General T. Winters said:
Commander TIRAS, sorry to hear that you think the game becomes boring. Actually the updates made are aimed to make it more interesting.
I remind you that you are free to raid, hit infestations, capture deposits and interact with your Clan mates when the Tournaments are not launched yet. Total Domination is something more that just Tournaments.
Remember the times when Global Missions were launched once per month? Our Commanders still had a lot things to do in the Wastealnd.
As for the updates, when a new feature or unit is planned, I tell this in advance in most cases.
And the Infestation system change was made not accidentally. It was a well-planned release that helps players to hit infestations more effectively.
We provide you opportunities, but it's up to you only to make your gameplay exciting.
No you are totally wrong, doing infestation's is a no go anymore since you have to load 150% of the bank only to get max 100% back not the 150% you put in so infestation's are worthless, you can only raid 10 times per 24 hours and 99% of people hide troops and also you can only talk in chat so much before you run out of thing's to talk about.
Also you have no answered my question at all, in fact you have done your best not to answer my question but hey I should not expect anything less at this point as you clearly don't listen at all.
Also you say this has been done to make it more interesting that's the best joke you have made.
The update was well planned yes to extract as much money out of us as you can while giving 50% less than you did before the update. It's designed so that you will have to spend money no matter what you do and also the last thing the commander's have to look forward to you have messed with too tournament's.