@xyz I didn't intended to be rude or offend anyone ... . Please take in consideration that English isn't my 1st language and maybe I've misunderstood you ... .
I'm grinding Supreme Fox for Wisdom Rune not for any events . I need the rune for one of my equipments .
In 100+ hits I'm pretty sure that I will get each number on the dice at least once .
In my case : @122 ~ 142 total hits
40 hits ( for total hit damage ) +2 enhanced hit + @80-100 normal hits ( after I've checked the rune workshop to see how many fragments I've got ... none .... and I though that maybe I will be able to drop them by doing normal hits ) .
51.880.970 Stamina rune fragment
29.376.340 Valor rune fragment
9.941.870 Storm rune fragment
000.000.000 Wisdom rune fragment
It doesn't seem normal not to get at least 1 rune in so many hits . I understand that there's a probability to get x , y , z rune / material but that probability it's getting higher ( or should ) with every try / hit and it would've been normal If I wouldn't get any by doing only 10 hits .
If you throw the dice 6 times , most likely you won't get every number on it .... but if you throw it several dozen times is "almost" impossible not to get it at least once.
Even on https://vikings.help/en/resources/runes/1405/ the Wisdom rune drop is OFTEN . The hardest to get are the troops specific ones and building/learning/training ( the 20% ones ) in my opinion , as I have several equipment sets and it took me longer to get those.