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Details about the upcoming changes in the Clans Battle

Details about the upcoming changes in the Clans Battle

Oct 17, 2019, 14:5910/17/19

Details about the upcoming changes in the Clans Battle

Friends, as promised, we're now able to share the details of the coming update with you.

Significant changes in the Clans Battle await you! 

1. Update to checkpoints in the Competition. Now there will be 15 checkpoints for Clan and personal achievements, respectively (you will get rewards for personal achievements if your Clan wins). There will be also Legendary checkpoints. A Clan will be able to earn points and pass these checkpoints, but only Clan members who passed enough checkpoints in personal achievements will receive trophies for them. 

2. Division of all Clans Battle tasks into 7 categories. To win the Competition, you will need to come top in most of them. 

3. Changes to the Chief's reward. The Chief of the winning Clan will receive a reward that is proportional to the number of points earned by the whole Clan. 

What do you think of these changes?

Oct 17, 2019, 20:4010/17/19
Aspects of this sound interesting. What are the 7 categories?
Oct 17, 2019, 20:5210/17/19
Oct 17, 2019, 21:20(edited)

1 and 3 sound like an excuse to cut down on the rewards, especially if your clan consists of casual players that dont play regularly.

2  Though it sounds like an idea I had,but didnt suggest, it  is only relevant to those that play a lot and generally do well, there's nothing for the also rans...

Again its all about feeding the rich.

I also again believe that its largely irrelevant what we think , the owners willl instruct the programers, and you will mostly do what you want,or have already planned, whatever we write.

Oct 17, 2019, 22:2210/17/19

Maybe its about equalising to a level playing feild that one aspect of the game isnt exploited to win ..i.e. from boosting stronghold resources or high tier troop training.   Getting jarls outside their comfort zone to play all areas such as farming too.

I imagine the categories might include Enemy Kills, Invaders, Yielding, Ghosts, Buildings Knowledge and Troop Training.

Goodonya Plarium I think it is a step in the right direction 
Oct 18, 2019, 04:4710/18/19

The 7 categories approach seem to have some pitfalls that need to be addressed.... let me mention a few:

1. Maxed out SH/Town: If the clan has maxed their SH Level, Buildings, and knowledge, they will not be able to compete in this category and the enemy can grab these points by scoring just "1 point" in this category. The same also applies to individual players who have maxed their town buildings and knowledge !

2. Killing Troops: If both clans are effectively able to shield their towns, any one clan can win the points for this category by killing just one soldier in a low level un-shielded town !

3. Yielding: We all know that you cannot yield unless you can stay the whole time on your computer to protect your troops..... which is not possible for many people who spend extended time at their work or life activities, and they are left with the only viable option of using a Domain guard, which is not something that is being offered in enough quantities.

Based on the above, it might be frustrating to some people to compete in certain categories that they may end up not investing in these categories at all. So, the concept is good but the implementation needs to be a careful one.
Oct 18, 2019, 07:1710/18/19


I like the idea. Especially the oppourtunity to gain points for doing what you are best at and support your clan better as it is now. For example. If you are a farmer and you face a  troop training cvc oponent....all your points are irrelvant beause you cannot get even that out.  Now you are making points in a different catagory. If i now compare only two players, one from each is training one is farming they will end up with 1:1. Before it was 1:0 for the training person.  

of course you cannot say anything now about it will be ingame because you would need data to compare...what points you will get for farming, what for training, which are these 7 catagories.

Only given answer to the concept...i like it. after launching it could be different.

Wish you all a great day


Oct 18, 2019, 10:2610/18/19
Oct 18, 2019, 10:34(edited)

Heracles said:

The 7 categories approach seem to have some pitfalls that need to be addressed.... let me mention a few:

1. Maxed out SH/Town: If the clan has maxed their SH Level, Buildings, and knowledge, they will not be able to compete in this category and the enemy can grab these points by scoring just "1 point" in this category. The same also applies to individual players who have maxed their town buildings and knowledge !

2. Killing Troops: If both clans are effectively able to shield their towns, any one clan can win the points for this category by killing just one soldier in a low level un-shielded town !

3. Yielding: We all know that you cannot yield unless you can stay the whole time on your computer to protect your troops..... which is not possible for many people who spend extended time at their work or life activities, and they are left with the only viable option of using a Domain guard, which is not something that is being offered in enough quantities.

Based on the above, it might be frustrating to some people to compete in certain categories that they may end up not investing in these categories at all. So, the concept is good but the implementation needs to be a careful one.

Exactly, I had already thought of this additional situation myself, its not difficult to have come to this conclusion, because the same sort of thing already happens.

You cant make the checkpoints because what they ask you to do is either extremely difficult, or imposibleto do as you have stated.

Having to compete in and win most sections sounds like a good idea. but isnt if you cant.

Its already hard enough to get very far in CvC it sounds to me that having to score the most points in 4 out of 7 categories, along with other reasons ,will make it not worth bothering  at all with this event in future.

Of course an attempt to win by training couldve have been attempted previously, but theres little point in training masses of troops you havent enough food for and so have none for upgrades.

Oct 20, 2019, 01:3110/20/19

RIP small players.

Oct 20, 2019, 19:5310/20/19
When will these changes happen? Upcoming Clans Battle still looks the same.
Oct 21, 2019, 15:4410/21/19
No me gusta la idea, perjudica a los clanes pequeños y solo favorece a los grandes
Oct 22, 2019, 03:5410/22/19

Significant changes in the Clans Battle await you!

