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Helheim Floor 10 Node 7

Helheim Floor 10 Node 7

Apr 15, 2021, 12:2304/15/21
Apr 15, 2021, 12:26(edited)

Thanks for that, thats the something I didnt know about,  because I have so far not needed to use reset, and based on the hero,didn't know that you couldnt lower the starting levels as I had assumed.

It would seem that Viva's stats, as has been suggested much earlier in the thread,and elsewhere, may have been a clue after all.

Apr 22, 2021, 23:0104/22/21

Finished  10.7  with  ***  twice.

Initially  replicated  Tedesco  gear/spec,  but  was  0/128.    Only  came  close  3-5  times.

So  then  switched  to  most  commonly  posted  gear  set  (Beowulf  Headband;  Spellbound  Flail;  Enchanted  Trim;  Bewitched  Breastplate;  Northern  Bulwark;  Durable  Boots),  and  ended  up  borrowing  JoeTheFirst's  specs  with  2616  Strength;  5233  Agility;  2616  Intuition;  and  26  Vitality  (ergo  female champion).  Got  first  ***  on  45th  try.    Then  decided  to  see  how many  to  repeat,  and  got  second  ***  on  199th  try.    So  2/199  overall.     Came  close  about  10%  of  the  time.

In  my  analysis,  latter  set-up  yielded  significantly  better  chances.    In  about  10%  of  runs would stay  above  50%  while surviving  Boss  plus  10  or  more  additional  enemies.    Then  just  needed  luck  for  one  of  these  runs  to  coincide  with  easier  draw.    For  both  ***,  had  9  empty/chest  and  only  11  enemies.    For  1st  ***  Had  3  T3,  5  T4,  2  T6,  and  Boss.  For  2nd  ***,  had  4  T4,  4  T5,  2  T6,  and  Boss.

Helped  to  get  empties,  low-grade,  and  non-range.    If  you  draw  a  T6  range,  then  almost  impossible  to  get  ***.

Finished  Helheim  in  7  weeks.    Got  2nd  ***  17  days  after  getting  the  1st.

Update.     Have  now  finished  10.7  with  ***  four  times.    No  further  changes  in  specs/gear.

Third ***  was  on  212th  try,  had  9  empty/chest  and  11  enemies  (4  T3,  5  T4,  1  T6,  and  Boss),  finishing  with  31512  health  (53.9%).

Fourth  ***  was  on  241st  try,  had  8  empty/chest  and  12  enemies  (3  T3,  6  T4,  2  T5,  and  Boss),  finishing  with  32028  health  (54.8%).

For  current  spec/gear,  aggregate  is  4/241  so  1.6%  success  rate.



Apr 26, 2021, 19:3304/26/21

Does anyone remember where this Beowolf head band was situated?  Been through 9.4 to 10.6 many times, just maybe there is a so called sweet lucky..

Apr 27, 2021, 00:1204/27/21
Apr 27, 2021, 00:19(edited)

According to the game, if you know where to look, which is on the info pages on the floors, 

You may find the thing that you seek on any node on floor 10, and nodes  4,5,6,7 on floor 9.

Having reread your post, I think you knew this already, and are just looking for a guaranteered success.

Its probably as likely as finishing the last task.

May 7, 2021, 16:2905/07/21

Does anyone remember where this Beowolf head band was situated?  Been through 9.4 to 10.6 many times, just maybe there is a so called sweet lucky..

I swear I got my headband on the first or second floor. 

May 22, 2021, 02:0505/22/21

What benefit is there to finishing all of Floor 10 with 3 stars?

May 22, 2021, 03:3905/22/21
May 22, 2021, 03:43(edited)

Does anyone remember where this Beowolf head band was situated?  Been through 9.4 to 10.6 many times, just maybe there is a so called sweet lucky..

You can get both it and the boots on Floor 9

9-3 for the boots and 9-5 for the headband.

Jun 3, 2021, 03:0306/03/21
Jun 3, 2021, 03:04(edited)

Finished  10.7  with  ***  twice.

Initially  replicated  Tedesco  gear/spec,  but  was  0/128.    Only  came  close  3-5  times.

So  then  switched  to  most  commonly  posted  gear  set  (Beowulf  Headband;  Spellbound  Flail;  Enchanted  Trim;  Bewitched  Breastplate;  Northern  Bulwark;  Durable  Boots),  and  ended  up  borrowing  JoeTheFirst's  specs  with  2616  Strength;  5233  Agility;  2616  Intuition;  and  26  Vitality  (ergo  female champion).  Got  first  ***  on  45th  try.    Then  decided  to  see  how many  to  repeat,  and  got  second  ***  on  199th  try.    So  2/199  overall.     Came  close  about  10%  of  the  time.

