As to tjhe present (and not prerelease discussion topic)
The new units are quite a plus. I still feel that one should not be able to mass produce these , as these would demote the orginal units. The features they unveal each are quite pleasant and enrich the strategy, but the strength is a bit over the edge. I hope that severe restrictions are there to produce them, but so far fromw hat I've seen restrictions are there mainly on efforts to construct the facilities and or waiting on the Rolls , not on producing the units itself .
What is really a bad idea are the Probes/Sagas . This will allow to quickly gain such destructive units, also the idea of winning rolls inside a Probe is really bad. Rolls should only be gained via Soulstones and thus courageousness, not be a factor of luck to earn them in Probes or simply be a measure of discovery time. Now Probes/Saga bypass the process of producing the new forces in an expensive manner, and this will quiclky result into (to some degree) gradual substitution of the classic units. I really liked those., but will I continue to do so ? I personally feel they should be mainly there for their new features, not for their excessive strenght themselves and on themselves.
I'd rahter have preferred they are kind of champs that accompany your troops wherever they are (does not seem to apply to league fortress forces so I read in between the lines) and would have allowed to produce a uniit type 10% on top of what can be produced on each type up till now.
The 2nd screen is a bit over the top. Why they didn't use the current buildings with a double ressource generation at some Lvl , eventually add some levels , the same for the warehouses to store the new ressource type.
What really is a pain , are the prerequirements I'm really disappointed. . Lvl 60 and Wall at lvl 5 , are Ok I presume. But what the Dragon Egg and The Black Star concerns, these have hit me ,as a highly active player eversince 10/2016 , rather hard I must say and many of my friends too. So far I avoided to uprade to Lost Ones and other side units) or even Dwarfs as a personal choice. I pumped all in just a few like Archers/PaladinsNomads/Gholem/Necro, as was an advise I've read overall.
All other Rolls I left rather untouched (Black Star & Dragon Egg are just a few of them) It took me weeks even months to max out my Necros and above listed ; As such I have a long road before I actually can deploy the new features, which are much too restrictive, far more restrictive as the Champ & its building concerns (Lvl 40 only)
Now the problem is to earn the required Soulstones to have the Rolls . This will require huge attack operations to not lose track with those that didn't adopt the strategy to max out a few, but went the curious way and released all unit types, but didn't care as much about maxing out on a few ones as I did.
I still need all rolls of the type : Black Star & Dragon Egg , despite being a lvl 82,
I feel being deprived due to my choices based on the data of the past , that does not fit the requirements of the present. Such a shame. The sde effect is that my opponents are warned, I will just hit much harder to catch up the gap, and before you are in a measure to benefit really of the new types, especially when soulstones are to be earned. So I apologize myself towards my futur opponents, its stronger than myself I just need it QUICK.