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Food supply

Jul 19, 2022, 13:2007/19/22

Food supply

So I  just went into the red for food and looked for a solution, no spare hero points except for the specials .

Clicked  increase food supply, no visible change, clicked again still no change  in the 'in the red' amount.

Is this like in many other areas of the game , any bonus is so miniscule that its not worth  getting them?

Jul 19, 2022, 21:1507/19/22

go to item store ,resources

and buy boost called moderate economy 50% it reduce consomation of warriors

Jul 19, 2022, 22:2307/19/22

Nothing happens when you run out of food - nobody dies.  So you could, if you like, just not feed your troops.

It is a bit inconvenient when you want to do something (like training troops) which requires food but there are any number of ways to obtain food on those occasions.

I do not know what it is that you clicked on to "increase food supply" but perhaps it was one of the food production boosts in which case if you already had that boost running your first click lengthened the time the boost is active and your second click lengthened it even more;   neither would change the amount of food immediately available nor change the (red) figure in your stats.

The food production boosts are not miniscule although once you have a lot of troops it is only really the -75% troop upkeep one which keeps you out of the red.

Improvement to the strength and performance of your troops does come by way of miniscule increments.  However if you don't bother your troops will remain forever worthless - so perhaps that makes it worth getting as many as you have the patience for.

Jul 20, 2022, 00:4207/20/22

go to item store ,resources

and buy boost called moderate economy 50% it reduce consomation of warriors

Thanks, I am aware that there are other things I can do to get food out of the red.

I just wanted a quick, and not a 'cash related'  solution.

I was more interested in why my 'fix' didn't work. not the deficit

After posting I wondered if it was bugged.


Jul 20, 2022, 00:5907/20/22


I am aware that  nobody dies, I just don't like seeing the red. 

I figure you must have got your hero  past 60, if not you get extra skill points, and one of the options is,a picture of food with an upwards arrow, and increase food supply text.

I  can't  log back into the game, yet another problem, otherwise I could look and be more specific about what I clicked. 

No, there seems nothing to indicate it is time served, or was already running and so only lengthening this time.  Nothing regarding increasing food supply in the extra skills section was active, I belived clicking it , would increase my food production, no visible change was seen, in the palace where stats are found,  so the reason for my post.

Jul 20, 2022, 11:5307/20/22

if you get your VIP to level 40 you get a 50% food consumption reduction,then all you need is to apply a 50% troop upkeep  meaning your troops will never consume any food as long as you continue to  have vip and troop upkeep boosts active

Jul 20, 2022, 14:1507/20/22

if you get your VIP to level 40 you get a 50% food consumption reduction,then all you need is to apply a 50% troop upkeep  meaning your troops will never consume any food as long as you continue to  have vip and troop upkeep boosts active

Thanks, but it didn't answer the question I asked.

The information given  may be useful to others now, and myself when I reach those dizzy heights.

 John and dog:

Below is what appeared to do nothing. 

Going from zero  to 3 appeared to have no effect on food supply.


Jul 20, 2022, 14:3707/20/22
Jul 20, 2022, 14:42(edited)

increasing food production is less effective than using a 50% or 75% food consumption buff,most likely due to the fact that food production knowledge and skills appear in many areas so a 25% or 50% increase in production is in fact much less than  when you factor in the overall percentages you have allready

ps,if your town is over L32 and you are able to earn runic coins a 2m coin coffer of vip points will get you from about vip L33 to L40-41,,not super easy to do but if you work at it a little it is not  stupidly hard to achieve over a month or 2

Jul 20, 2022, 18:5907/20/22

increasing food production is less effective than using a 50% or 75% food consumption buff,most likely due to the fact that food production knowledge and skills appear in many areas so a 25% or 50% increase in production is in fact much less than  when you factor in the overall percentages you have allready

ps,if your town is over L32 and you are able to earn runic coins a 2m coin coffer of vip points will get you from about vip L33 to L40-41,,not super easy to do but if you work at it a little it is not  stupidly hard to achieve over a month or 2

I think that is the conclusion I came to in the last line of my opening post.

Is this like in many other areas of the game , any bonus is so miniscule that its not worth  getting them? 

 The other two suggestions are non starters for me,  the buff would be a waste as I was only fractionally in the red, I had picked up some troops from Loki's chest, getting rid did the trick.

Runic coins, dont make me laugh, they are off limits on the top shelf, except  for the fact a few have fallen  now and again, they are off limits to lowly players.

Everything should  open  and available to every player, such that a worthy amount might be accumulated  by the time their need is more appreciated.

My shaman are stuck, because  the levels are set so high,I can't win any charms , and the offers suck.

Jul 21, 2022, 00:3507/21/22

Your screenshot shows your hero's special skills.  The food supply skill does not increase food production.  What it does is to increase your farms' capacity,  i.e. yout farms ability to store food.

If you look at your "food stats" (Palace - statistics -Economic - food) you will see the various boosts to capacity shown separately from production.  Had you looked there when you changed your hero's skills you would have seen the change to capacity.  As you did nothing to change production those figures stayed the same (and in the red), as you observed.

