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New Units might soon be appearing in your game and we want you to have a say!

New Units might soon be appearing in your game and we want you to have a say!

Jul 15, 2017, 05:5507/15/17

Jul 15, 2017, 05:5807/15/17

offensive dwarf that is strong against occult and infantry, and add a second queue for building infantry

Jul 16, 2017, 16:0307/16/17

MisstersSam said:

need more dragons

No we dont

Only coiners would benefit from new dragons

What would be the point of creating a new dragon unit if we can build fewer than 7 per day?
It would take too long just to collect the new scrolls and upgrade it to level 30
Coiners would buy thousands of these, thus unbalancing the game even more
Coiners would use the Instant button to get them to level 32 within a few hours

Jul 21, 2017, 21:2007/21/17

I would like to see a shadow unit for occult. We have pathfinders, reavers, and chimera, but no occult. What about a medusa?

Maybe a unit that was specific for hamlets, like thieves for raids. Defensive unit that can carry a lot. Minotaurs or Centaurs?

Jul 21, 2017, 23:3307/21/17
Jul 21, 2017, 23:34(edited)

Alina Phoenix said:

djmoody said:

I don't take a lot of pleasure in this but.....

There isn't anyone left at Plarium that understands the game. Not meant to be overly negative, or controversial but just an honest appraisal of where we are at.

If you add new units you will almost certainly screw it up and unbalance the game in some major, stupid and incredibly annoying way.

So my vote would be - simply don't try and fix what isn't broke and leave the units alone.

Hello :)

A lot of players asked for adding new Units in the game.

We understand that it's a significant change in the game, and game balance will one of the main factors taken into account by our devs while working on it.

Also, different teams are working on bugfix and adding new features to the game. It means that creating new Units doesn't mean that we won't work on fixing the bugs.

Anyone else find that highlighted part above funny or just me ?

this is what you should of wrote: "BANK ACCOUNT balance will one of the main factors taken into account by our devs"

Jul 23, 2017, 13:5007/23/17

Some units that can actually do something about the FB.

Jul 24, 2017, 07:5007/24/17

Tarkin said:

I would like to see a shadow unit for occult. We have pathfinders, reavers, and chimera, but no occult. What about a medusa?

Maybe a unit that was specific for hamlets, like thieves for raids. Defensive unit that can carry a lot. Minotaurs or Centaurs?

Hello, my Lord.

I forwarded your ideas to devs.

Jul 24, 2017, 07:5107/24/17
Jul 24, 2017, 07:51(edited)

Sculptor said:

Some units that can actually do something about the FB.

Hello :) 

This idea was already forwarded to devs.

Aug 9, 2017, 07:5708/09/17

RandomDrop said:

Obviously a maranian based occult defense unit and beast offense unit is what is missing. Im sure its been mentioned.

Hi :) 

It wasn't suggested yet. But I'll forward this idea as well :)
Aug 9, 2017, 11:2208/09/17

Why new units when there is units that not really worth to use as it is.. Like small fat dwarfes with no real purpose. Some units could need so re-balance to actually be useable. I got a feeling new units of any value will be behind a paywall as well.
Aug 10, 2017, 12:2308/10/17
Aug 10, 2017, 13:28(edited)
Why not Mecho units that the scrolls are purchased soulstones and Exp levels ?? fire bomb resistant and a little tougher than reg units that can be Darkened also (note said resistant but Not Firebomb Proof )  They arrived when a Mechanical planet from the future exploded causing a fold in the Space time continuum that rained them Down Upon The realms  of Storm fall were those worthiness having been proven By the collection of Soulstones and Battle Hardened Experience gained to have the ability to Control them :)    
Aug 10, 2017, 12:3308/10/17
Stiletto said:

Does anyone ever build Imperial Units?

I have never been attacked by an army of imp units, and have never found them guarding enemy castles

Seems to me the 4 build ques for Imprial units are wasted

Why cant we have separate build ques for offense and defense and scrap the imps?

If the community still thinks it needs imps, then get them from the existing quests, or normal units that are revived could become imps, and revived imps could become eldrich
They could then design a new unit to replace revived eldrich units

Keep in mind that most Imperial units Can be Darkened so Darkened units that may of attacked you could of once been Imperial Units
Aug 10, 2017, 12:4308/10/17
Aug 10, 2017, 13:00(edited)

Tarkin said:

I would like to see a shadow unit for occult. We have pathfinders, reavers, and chimera, but no occult. What about a medusa?

Maybe a unit that was specific for hamlets, like thieves for raids. Defensive unit that can carry a lot. Minotaurs or Centaurs?

You mean like a Light Armored renegade ? A little faster but a little Weaker in O and D But stronger than a Darkened Necro ? That could be built with the common Resources 

story could Be they were a combination derived From a collision of Dark and Light forces during a legendary Battle  In the  long Forgotten Valley of the Damned That was Thought to Of Destroyed Both when The mountain ranges on both sides of the Valley came down Upon them!!! But 800 Years later during the Spawning of beacons Over the Forgotten Valley of the Damned they Emerged  Pledging Loyalty To Oberon and those that Oberon felt were worthy Of the Fidelity ! How that for a story line :)

Aug 22, 2017, 03:5608/22/17

More spy units. You should be able to make spy units in infantry,cavalry, and occult types.

How about a legendary unit that speeds up troop movement?

Allow players to summon stone wraiths instead of regular wraiths. Stone wraiths can be sent to another castle as a castle guard for 24 hours or one attack-death.

A legendary that increases carrying capacity. 

A legendary unit that increase attack or defense ONLY in battlegrounds. Could be summonable. A random BG legendary every 24 hours? Ability to purchase?

Aug 22, 2017, 05:1108/22/17

Ok several suggestions from friends in teamspeak.


Basilisk in beastiary... offensive

Hell Hounds in Occult ... Defensive, strong against infantry


Gargoyle offensive Occult

Minotaur defensive Cavalry

Banshee defensive infantry


Gerbils fast infantry unit, able to go where no other units go... ROLF (Offensive)

Gerbil Riders cavalry... the name says it all


Miasma, occult zombie lady .... amulet troop defensive better than demon


Goblin Sapper ... Disables your walls.

Pheonix - Bestiary defense... absorbs fireballs

Aug 22, 2017, 05:1308/22/17
Aug 22, 2017, 05:14(edited)

One more suggestion from Jerry

Mongol Cavalry Archer .. Offensive... fast troop
Aug 22, 2017, 05:1508/22/17

i would suggest an amulet based defense occult troop, 

a Frost Mage, say its 1750 amulets each . super high beastiary defense
Aug 22, 2017, 06:3808/22/17

No new Units, there are enough.

It will destroy the game if there come new units. I saw it in an other game. I like this game but you are on a good way to destroy it. 

Repair performance and eliminate most bugs. But don´t bring new units. It is nonsense.
Aug 22, 2017, 08:0308/22/17

Hello, Lords and Ladies.

Our devs received enough suggestions and ideas regarding new Units. Thanks all for your activity on this question.

Lady FEUERHERZ , our devs will make sure that new Units won't destroy the game or influence on its balance.

The stats of the Units will be analyzed very carefully.

Also, developing new features doesn't mean that we don't work on fixing the bugs.

Aug 22, 2017, 12:5208/22/17
Hallo. I would like to see a troop that is quick to build, that doubles as both offense and defense in it's own building que and that increases in capacity if used in PvP tournments against higher players..balancing out if higher level player attacks you..When a level 126 hits you with more than 100 000 aint no fun..
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