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Do you know what will happen this Wednesday?

Do you know what will happen this Wednesday?

Jul 28, 2016, 07:2307/28/16

Why other games with the same mechanics still work?

Jul 28, 2016, 07:3007/28/16

The game mechanics has no problem.

It's just that Plarium developers like to intervene way too much and excessively that eventually a glitch/bug (or more) in an update caused everything to crash completely.

If only they leave the game alone and not be fanatical with intervention every now and then may be okay. The glitch may be incompatible with past interventions and so they clash, crack, and break, I think.
Jul 28, 2016, 07:3107/28/16

hello all i lucien which many of you know me in this game i am marshal of the fellowship (fol) leagues i hope i can speak for the old timers on this game we have seen many changes, from the days of troop loss without food to where we paid for saphs strait up no extras no nothing when pvp was once a week not every dam day ,we have all lost millions of offence and def which we have busted out are atm cards to many times we have paid for leagues names and pay for teamspeaks to futher the gaming exp for plarium even more , look plarium we don't want every boost know to man kind warp or whatever youll think of next we want a game that works and is consistent don't post beacons are dropping knowing half the world will be up all night and waiting, then post some new extravagant thing will happen on this date or that date and it don't happen you loose you credit with us how can i trust you with my CC info if i can't even get the things we have no control over to work right that's on you plarium.

ps : when i seen player's like ,king d ,the mad king,nobody, jesus christ , relic , rohan, and many more leave this game at least they got to go on there own terms i now see friends of mine wanting to leave the game (trevor) and im sure more will pop up as they days grow on they can't even leave on there own terms, (cant even log to quit) wow lol but anyways to all my friends and frenemies,we deserve better remember no atm card no employee bonuses lol just saying !!!

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jul 28, 2016, 07:3407/28/16

Guys, we're experiencing some issues. We have already found the source, but fixing it will take some time. 

I will update you with new information as soon as I get any. Thank you for understanding. 
Jul 28, 2016, 07:3507/28/16

Lord Oberon said:

Do you know what will happen this Wednesday, Lords and Ladies?

Something remarkable is about to hit Stormfall…

Let me guess...the surprise is the servers will be down for many hours, cheating some players out of their daily log in, causing many to lose troops to opportunists who are able to log in once it comes back up, and conferring unfair advantage to anyone who was in top ranks in tournaments that end tonight since nobody can score any points while trapped offline?

Jul 28, 2016, 07:3607/28/16
Like a few others I have not been able to Log in what a crock no warning but since this game costs money this service is Sh*T
Jul 28, 2016, 07:3807/28/16
Yes Lucien those were the days of old we miss
Jul 28, 2016, 07:4007/28/16

PS Plarium how about one change you can make for us

Get rid of those Blasted Woers Shield of protection
Jul 28, 2016, 07:4107/28/16

I don't want to be compensated with some boost rubbish, or some resource rubbish, or some sapps rubbish, etc.

I want to be compensated with either of 2 things:

1. 1,000 eldritch necromancers in my catacombs, or

2. Reduce all troops production time by 90% for 1 week.
Jul 28, 2016, 07:4607/28/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Guys, we're experiencing some issues. We have already found the source, but fixing it will take some time. 

I will update you with new information as soon as I get any. Thank you for understanding. 

The three biggest issues with the down time:

1) Daily log in - depending on how long it takes you to fix, many players will miss out and will have to start over at day 1.  Highly unfair when you trapped us out of the game.

2) Tournaments - pretty sure the beacon tournament with unique reward ends tonight and with nobody able to log in, that is an easy win for whoever was in lead when servers went down.  Since downtime was not announced, this is a highly unfair advantage.

3) Troops trapped in open - Since server went down with no warning, people were playing the game when it crashed.  Raids in progress, bgs being done, etc.  That's a lot of troops that we cannot log in to cata.  When server comes back up, you'd better believe opportunists will be out looking for troops caught in the open for easy points.  

What will Plarium do to make right with the players?
Jul 28, 2016, 07:5407/28/16
So as of right now we have been offline for about 6-8 hours. I think we should be compensated with about 1k sapp and 250 of each off/def occult or legendary troops each person on the game. Just my thoughts!!!!
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jul 28, 2016, 07:5507/28/16
Jul 28, 2016, 07:57(edited)

ThatGuy said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Guys, we're experiencing some issues. We have already found the source, but fixing it will take some time. 

I will update you with new information as soon as I get any. Thank you for understanding. 

The three biggest issues with the down time:

1) Daily log in - depending on how long it takes you to fix, many players will miss out and will have to start over at day 1.  Highly unfair when you trapped us out of the game.

2) Tournaments - pretty sure the beacon tournament with unique reward ends tonight and with nobody able to log in, that is an easy win for whoever was in lead when servers went down.  Since downtime was not announced, this is a highly unfair advantage.

3) Troops trapped in open - Since server went down with no warning, people were playing the game when it crashed.  Raids in progress, bgs being done, etc.  That's a lot of troops that we cannot log in to cata.  When server comes back up, you'd better believe opportunists will be out looking for troops caught in the open for easy points.  

What will Plarium do to make right with the players?

We have already fixed the issue. You may check the game again. Downtime was less than 2 hours. You still can log in and get a reward.

Tournaments are still running. You can get in the game and continue fighting. During the downtime everyone was in the same situation. And the same thing for the troops.

If you had any losses directly connected to the downtime, you may contact our Support Team and they will investigate your case.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jul 28, 2016, 07:5707/28/16
Sorry, my bad. I see that first reports came at 2:20 UTC. Right?
Jul 28, 2016, 08:0207/28/16
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jul 28, 2016, 08:1607/28/16
Wolficus DEPLOYED said:

Thank you.
Jul 28, 2016, 08:2207/28/16
So can somebody tell me what we got for our loss time?
Jul 28, 2016, 08:2307/28/16
r_yatesjr said:

So can somebody tell me what we got for our loss time?
Are you serious?????
Jul 28, 2016, 09:3507/28/16

Jumy gets a year ban and plariums servers crash. 

Jul 28, 2016, 11:5007/28/16
Evil Jumy