Jul 21, 2022, 08:0107/21/22

I think that is the conclusion I came to in the last line of my opening post.

Is this like in many other areas of the game , any bonus is so miniscule that its not worth  getting them? 

 The other two suggestions are non starters for me,  the buff would be a waste as I was only fractionally in the red, I had picked up some troops from Loki's chest, getting rid did the trick.

Runic coins, dont make me laugh, they are off limits on the top shelf, except  for the fact a few have fallen  now and again, they are off limits to lowly players.

Everything should  open  and available to every player, such that a worthy amount might be accumulated  by the time their need is more appreciated.

My shaman are stuck, because  the levels are set so high,I can't win any charms , and the offers suck.

Hi WDYWTNTF, thank you for the honest feedback, I have forwarded it to the devs🙏

Stay tuned!

Jul 21, 2022, 10:2207/21/22
Jul 21, 2022, 10:23(edited)

Your screenshot shows your hero's special skills.  The food supply skill does not increase food production.  What it does is to increase your farms' capacity,  i.e. yout farms ability to store food.

If you look at your "food stats" (Palace - statistics -Economic - food) you will see the various boosts to capacity shown separately from production.  Had you looked there when you changed your hero's skills you would have seen the change to capacity.  As you did nothing to change production those figures stayed the same (and in the red), as you observed.


I stupidly fell for thinking that food supply going up increased production.

Having taken your advice I looked more closely at the stats in the palace and was not much the wiser, because I didn't know what they were before.

 Just read the blurb in the special skills section. 

Right again.

It says it increases capacity, so it's going to do nothing if its already over capacity, and so the actual effect remains obscure.

The points were wasted.

Jul 21, 2022, 11:1807/21/22
Jul 21, 2022, 11:20(edited)

A very common mistake is that people train and keep the highest level troops they can, assuming that they are stronger than their low level troops  - and they aren't, not until you have maxed their knowledge ... and by that time you will have fallen in love with the next top level of troops that you can train. The high level troops just cost more and eat more - ditch them! Try hitting some novice's high level troops with some of your low level troops that have full knowledge and compare the stats - you will be surprised.

Jul 21, 2022, 11:3407/21/22
Jul 21, 2022, 11:36(edited)

Increasing food capacity has a benefit when your town produces more food than is consumed/used.  In that case food accumulates but stops accumulating when the capacity of the farms is reached.  At that point food production ceases.

Capacity is of particular importance to someone running a hyper-farm.

Jul 21, 2022, 14:0407/21/22

Pipkin, John.

Very useful points for those still not enlightened.

I suppose it depends on what you are using troops for, march size, and how far and fast they travel.

I thought I already referenced the point about town capacity, which does have importance, more so with the other resources than food, which seemingly behaves slighly differently.

I have no personal experience of hypher farming, of which a recent posted suggested that they were rather now passe,are they really needed now? Is tax efficiency and convenience of your own source superior? Maybe some are still using them out of choice or ignorance. 

Jul 25, 2022, 13:4707/25/22
Aug 19, 2022, 08:29(edited)

if you get your VIP to level 40 you get a 50% food consumption reduction,then all you need is to apply a 50% troop upkeep  meaning your troops will never consume any food as long as you continue to  have vip and troop upkeep boosts active


VIP level 30 for 50% food consumption not 40

Jul 26, 2022, 04:2807/26/22


VIP level 30 for 50% food consumption not 40

you are quite right,for some reason i thought it was at L40,well spotted and corrected,thank you 👍

Jul 27, 2022, 01:3407/27/22

Last few posts, all  give sound advice for those unaware of them.

However as I pointed out, I wanted to know why hero skill points food supply going up appeared to have no effect.

This was solved by John.

'Food supply going up' is not quite as straightforward as it first seems.

The text indicates the real effect,is only increasing farm capacity,and as such may provide little  or no actual benefit, as was in may case.

Jul 31, 2022, 13:3107/31/22
Jul 31, 2022, 13:32(edited)

Forget about capacity/production. If you are that far along that you're runnning in red then use Troop Upkeep for gebus sake! Get your vip up too and your troops will use no food, you'll never have to worry again. Look in Resources>Great Economy. Theres -25%, -50% , and -75% ones available. Spend a tiny amount of gold and put one on for months/years at a time. Never see red again. You can also get them free from Ubers so you should have some already.

Aug 2, 2022, 01:1908/02/22
Aug 2, 2022, 01:31(edited)

Not as straight forward as you suggest.

VIP needs the tokens and there's millions between levels.

What do you call a tiny amount of gold?

80,000 gold for-75%  

Aug 2, 2022, 18:2308/02/22

I won't be applying so I won't be getting any gift.

I am not about to sell my soul to the devil for a pocket full of magic beans.

No poisoned chalice for me.

Others are at liberty  to do as they see fit.

''I have squandered my resistance
For a pocket full of mumbles, such are promises
All lies and jests
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregard the rest. '' S.&G.