In  my  analysis,  latter  set-up  yielded  significantly  better  chances.    In  about  10%  of  runs would stay  above  50%  while surviving  Boss  plus  10  or  more  additional  enemies.    Then  just  needed  luck  for  one  of  these  runs  to  coincide  with  easier  draw.    For  both  ***,  had  9  empty/chest  and  only  11  enemies.    For  1st  ***  Had  3  T3,  5  T4,  2  T6,  and  Boss.  For  2nd  ***,  had  4  T4,  4  T5,  2  T6,  and  Boss.

Helped  to  get  empties,  low-grade,  and  non-range.    If  you  draw  a  T6  range,  then  almost  impossible  to  get  ***.

Finished  Helheim  in  7  weeks.    Got  2nd  ***  17  days  after  getting  the  1st.

This setup exactly got it for me tonight. 3 runs and I hit it.  Thanks for sharing!

Forgot to capture run 1 but it was all t5/t6. Here is runs 2 and 3 following same path as posted above this guys post. Up and around the top. 

emp, t5 kil, t4 cav, t5 ran, t3 cav, t5 ran, t5 mel, emp, t6 sco, t4 sco, t6 kil, chest, boss (26K), t5 ran, emp, t6 cav, t5 mel, t4 mel, t5 kil (DEAD) 

emp, t5 mel, t4 mel, t4 mel, emp, t3 mel, t6 kil, t4 mel, t4 sco, chest, t6 mel, chest, chest, t5 kil, chest, emp, boss (35K), emp, chest, chest

Finished with 50.3 health!!!


Jun 18, 2021, 19:4406/18/21

What is M? I don't see that anywhere in weapons. Do you mean Spellbound flail?

Thanks for clarifying!

Jul 6, 2021, 13:5507/06/21

buongiorno, penso di essere posseduto da qualche malignità, ho perso il conto di quante volte ho tentato di completare il nodo 7 del piano 10, ho provato tantissime composizioni dei punti per la campionessa, ma non sono riuscito.

mi sembra sia davvero una cosa che decidono loro quando farlo superare, altrimenti ci sarei riuscito con più di 250 tentativi.

l'unica differenza della campionessa è che io anche con tantissimi piani e nodi completati non ho trovato la fascia di beowulf, ho gli stivali di beowulf, ma come ho visto non servono, bisogna avere la fascia di beowulf, anche questa per pochi .....

sono stufo !!!!!

Jul 6, 2021, 16:0107/06/21
Jul 6, 2021, 16:03(edited)
Antonino Giaimo

buongiorno, penso di essere posseduto da qualche malignità, ho perso il conto di quante volte ho tentato di completare il nodo 7 del piano 10, ho provato tantissime composizioni dei punti per la campionessa, ma non sono riuscito.

mi sembra sia davvero una cosa che decidono loro quando farlo superare, altrimenti ci sarei riuscito con più di 250 tentativi.

l'unica differenza della campionessa è che io anche con tantissimi piani e nodi completati non ho trovato la fascia di beowulf, ho gli stivali di beowulf, ma come ho visto non servono, bisogna avere la fascia di beowulf, anche questa per pochi .....

sono stufo !!!!!

 Courtesy of Google  

Antonino wrote

 hello, I think I am possessed by some malice, I have lost count of how many times I have tried to complete node 7 of plan 10, I have tried many compositions of the points for the champion, but I have not succeeded.

it seems to me that it is really something that they decide when to pass him, otherwise I would have succeeded with more than 250 attempts.

the only difference of the champion is that even with many completed plans and nodes I have not found the beowulf band, I have beowulf boots, but as I have seen they are not needed, you must have the beowulf band, even this for a few .. ...

I am fed up !!!!!


Non sei solo, poiché la maggior parte dei post riguarda la difficoltà nel completare 7/10 con 3*.

Molto dipende dalla fortuna, ma potrebbero esserci altri fattori da considerare.

Non posso dire che non lo sia, ma non credo sia necessario ottenerlo

La fascia di Beowolf, uno dei motivi è che penso che alcuni siano finiti prima ancora che qualcuno sapesse dell'attrezzatura di Beowolf.

You are not alone, as most of the posts are about the difficulty in completing 7/10 with 3*.

A lot is down to luck, but there could be other factors to consider.

