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Secrets Achievements

Secrets Achievements

Aug 30, 2020, 14:5208/30/20
Aug 30, 2020, 15:09(edited)

NoiseyNoiseyGirl said:

Destroy (pieces, each type):

Invader: 16

Uber Invader: 4

Ghost: 9 1 1 

It may not be helpful to simply  copy and paste something that you have seen somewhere else as factual, without verification that its correct information,and  is itself subject to contradictory view points, and also updating.

I saw an internet video suggesting that White Wolf was achieved  by messaging strangers, and after a follow up video correcting the mistake left the first one viewable, which then  like many other  pieces of misinformation was proliferated..

Feb 1, 2021, 19:5102/01/21

To get White Wolf you kill 16 of each type and level of Invaders So 16 of each type in lvl1 should get you lvl 1 white wolf.

Feb 2, 2021, 01:2602/02/21

Except it doesnt.