vonhemp said:
You do upgrades constantly, but don't fix in-game issue's that have been plaguing the system for years. Such as I have a samsung tab s2 and can't run the game on high resolution. Also in champions window when i do upgrade, you have to scroll back to pick a character to upgrade with. The drop down window that tells you info, such as merc. Advancement and divine quest and such are incredibly needless to old timers. The random pop up for your sales are needless for old timers, I look for deals when I need them, this is getting close to driving me away.
You can inform about your tablet issue to Support
Rogue Trekkie said:
I understand the importance of feedback but nothing is ever done with those ideas. I’m still waiting for the champion xp tournament to be held more frequently. You run the BG,s all the time, xp all the time and many others. Also still waiting for the champion xp event to also include the league. The tower event was a bust. Everyone in my league hates it and all the replies from all others who dislike it. You also still need to put ways to win green stones. The upgrade event for stones is alright but you have to spend stones to get stones thus making it futile to earn them. Should be in the daily or weekly rewards.
Game developers cannot accommodate all players suggestions but I can tell you they have for sure implemented a few. It just takes some time.
And what can be improved in tower tournament?
About 2 minutes ago at 5:20 a.m. eastern central on Thursday September 6th I was trying to get the free by sacrificing my champions and on two occasions I'm one of them I was supposed to get a hundred Champion stones. I upgraded to a level 4 by sacrificing My Level threes the Champion upgraded but no stones it had happened already last night just a few hours agoIt was all randomized if you get them each time or not. I have found i got them more so when i max a champions level than when i upgraded them to the next one.
The tower tournament is happening while the event for the free champion stones is active. This causes conflict as some of us are trying to get the free champion stones which in turn means that the tower stays untouched until the Free champion stone event is done. The other portion of the problem is not being able to easily unlock champions there is something on the black market about being unlock a certain type of Champions but there is no access to it as in it cannot be purchased why it is there. Thank youYour champions still will get xp and upgrade themselves for hiting in the tower, try this as an alternative.
последние обновление устранило часть багов,Но не все.баг на тайниках и в запросах во дворце остались.пишут что разбираються.А так последние обновление было Самым худшим за последнее время.
Вот ввели духов,например.Но они приведут к новому дисбалансу в игре,не как шары конечно,потому что теряется смасл атаки замка.
если в начале года,были брошенные замки 70лв,то теперь можно встретить и 90лв.
пока разработчики год назад занимались стабильность серверов,а потом особо не нужными с просто кучей багов для обычных игроков обновлениями игроки постепенно покидали и покидают игру.
нужны ли новые доминионы?для обычных игроков нет,для донатов да.
мне вот лично не нравиться навязчивый магазин при входе в игру,не хватает заметок,не удобен выбор войск последнего обновления.
как высказывался один игрок испытавайте обновление на отдельном сервере или виртуальной среде,только не на игровом сервере.
Если провести статистику из 10миллилнов установок моб.версии,5-7 миллионов бросили или не захотели играть.для поекта,Эта катострофа.
Забыл про объединеные чаты написать,какой и-от до думался,туда малышковый чат для начальных игроков влить,нужна остесчка до 50лв,я думаю.
Общий совет:начинайте Сами играть чтобы видеть и понимать,что реально нужно,удобно и не удобно игроку.
надо увеличить время действие купола для малышей,да и чтобы могли грабить без потери его.