Alina said:
It took 2 years, and the results were disappointing. The WebGL engine was not as powerful as Flash: the minimum system requirements went up, the visual quality went down, the load times were 5-7 times longer, and the game was much less responsive.
That is a bombshell. All of the sudden you drop this on us.
Lots of games did manage to make WebGL work, I have no idea why it didn't work. I am a aware of issues that come with WebGL, like the memory issue, that results in crushes and the picture quality.
have you tried to integrate WebgL with something like Eletrom or Apache.
Alina said:
While Flash is available on browsers, we will do everything we can to help you play our games on your format of choice. Once that’s no longer an option, you can still keep playing on Plarium Play or your platform’s desktop application.
You're kidding me right. . How in heaven hells are you going to manage to deal with all the security issues that come with using flash. The only reason why flash survived for as long as it did, was because of Adobe. It was adobe's timely dedication that allowed flash to survive. Adobe, nor browsers are dropping flash. They are going to leave a bottomless pit of security issues that will be impossible to fix. How in heaven hell are you a small time company, ever going to manage to deal with all the security issues.
Google, a multibillion dollar company could have chosen to adopt the role that Adobe play, and keep flash. But even they are dropping flash. Microsoft could have taken that role. But they don't even want to touch flash with a stick.
Even if you manage to keep the hackers away, BY SOME MIRACLE. its highly improbable that you will, but lets say you do. With the speed that technology is developing at right now, it will be economically inviable for you to keep all the hackers out when the likes of Quantum networking and Quantum computing becomes affordable to a basement hacker. How will you keep the North Koreans and the Nigerians out then. And how many years we have until that happen. I say 5 years.
even if you were to team up with all 'Flash' game developers, you simply can't replace Adobe.
Its Adobe that is dropping flash, and browsers are reacting to that by also dropping flash.