I cannot say it isn't, but do not think its necessary to get Beowolf's headband, one reason being I think some finished  before anyone even knew about Beowolf gear.

Jul 10, 2021, 03:3407/10/21
Jul 10, 2021, 07:54(edited)

To win this, there are multiple random factors at play:

1. How many glooms you will get (with 11-12 maximum, you may have a chance)

2. How many Blue glooms you get (if you get more than 4, you are very likely to fail 3 stars)

3. Type of Gloom you get. I noticed that some glooms are harder than normal i.e. A green gloom that takes longer to kill than a blue gloom, or a Blue Gloom that you could sware it matches a Red one!

4. Last thing is your gear. You need a lot of Dodge i.e. around 8K or more, Crit around 4-4.5K

DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME TRYING TO TWEAK YOUR GEAR TOO MUCH (I have all the gear and have already tried all different combinations, Super dodge, super crit, super strength, super health, combination of all..... none work)

When the above factors are "ALL" in your favour you will pass with 3 Stars!

Accordingly.... YES it is purely luck. You have to keep doing it until luck knocks your door.

The only difference 8K dodge offers is that you manage to kill the boss or even finish the node more often. For the rest it doesn't increase your chance to pass. The game is called luck and it is so intensely boring I stopped trying. I have three accounts at this node and non of them can pass. Changing gear settings is a waste of time. Silly boring luck and no strategy at all. Who got this stupid idea?

Jul 10, 2021, 14:4107/10/21
Jul 10, 2021, 14:48(edited)

This is a build to beat last floor.

Equipment: Beowulf headband, spellbound flair, enchanted trim, bewitched breastplate, northern bulwark, durable boots

 Viva Champion stats following 3150 str, 4315 agi, 3000int, 26 vit

There are some luck to beating the floor no matter what, so cross you fingers for some empty rooms! 

With this build you beat your foes with decent strength and criticals without the need with lots of dodge and prolonged battles. 

Jul 19, 2021, 16:2407/19/21

good afternoon this darkness is haunted.I rarely complete the knot with 2 the photos you can see the armor of the champion.I haven't found any other type of beowulf armor in monthscan i just pray  



Jul 20, 2021, 19:1607/20/21


I think that you are wanting to get all of Beowolf's gear and that will mean you complete everything.

I think this is a mistake. I know that two of the pieces  would appear to give less boosts  than items you can forge, so unless there is some 'magic' in having all the gear, which I doubt, you are probably wasting your time hoping to find them all, as it's not necessary.

Quite a few people have already finished all 10 floors. 

Jul 27, 2021, 18:0307/27/21

today i managed to complete floor 10 with 3 stars.following a suggestion I took off my wolf boots, so without any wolf armor I completed the plan, as almost everyone says it's just luck.  




Aug 5, 2021, 23:0008/05/21

Lvl 50 floor 10  can't get pass 18 of 21

Aug 6, 2021, 04:2408/06/21

I am on floor 10 of Helheim catacombs. A combination of strength, intuition, and agility helps. But if you acquire some Beowulf equipment you advance further. I on clearing the 5th node on floor 10 but champion is only 43nd level. I will need to advance to about 46th level to clear node 5. But I am not having any problems so far. So, strength cuts through enemies armor. Intuition allows you to reduce an enemies damage against your champion. And agility allows you not to get hit.

Mar 31, 2022, 16:4403/31/22
Lord Raiden

I am on floor 10 of Helheim catacombs. A combination of strength, intuition, and agility helps. But if you acquire some Beowulf equipment you advance further. I on clearing the 5th node on floor 10 but champion is only 43nd level. I will need to advance to about 46th level to clear node 5. But I am not having any problems so far. So, strength cuts through enemies armor. Intuition allows you to reduce an enemies damage against your champion. And agility allows you not to get hit.

What do I earn on completing nodes with 3 stars, instead of just finishing them with 1 star? 


Mar 31, 2022, 17:1903/31/22
Mar 31, 2022, 20:02(edited)

Here I am with 9 *  to go, with my own thoughts and questions,thinking there has  been nothing posted here in ages so everyone else must have done it by now.

What you get depends on what you have or haven't already claimed.

However on finishing all nodes with  3 * on a floor, there are the extra boosts and bonuses which vary from  floor to floor, I think  if you actually read it, it explains it exactly in the text in Hellheim.   

Added later.

It might not have been possible to copy and paste  the information here, and would have taken too  long to type it all out , then I had an idea....

Below is the  forum link to the official explanation from the admin staff.