend extended time at their work or life activities, and they are left with the only viable option of using a Domain guard, which is not something that is being offered in enough quantities.

Based on the above, it might be frustrating to some people to compete in certain categories that they may end up not investing in these categories at all. So, the concept is good but the implementation needs to be a careful one.
Your tile(s), your fault if they get hit. Don't go lazy on us and start whining like everybody in the game does. If you CHOOSE not to watch your tiles, pull your troops, defend your tiles, overload your tiles, or put up a Domain Guard... then quit whining like a baby when you get hit. Or, start teaching your members how to do all of the above regarding tiles. You have made everybody in the game lazy, cry-babies with your forced-to-abide-by No Attack Policies. Nobody knows how to defend themselves anymore. I have hit over 800 tiles and NOT ONE SINGE TIME has anybody come after me. NOT ONCE!
Nov 4, 2019, 01:1411/04/19

Heracles said:

The 7 categories approach seem to have some pitfalls that need to be addressed.... let me mention a few:

1. Maxed out SH/Town: If the clan has maxed their SH Level, Buildings, and knowledge, they will not be able to compete in this category and the enemy can grab these points by scoring just "1 point" in this category. The same also applies to individual players who have maxed their town buildings and knowledge !

2. Killing Troops: If both clans are effectively able to shield their towns, any one clan can win the points for this category by killing just one soldier in a low level un-shielded town !

3. Yielding: We all know that you cannot yield unless you can stay the whole time on your computer to protect your troops..... which is not possible for many people who spend extended time at their work or life activities, and they are left with the only viable option of using a Domain guard, which is not something that is being offered in enough quantities.

Based on the above, it might be frustrating to some people to compete in certain categories that they may end up not investing in these categories at all. So, the concept is good but the implementation needs to be a careful one.

Exactly, I had already thought of this additional situation myself, its not difficult to have come to this conclusion, because the same sort of thing already happens.

You cant make the checkpoints because what they ask you to do is either extremely difficult, or imposibleto do as you have stated.

Having to compete in and win most sections sounds like a good idea. but isnt if you cant.

Its already hard enough to get very far in CvC it sounds to me that having to score the most points in 4 out of 7 categories, along with other reasons ,will make it not worth bothering  at all with this event in future.

Of course an attempt to win by training couldve have been attempted previously, but theres little point in training masses of troops you havent enough food for and so have none for upgrades.

It sucks to be you dude. All you are doing is jumping on the whining-like-a-baby bandwagon. Getting Food is THE EASIEST thing in the game. It's called taking the time to pillage. And if you move to a newer kingdom then that decision is on you. You should have thought of that BEFORE you moved.
Nov 4, 2019, 01:1711/04/19
Legolas said:

RIP small players.

Actually we WANT small players to leave the game. It will be better off for them in the long run. Most of those are just tile-harvesters and I loves me some tile-hitting. It's a turkey shoot every time [because of your NAPs-- which do not work].
Nov 4, 2019, 01:1911/04/19
Source-Code said:

Significant changes in the Clans Battle await you!

Is this a statement meant to excite? Or is it a statement, "Darn, we got to make changes again!"

1. Update to checkpoints in the Competition. Now there will be 15 checkpoints for Clan and personal achievements, respectively (you will get rewards for personal achievements if your Clan wins). There will be also Legendary checkpoints. A Clan will be able to earn points and pass these checkpoints, but only Clan members who passed enough checkpoints in personal achievements will receive trophies for them.

Is this not  saying you are increasing the objectives? And, does not that imply the increased objectives will cause even greater disparity between those willing to spend money to gain advantage against those people who have played with the expectation that one day they will gain the ability to do the current level of Checkpoints?

2. Division of all Clans Battle tasks into 7 categories. To win the Competition, you will need to come top in most of them.

Is this not a way to provide injections of additional resources to thwart the natural accumulation of everything eventually going to top players? And, does not the configuration mean....everything will be going to the top players...again? You are feeding adults and leaving the children to suffer neglect...when will weaker, newer players be thrown a bone to keep them interested in the game?

