@lochlan297 (6 July, 2015, 1:45 PM UTC):
I added that photo just for the putpose of telling people how quick I am at developing. But the truth is that I played approx. 2 thirds of the day on this game. You see, in Australia, Victoria it is school holidays, so I have way too much time on hand.
Out of curiosity, has anyone tried this white text trick?
@Maniakaal (6 July, 2015, 5:17 PM UTC):
Your right, level 42 in a fortnight isn't good enough . . . if your spending thousands on crystals. If you aren't buying any crystals on the other hand I think it is pretty impressive.
@fakeasnever (6 July, 2015, 7:59 PM UTC):
Isn't there a level cap or something?