The ultimate guide for BattleGrounds
Hello everybody,
In this topic, we will focus on the BattleGrounds (BGs), and the best way to gain experience, wisdom, tournament points, hero equipment and moon coins from it.
I. Offensive BGs.
First we will be interested in the offensive BGs.
A. Training.
Offensive BGs are very interesting because three units of the army of shadows are offensive units, as you can see in the following table:
What is the army of shadows ?
The army of shadows is a set of four units: the huntress, the pathfinder, the reaver and the chimera. These units are characterized by a very high [ cost / production time ] ratio. Here is an image of the four units of the army of shadows:
The more we feed the battlegrounds with expensive units, and the more units recovered in rewards will be numerous. So, in terms of production, the most interesting units will be those which are expensive and quick to produce. Shadow Army units are excellent units for BGs.
So, to do the offensive BGs, I advise you to train pathfinders, reavers, warlocks and chimeras.
B. Fighting.
In this part, we will distinguish three categories of units:
- units of the shadow army: pathfinders, reavers and chimeras ; these units are fast to produce, expensive, but weak.
- powerful units of low value: pikemen, paladins, knights and great lords ; these units are very powerful, but move slowly, and can never compose very powerful armies (there is a force limit for fortress attacks, beacon attacks, or for raids, which makes impossible the constitution of very powerful armies with these units).
- powerful units of high value: warlocks, necromancers, wyverns and dragons ; these units are powerful, fast, and can compose very powerful armies.
Shadow Army units are very interesting because they are fast to produce and cost a lot of resources (which is a good thing). On the other hand, they are weak: pathfinders have only 75 attack points, reavers have only 360 attack points, chimeras have only 900 attack points ; this is little.
To win as many tournament points as possible, you must have as many attack points as possible. Your goal will be to turn these weak and expensive units into powerful and numerous units of low value. For that, you will have to send your units of the army of the shades towards low level BGs (level 1 to 25).
Since there are few low-level BGs in the eagle's nest, you will need to regularly convert your Shadow Army units into powerful units. Personally, I convert my units almost daily: when there are tournaments, or when there is a mareth quest that requires it. I advise you to do the same.
This way, I advise you to amass units, again and again. Thus, you will have many powerful units, but of low value:
- you can pvp with these units, I will explain (in another guide) under what circumstances these units are good units for pvp ;
- you can also use these units to defeat high level BGs (level 36 to 80). It is this point that will interest us in the following of this topic.
If you choose to send your powerful low-level units to high-level BGs, then know that this is where you will earn a lot of tournament points, and good hero equipment. By doing this, you will get powerful high value units for reward. It's definitely the right choice if you're looking for class IV hero equipment or tournament points.
C. Diagrams.
The classic scheme is as follows:
units of the army of shadows ---> powerful units of low value ---> powerful units of high value ---> pvp
As we already said, you can also choose to do pvp directly with low value units:
units of the army of shadows ---> powerful units of low value ---> pvp
powerful units of high value ---> powerful units of low value ---> pvp
If you want to "recycle" your high-value units, you can send them to low level BGs. I do not recommend sending your high-value units directly to high-level BGs. There would be a significant shortfall:
units of the army of shadows ---> powerful units of low value ---> powerful units of high value ---> low level BGs
(it is this schema that I advise you to follow, if you want to get class IV hero equipment)
Note that if you want to quickly produce high-value, powerful units, you can send your Shadow Army units directly to high-level BGs. But, this would minimize your gains of experience, wisdom, and hero equipment (so I strongly advise against it). The diagram would be:
( units of the army of shadows ---> powerful units of high value ---> pvp )
(I strongly advise against following this schema)
D. Conclusion.
That's it. Now you are able to maximize the rewards you will receive from the offensive BGs.
Also, I advise you to keep in reserve about 500 dragons or 600 wyverns, to be able to collect resources by making raids.
Note that bestiary units are 50 times more expensive and "only" 30 times more powerful than infantry units. It would be a waste to use high value units directly in high level BGs.
II. Defensive BGs.
Let's take a look now at the defensive BGs.
A. Training.
If you decide to specialize in defense, one thing you need to know is that there is only one defensive unit in the shadow army: the huntress, which is an infantry unit. Globally, the defensive units will therefore be longer and less expensive to produce (which is rather negative). Despite this, the defensive units have a respectable power.
A good thing is that fewer resources will have to be spent. If you are trying to form a defensive army, you will not need to do 12 big daily raids to keep busy training queues. Some raids from time to time should be sufficient. The raids will mainly allow you to lengthen your training queues.
If you specialize in defense, I advise you to train hunteresses, nomads, golems (or demons), and griffins. The production of nomads costs a lot of food, which is a good thing because food is a very easy to obtain resource. For the same reason, golems can be an interesting unit to train. The ratio [ production time / cost ] is 100 for golems, and 102 for demons. The difference is very small, so you can choose one or the other. I advise you to train golems, because this will allow you to accumulate the training of units.
B. Fighting.
Among the defensive units, we will distinguish three types of units:
- a unit of the army of shadows: the huntress ; this unit is fast to produce, expensive, but weak.
- powerful units of low value: archers, dwarfs, nomads and barbarians ; these units are very powerful, but move slowly, and must be used in large numbers, otherwise they could be overpowed by dragons, wyverns, necromancers and warlocks.
- powerful units of high value: golems, demons and griffins ; these units are powerful, fast, and effective against offensive units of high value.
The fights will be the same as for the offensive BGs. The hunteresses will be sent to low-level BGs, to quickly obtain powerful units of low value. These units will then be sent to high level BGs to obtain high value units.
C. Diagrams.
The classic scheme is as follows:
huntresses ---> powerful units of low value ---> powerful units of high value ---> pvp
If you want to do pvp with low value units, the diagram becomes:
huntresses ---> powerful units of low value ---> pvp
powerful units of high value ---> powerful units of low value ---> pvp
If you want to "recycle" your high value units, or get class IV hero equipment quickly, the scheme will be:
huntresses ---> powerful units of low value ---> powerful units of high value ---> low level BGs
(I do not recommend fighting high-level BGs with high-value units)
D. Conclusion.
Forming a defensive army costs less resources, but yields less experience and fewer tournament points, because only one unit of the shadow army can be used. And, you must wait to have a very large army before using these units in pvp (to avoid being smashed). You are now able to form a powerful defensive army. I will try to create another guide to talk about pvp.
Also, I advise you to keep in reserve about 500 dragons or 600 wyverns, to be able to collect resources by making raids.
Note that bestiary units are 50 times more expensive and "only" 30 times more powerful than infantry units. It would be a waste to use high value units directly in high level BGs.
Once you've got all the class IV hero equipment, I suggest you start pvping.
I hope you enjoyed this guide. If you have a question, feel free to contact me via PM.
Your comments are welcome,
Good bye.