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Assailant of the week!Assailant of the week!

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Assailant of the week!

Jul 7, 2017, 13:5607/07/17

Valiant Lords, it’s up to you to determine which Assailant will appear next in the Kingdom!

To vote for an Assailant, write the Assailant’s name in the comments here

The Assailant that receives the most votes will soon appear in the game. We will announce the results on July 13. Please note that you can select only one Assailant!

A new opponent and a reward for victory await you!

Jul 13, 2017, 15:1407/13/17

Wise Lords!

We are ready to announce which Assailant will soon appear in the game.

The Fugitive has been selected by a majority vote!

Please note that the followers of the Throne: Kingdom at War official communities on Facebook and VK took part in the poll.

Tomorrow you will get the chance to fight against this Assailant! Victory over the enemy will bring you valuable trophies that can be used for crafting new armor and weapons. By using them, your Hero will get following bonuses: Spearman Offense, Spearman Defense, Spearman Health and Marching Speed!

Don’t waste your time, the Fugitive will be on the Kingdom map only from 2:01 a.m. on 14.07.17 until 12:00 a.m. on 21.07.17 (UTC+0).

Jul 14, 2017, 13:1807/14/17

Brave Lords!

Decide which of the suggested Assailants is destined to come to the Kingdom. Write their name in the comments.

The Assailant that receives the most votes from our followers on social networks will become your next opponent! You will find out the results on 20.07.17. Please note that each Lord can vote for only one Assailant. 

Take part in the poll, win and get valuable trophies!

Jul 20, 2017, 13:0807/20/17

Valiant rulers!

The results of the voting for the new Assailant are in! Let’s find out the winner.

First position goes to the Renegade!

Please note that the followers of the Throne: Kingdom at War official communities on Facebook and VK took part in the poll.

Tomorrow you will be able to send your Hero to fight against this Assailant. Defeat them and use the trophies to craft unique equipment that bring the following bonuses: Stone Production, Knight Offense, Knight Health; Construction Speed, Studying Speed, Marching Speed and Capacity.

Lords, the Renegade is not going to wait for you forever! The Assailant will appear on July 21 at 2:01 a.m. and leave your lands on July 28 at 12:00 a.m. (UTC+0).

Jul 21, 2017, 14:1807/21/17

Rulers! You will determine who your new opponent will be!

Write the name of the Assailant you want to fight in the comments!

The Assailant whose name is written by the most players across our social networks will appear on the Kingdom map. We will announce the results on July 27. Please note that you can vote only once!

Choose your Assailant right now and get ready to fight!

Jul 27, 2017, 13:5707/27/17

Great rulers!

We hasten to announce the results of the poll to select the Assailant that will appear in the game next.

The Virago received the most votes!

Please note that the choice has been made by the followers of the Throne: Kingdom at War official communities on Facebook and VK.

Prepare to fight against the Assailant tomorrow! Remember: defeating the Virago will give you the chance to craft unique Hero’s equipment that will increase the Studying Speed, Resources Production, Marching Speed, Defense and Hero's Experience.

Lords, please note that you can fight the Virago only at a particular time – from 2:01 a.m. on 28.07.17 until 12:00 a.m. on 04.08.17 (UTC+0).

Jul 28, 2017, 15:1907/28/17

Valiant Lords, it’s up to you to determine which Assailant will appear next in the Kingdom!

To vote for an Assailant, write the Assailant’s name in the comments here!

The Assailant that receives the most votes will soon appear in the game. We will announce the results on August 03. Please note that you can select only one Assailant!

A new opponent and a reward for victory await you!

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