Is this a statement meant to excite? Or is it a statement, "Darn, we got to make changes again!"

1. Update to checkpoints in the Competition. Now there will be 15 checkpoints for Clan and personal achievements, respectively (you will get rewards for personal achievements if your Clan wins). There will be also Legendary checkpoints. A Clan will be able to earn points and pass these checkpoints, but only Clan members who passed enough checkpoints in personal achievements will receive trophies for them.

Is this not  saying you are increasing the objectives? And, does not that imply the increased objectives will cause even greater disparity between those willing to spend money to gain advantage against those people who have played with the expectation that one day they will gain the ability to do the current level of Checkpoints?

2. Division of all Clans Battle tasks into 7 categories. To win the Competition, you will need to come top in most of them.

Is this not a way to provide injections of additional resources to thwart the natural accumulation of everything eventually going to top players? And, does not the configuration mean....everything will be going to the top players...again? You are feeding adults and leaving the children to suffer neglect...when will weaker, newer players be thrown a bone to keep them interested in the game?

3. Changes to the Chief's reward. The Chief of the winning Clan will receive a reward that is proportional to the number of points earned by the whole Clan.

Is this not a contrivance to make the rich, richer? And with the same amount of effort...Better yet, is this not meaningless?

What do you think of these changes?

Would not it have been better to think of all these things at the beginning so everyone knew exactly what they were getting into, at the beginning?  Why not 'We've thought of everything!" instead of these paper-cuts of 'upgrades' and maintenance events which only do the obvious and correct the erroneous...what does that imply about the thinking that is going on in the heads of developers? If you wanna pick my pocket, at least bump into me, apologize and make me think you aren't there to pick my pocket...
Oct 22, 2019, 11:1710/22/19
'Some things change, but some things do not '
Oct 22, 2019, 23:0310/22/19
I like it! What’s also good about this is - It pushes activities for actual vikings gamers and get rewarded for their performance. 👍🏼😎
Oct 22, 2019, 23:5210/22/19
What are actual vikings gamers?
Oct 25, 2019, 13:0510/25/19
Oct 25, 2019, 13:19(edited)


after you give the change free and after the first battle i can say if it goes in the right way.

Wnen the matchmaking (look for members in each clan and influence) and the points for troop building, healing not change (they are too high) nothing chance.

Points for troop killing is ok but not for heal or build.

And important all must be for small clans too and normal players. Not all for big clans and big money players.

And the resources for the winning game are very less for older clans. With only 400mil from each you can not realy do much.

Oct 27, 2019, 00:2810/27/19

Sounds interesting but a little short on details.

1. Will there be 15 checkpoints + extra legendary or 15 total? I think extra checkpoints is a good idea for the very biggest clans who regularly go over the current ones but for someone in the first 3 leagues it is almost impossible to get to checkpoint 2! Will there be any adjustments to current checkpoints eg for League of Recruits Checkpoint 1 6M, checkpoint 2 120M doesn't motivate when there are similar rewards now for a few clicks at the bank, daily check-in or quests. Personal achievements sounds like a good idea.

2. The categories idea sounds like a good idea to stop last minute victories based on doing one thing but will create a new set of problems. I think the categories are likely to be

- 1 resource yielding - this is the only category which is not easily manipulated so now there is less incentive to do this because you can't win this way and you risk troop kills

- 2 invaders

- 3 ghosts

- 4 killing enemy - often this is impossible

- 5 troop training / healing / resurrecting

- 6 knowledge / building

- 7 Stronghold - not everyone has one

What happens if each clan comes top in the same number of categories? eg if neither has stronghold and each tops 3 of the other 6?

3. Hard to tell without more details. At the moment, the main reason for small clans to take part in CvC is the Chief's reward. If it is not generous it becomes like other events such as Clan Lust for Power and Clan Troop Training - not worth the effort for smaller clans.

Oct 27, 2019, 17:1010/27/19
not at all inspiring. game should be more of fun.  if not it she not be called computer game.
Oct 28, 2019, 21:3010/28/19
That's good but it would be nice to have a translator for all languages ​​in your updates
Oct 29, 2019, 01:4910/29/19
Alice Vytsenets said:

Friends, as promised, we're now able to share the details of the coming update with you.

Significant changes in the Clans Battle await you! 

1. Update to checkpoints in the Competition. Now there will be 15 checkpoints for Clan and personal achievements, respectively (you will get rewards for personal achievements if your Clan wins). There will be also Legendary checkpoints. A Clan will be able to earn points and pass these checkpoints, but only Clan members who passed enough checkpoints in personal achievements will receive trophies for them. 

2. Division of all Clans Battle tasks into 7 categories. To win the Competition, you will need to come top in most of them. 

3. Changes to the Chief's reward. The Chief of the winning Clan will receive a reward that is proportional to the number of points earned by the whole Clan. 

What do you think of these changes?

Oct 29, 2019, 01:5310/29/19
pfft, I'm still working on my oracle knowledge, my citadel, armor, shaman, etc and my puter drivers are too slow for the cvc / kvk events till I get a new one with game freeze and reboots....  woo yeah, more changes and more work.  So does the chief split the reward or am I going to have to go rogue ?
Oct 29, 2019, 09:1310/29/19
Sounds kinda lopsided not fair to all players why don't you put up gem sharing / trade as well as meterial trading so someone who has everything maxed can help smaller players / new players to there clan get the gear they need  and also a translator that works in game chats like clan chat kingdom chat as well as common chat