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 Changes in Beacon Massacre!

Changes in Beacon Massacre!

Jan 24, 2017, 14:0101/24/17

Changes in Beacon Massacre!

Changes in Beacon Massacre! 

My Lords and Ladies, this is to inform you that the frequency of the Beacon Massacre Tournament will be reduced in the near future. This will give you an opportunity to better prepare for battles that will take place during the event!

Leave a comment if you are happy with the changes!

Jan 24, 2017, 16:1701/24/17

Thank you for listening

I hope this means it will only be held as a special event for Easter, Halloween and New Year etc

Even your fans on facebook are happy with this change (except for one or two neanderthals)

Jan 24, 2017, 20:2601/24/17
Snowgoon said:

Thank you for listening

I hope this means it will only be held as a special event for Easter, Halloween and New Year etc

Even your fans on facebook are happy with this change (except for one or two neanderthals)

I am happy to see the event be less frequent. Thank you for your positive feedback.
Jan 24, 2017, 23:1101/24/17

Can we be given details as to how often it will be run?  Like every month or every other month? Also, run time for the tournaments (like 12 hrs or 24 hrs)

Jan 25, 2017, 03:4401/25/17
every other month or every quarter for 24 hrs with different starting times so all different time zones have a fair chance to have it end at a convenient time for all  ty
Jan 25, 2017, 09:4101/25/17
Snowgoon said:

Thank you for listening

I hope this means it will only be held as a special event for Easter, Halloween and New Year etc

Even your fans on facebook are happy with this change (except for one or two neanderthals)

I'm glad to hear you like these news :)
Jan 25, 2017, 09:4301/25/17
Skycooldude said:

Can we be given details as to how often it will be run?  Like every month or every other month? Also, run time for the tournaments (like 12 hrs or 24 hrs)

Since the schedule of all Tournaments might be changing, I can't give you the exact information.
Jan 25, 2017, 10:3001/25/17
Very happy to hear this news. 
Jan 25, 2017, 11:2401/25/17

Be honest and TELL us what meta data this change based on. Because its not based on our critics, that for sure...
Jan 25, 2017, 15:5101/25/17

Gadheras said:

Be honest and TELL us what meta data this change based on. Because its not based on our critics, that for sure...

Lord Gadheras, after each new feature release, devs check two important sources of information:

1) Player feedback from forum passed by CMs.

2) Activity logs.

In each case the decision about future of feature is made individually, based on all available data.

Jan 26, 2017, 00:5601/26/17
Eugenia Misura said:

Gadheras said:

Be honest and TELL us what meta data this change based on. Because its not based on our critics, that for sure...

Lord Gadheras, after each new feature release, devs check two important sources of information:

1) Player feedback from forum passed by CMs.

2) Activity logs.

In each case the decision about future of feature is made individually, based on all available data.

 it seems the problem could have been resolved much sooner, and with much less loss of customers had the developers taken into account customer feed back before looking at the activity logs. 
Jan 26, 2017, 01:2001/26/17
Eugenia Misura said:

Gadheras said:

Be honest and TELL us what meta data this change based on. Because its not based on our critics, that for sure...

Lord Gadheras, after each new feature release, devs check two important sources of information:

1) Player feedback from forum passed by CMs.

2) Activity logs.

In each case the decision about future of feature is made individually, based on all available data.

Big problem my dear. The players that quit over all this mess ain't coming back. Some of these was even spending on the game. Maybe worth listening to the players a bit and be less focused on raise BIGLY WALLS....
Jan 26, 2017, 03:2001/26/17
72 just took away all our fun!!!
Jan 26, 2017, 18:0401/26/17
scarlet said: just took away all our fun!!!
Not taken away just slowed down enough so people can recuperate and fight another day.
Jan 26, 2017, 19:0401/26/17
Jan 26, 2017, 19:37(edited)

scarlet said: just took away all our fun!!!

They didn't take away all of your fun

Your league can still have lots of 'fun' attacking the fortresses of leagues who are 100 ranks below you during the flag tournaments, stealing dozens of Class III Flags

If you are really lucky they will let you take Class II Flags this time, maybe even Class I
Jan 28, 2017, 15:5001/28/17

Flag Tournament

Why do plarium reward such cowardice?
Why was it changed to allow attacks on leagues which are one or two tiers below

43 Class III flags taken by top 20 league

Jan 29, 2017, 02:2701/29/17
Snowgoon said:

Flag Tournament

Why do plarium reward such cowardice?
Why was it changed to allow attacks on leagues which are one or two tiers below

43 Class III flags taken by top 20 league

Its simple really. Top 20 leagues are already coining heavily to get there. The lower level leagues need to be shown that they need to coin more to retain their flags. Plarium at its finest.
Jan 29, 2017, 07:3201/29/17

A few of us who have been looking towards getting a beacon, decided to postpone everything beacon related due to the massive hits being done by some top leagues atm AND the beacon massacres. It started just getting all too hard. Staying in make def mode for a long, long, long, long, long time became safer for survival. Frankly, limiting the nos of occasions is great.

The small leagues know they cant fight the big leagues in fort flag.  That's a major reason why they just give up and don't participate. Big leagues being able to hit the lower leagues makes that even more likely. Also the rewards aren't that great to start with. Why bother? Certainly also means they have no reason to put units in a fort and that achieving fort safe levels 5 and 8 are even more important.

Jan 29, 2017, 09:0601/29/17
Tiercide the fortress's, and make it so you can only capture flags within your own range. Like one level up, one level done or something similar
Feb 2, 2017, 01:0102/02/17

I am happy for this change because for us small league get to the end of the tournament is very difficult. The big leagues have no problems and it is easy for them to break our defenses built with so much effort. I do not say that is not playing but maybe with time losses can be limited and retrieved. I also think that it would take some regulation to avoid destroying the little league and lose many players because they are demoralized. Not everyone likes to live forever forward. I would play very happy even without tournament because for me it was a shock! Fortunately there are still great honest league, special people who make their big league not only as a ranking but also as moral rules.

Feb 2, 2017, 09:0102/02/17
I'm glad to know you like this change, Lady Illea!