Two enemy axes clashed, one casts death and the other counters with life, when one casts darkness, the other counters with light. Whenever one attacks with hatred the other counters with love.. All the opposing forces clashed against each other on that great war after which all the opposing forces where forged as one axe move (qigon) named DUALITY... Which was passed down to Nitro Musa keeper of the Konung jarl of all jarls...
player id #4816259
Brave Jarls!
Each of us has a story to tell after a hard day full of exploits. Tell us a real or made-up story in the format of a comic strip and take part in a contest with a prize fund of 30,000,000 Gold!
The competition conditions are as follows:
1. Register at the forum.
2. Draw a comic in the setting of the game, telling a story of some kind.
3. Hurry and leave it in the discussion for this topic before November 26, inclusive.
4. Enter your real User ID. To find out what this is, go to the game menu, then to the "About the game" section.
Comics should be in English. Do not forget to comply with the forum rules and do not use obscene language and/or obscene images.
The top 10 authors selected by the administration will receive 3,000,000 Gold each.
The winners will be announced on November 27.
May the most talented of Jarls be rewarded!
Ronald Cook said: 🤴💍👸
My topic would be about a fair maden
whom i really met in this game of
war,through all odds we've conquered
and found true love,rest assured she is
my complete soulmate and half way
around the world,she has purchased a
writ of transite and all necessary
compliance scrolls needed to complete
a journey through life with me until
death do us part,friederike wege even
though i was born in ametica,you in
germany,the uniting love we both share
will burn like wildfire in my heart
forever and you have made me the
most happiest man alive.i hope all
enjoy this story as it is reality and the
wedding of 2 vikings shall take place 1
year from this post.💍 #10647523
K372 live 2 kill north of pop😉
ID: 46732403