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New League Fortress Levels

New League Fortress Levels

Lords and Ladies,

You and your allies will rejoice to hear: League Fortresses and Fields of Knowledge can now be upgraded to level 30.

Remember, each League Fortress upgrade Level:

- Grants you additional Influence Points
- Increases the Bonuses you are able to receive from your Fields of Knowledge

Your League needs to fulfill several requirements to upgrade its Fortress, including holding the required position in the League Rankings, and downgrading a Fortress of the required Level or higher.

New Milestone Levels have also been added. Alongside 5, and 8, the new Levels are 12, 17, 20, 23, 26, and 30. Once a League Fortress has been upgraded up to or beyond a Milestone Level, it cannot be downgraded below it.

Use this knowledge to dominate Darkshine!

Lord Oberon
Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall 

Dec 2, 2022, 12:0112/02/22
Dec 6, 2022, 16:5412/06/22
Dec 6, 2022, 17:00(edited)


Thanks for the info and don't want you to think I'm putting your head on a spike but holy cow do the devs even play the game!!!  If they do they must be in the leagues that went beacon heavy vice playing hamlets.

If a few leagues get their fort to 30 and have all their troops available for hamlets and beacon denying then Plarium greed has put the fork in the game for good.  

How about you expand the beacon map!!! Lets give all the leagues a chance to add beacons and have some corner beacon fun to make things even better.

Time to start looking for a new game.  Thanks for sharing what you know.


Dec 8, 2022, 14:1712/08/22

Would like to know lvl 30 is 100 percent safe, and will not be changed before trying to make it there, curser over the other lvls say safe put it over 30 it does not

Forget Me NotCommunity Manager
Dec 8, 2022, 15:3612/08/22
John Casey

Would like to know lvl 30 is 100 percent safe, and will not be changed before trying to make it there, curser over the other lvls say safe put it over 30 it does not

Yes, John. Level 30 is safe. When you put the cursor over 30, there is no message about it, but we will fix the situation. 

Thanks for your understanding.

Dec 10, 2022, 23:5712/10/22

This has to be the MOST @^^$^$^$ dumbest decision EVER...and that says alot- THERE IS ZERO REASON FOR THIS.....30 FORT NEEDS TO BE DEFENDED

Dec 16, 2022, 15:3012/16/22

In the new fortress upgrade chart there is a column labeled Days. Anyone know what that is?

Dec 17, 2022, 06:2212/17/22
Dec 20, 2022, 02:19(edited)

This is Plarium like all  what Plarium do.....

This Game is patched to Death.....

i will give this Game max 1 or 2 Years and than EoL is reached and all the Idiots put Coins inside for nothing LOL........

i hold Saph Hamlets and take the Saphs i need to play......and Plarium will get nothing...NO CENT for all the Patches ......

No one attacks a Hamlet, no one attacks my Castle LOL....nice NO PVP....all Time, because is not attractive to attack.......

And a L30 Fort is not 1 Year - 2 Years a lot of Coinsers play alone ....with noone

Dec 19, 2022, 22:5412/19/22

play to the big league coiners,

 how plarium  can you get players to carry on with this one sided game now ???

 , 10 beacons to up fort to lvl21 ????

 mid range leagues have no chance now you  killed your own game well done 

just when i think you cant do anything more daft you bring out this ???

 first a price increase on something with no value in the world apart from game ??? 

then this new fort upgrade to 30 , ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL THE GAME FROM YOUR END

 ,merry christmas with how things are in the world right now this game the last thing i need to pay for ????

quite annoying and rediciulous, especially like if youre facing 3 alt leagzues like Synergy on server 3...

Dec 20, 2022, 02:3112/20/22

In the new fortress upgrade chart there is a column labeled Days. Anyone know what that is?

That  is  the  days  required  to level up the fortress level.

Dec 20, 2022, 09:3412/20/22
Dec 20, 2022, 12:57(edited)

And again a Plarium Bug, i did the Downgrade from Fort L22 -> L 21 and my report shows me correctly the successfull Downgrade......and it did not count.... What a Messed up Bug Game.....

Dec 20, 2022, 13:4512/20/22

Please let me know on which Level was YOUR Fortress in the Moment that you Downgrade the Other One?

Dec 20, 2022, 17:0912/20/22

as i said from the start one group of leagues get to 30  

the rest of us have no chance 

plarium you have totally messed up this game now

watch the players leave faster than the forum wars ,

guess the coiners can play on there own ??

merry christmas plarium 

stupid is as stupid does 

, was a good game now  a pay to win game lol

Dec 21, 2022, 03:5612/21/22
Dec 21, 2022, 03:56(edited)

A few comments.

With regards to it being P2P only - most common complaint in the thread - the first league (or part of the first pair) to get to lvl 30 on the most active server is the ONLY major F2P league. 

With regards to It  "ending the game". The difference in bonuses between lvl 20 Fort and lvl 30 is 10%. And that is 10% bonus to base stats, so approx 2% increase to your army. It's almost irrelevant, hardly game changing and certainly not unbalancing to the point of everyone needing to quit if they feel they can't get to lvl 30.

Lvl 30 being a milestone is a bit left field but then tbh in a war game it's a bit weird for there to be any milestones at all.

Personally, it has been a really interesting update that has created more fun and content than anything else for years and we are hardly at the start of it.

You can already see from the number of beacons going up and down we haven't had this much activity in the game for A LONG TIME. There have been more beacon takedowns in this week that we have had in the last 3 years, since force limits!!!

It's not easy to achieve. Takes fair amount of planning and organisation as well as serious troop power. That's not a bad thing, nothing easy is ever that interesting.

Not everyone is going to get their straight away but there are many ways to skin a cat. Leagues that initially struggle will work out strategies to get (I can think of 2/3 straight off the bat), others will have to assess where they really are in the game and wait and build to make the attempt when they are really ready to achieve it.

The game is super boring week in week out. Nothing happens. People just play farmville competing in tournaments. Now we have some real content. Not spent this much time watching and paying attention to the game for years.

I don't think for a minute Plarium intended any of this, but it's been great.

Feb 13, 2023, 21:0002/13/23

Hallo Ihr Helden,

Alle Reden von LV 20-30 der festung lach lach lach.

Bis LV 11 ist ja Verständlich. nur von LV 11 bis 12 ein Lichtturm zu erhalten , zeigt mir bitte wie das gehen soll LOL.

Hier wäre ein Maximum an Angriffsstärke unterhalb der 250.000 ervorderlich und Ligen über LV 12 der Festung dürfen den Lichtturm und die Festung dann nicht angreifen.

Speziel Lichttürme für Ligen unter LV 12 der Festung. 

Die Großen benötigen Ihre Lichttürme für sich selber , was verständlich ist und sind scharf auf jeden der frei wird, was auch verständlich ist.

Jedoch bedeutet das, dass eine kleinere Liga nie die Chance erhält Ihre Festung mit einem Lichtturm zu leveln.

Außer eine Große Liga hilft.

Desweitere Listet doch einmal auf, was für das Leveln der Festung notwendig ist vo 0 bis 30 damit haben wir dann auch das Wissen und können dementsprechend handeln.

Was meine Eigene Meinung ist , na ja , das werde ich hier nicht Posten.

Viel Spass beim Festung senken.

Ronon Dex