3. Changes to the Chief's reward. The Chief of the winning Clan will receive a reward that is proportional to the number of points earned by the whole Clan.

Is this not a contrivance to make the rich, richer? And with the same amount of effort...Better yet, is this not meaningless?

What do you think of these changes?

Would not it have been better to think of all these things at the beginning so everyone knew exactly what they were getting into, at the beginning?  Why not 'We've thought of everything!" instead of these paper-cuts of 'upgrades' and maintenance events which only do the obvious and correct the erroneous...what does that imply about the thinking that is going on in the heads of developers? If you wanna pick my pocket, at least bump into me, apologize and make me think you aren't there to pick my pocket...
Wow, what a cry-baby.
Nov 4, 2019, 06:1511/04/19

 Lots of valid points made here... yes some updates favor the little guys and some updates favor the monsters... I don't like the fact I hit almost 8 personal checkpoints but because another clan threw the event I receive nothing, that was a lot of money wasted. 

Nov 4, 2019, 13:0411/04/19
Nov 4, 2019, 13:08(edited)

Im BLESSED said:

Legolas said:

RIP small players.

Actually we WANT small players to leave the game. It will be better off for them in the long run. Most of those are just tile-harvesters and I loves me some tile-hitting. It's a turkey shoot every time [because of your NAPs-- which do not work].

Well well well , got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning and think its all right to tell everyone they have to play like you think they have to play?

What do you think will happen if all the little guys leave?

You wont to be able to do what you like so much for very long  because,

First all those that think like you you  will make it extremely difficult for you to do what you like so much.

Secondly how long do you think the game will last if they do quit?

Not very long I would say.

Nov 7, 2019, 00:1111/07/19
I must say I dont understand this game anymore this new SH defense makes the whole CvC senseless.
Nov 7, 2019, 08:2011/07/19
Nov 7, 2019, 08:21(edited)


this game is going more and more to a pay to win game! (And I mean a big pay to win game)

Since years all updates and new features goes to that.

The prize for events go more and more bad.

The CVC winnig prize from 400M each resource and only 10% for stronghold is not more up to date.

All buildings and learning use much resources or much booster. In stronghold much more for the new levels.

I hope all wake up who pay so many for the game. Only this way could be change something.

Or the most kingdoms goes empty.

Nov 7, 2019, 23:1311/07/19

Thanks for thread but I am missing a lot of information. How many chackpoints of what do we have to make to gain rewards? What are the profits for leader? Can leader send profits to clanmembers, ressources like before, others?

I do like the new graphics a lot in Stronghold when it is open;;; but is is nuts for clans. Throwing away your money is not much like gambling. I agree with the statement listened above.Would be nice to get more profits für farmers to make it more fun. And more shootingoptions when atttakking. Not just killing SO who has invested less money into his city.

Nov 8, 2019, 02:2011/08/19

I think that these changes are going to be great for the larger clans, but they are going to suck and a half for us smaller clans. But Plarium seems to prefer the pay to win player who can drop hundreds and thousands of dollars at a time to build and beat their smaller opponents. I think that it may be time to look at getting out of any Plarium games. It is just getting too ridiculous and expensive to play.

If you insist on this retarded new plan, how about leveling the playing field and put the wealthy players into another category and possibly kingdom?
Nov 8, 2019, 07:1911/08/19

Pending details, it looks like this will be yet another change in favor of large (many members) clans to the detriment of small clans.  For example: a  small clan can use the SH almost as well as a large one, and SH points from upgrades and transformations are significant enough to win over opponent clans with many more members, but with SH points (one assumes) a single category among 7, that balancing factor disappears.   To win in a majority of the categories simply takes more players.

I might imagine that Plarium wanted people who spend the majority of their waking time playing the game to do better against those of us who have a real life and can devote just 6-7hrs a week to the game.  But would it not be better to create separate categories of players, from "dilettantes" to "professionals"?
Nov 8, 2019, 10:1711/08/19
If it is as it seems, as you suggested ,then its going to be a problem for the clans that dont even have a stronghold .