canneb3 said:
Sry for replying here but new to forum and for life of me cannot see a "Make Suggestion" button, maybe putting one at top of first page of each forum topic would be a good idea for ppl like me? Anyway my main suggestion concerns the most frustrating part of game for me, trying to get through spying many castles on the contact list and being sent back to top of list every time something happens like a spy report or units returning to castle. My suggestion is have raided castles sent to bottom of contact list so you don't have to schrol through 30 or 40 castles several times to get to unraided castles at the bottom of your contact list while fighting against being sent to top of list before you get there. Either that or allow us to put contacts into groups of 10 or 15 that we can spy as smaller lists and therefore easier to get to bottom of each list before going to the next group. Hopefully you see the value in player gameplay experience by addressing this annoyance and sorry again for placing my suggestion as a reply to an unrelated suggestion. Great game otherwise tho!
Hi! You can suggest an idea by adding a cooment in this topic.
I'll pass your suggestion to our devs, thanks!