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Rules of CivilityRules of Civility

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Rules of Civility

Oct 6, 2015, 18:4010/06/15

Rules of Civility

Greetings Lords and Ladies!

I'd like to welcome you to the Rules of Civility! The Rules of Civility are guidelines and thus not official rules!

In this topic we'll mainly talk about staying polite, communicating, what to do when you're being threatened or trolled and finding friends.

Well, let's start at the beginning shall we?

1 - Civility

1.1 - Civility in General

Civility is important to prevent quarrels and/or misunderstandings. By that reason I'll be explaining some rules in that category!

1.2 - Stay Polite and Receive It Back!

Being polite is a key to better reputation and respect from others! This means that when you're politeful to others you get politeness in return for yours! As example try to write complaints in such a way, that people will do their best to help you. Let your anger, if any, flow off your shoulders. If you're too angered to make a topic in that case, then try to relax first before making one. This way we can avoid any quarrels and misunderstandings.

For in the game counts the same thing: When someone captures a worthy settlement of you, and you ask him or her politely if you may have it back, most of the time they actually do so!

2 - Communication Among the Players

2.1 - Finding Friends on Stormfall

There are enough ways to find friends on Stormfall! Ask friends in real life, or maybe by writing letters! Perhaps you will find someone on your journey! Maybe don't wait for them to come, feel free to message anyone you trust!

2.2 - Jokes Can Be Fun- But Not All Of Them!

Jokes, ah yes! The way to make people laugh and give them joy. Jokes are always good to make, but it has its confines! If the other does not like it then remember to stop playing as jester. Jokes that are generally not funny could be jokes that repeat, are offensive or something that shouldn't be told.

2.3 - Is Someone Threatening/Insulting You?

If someone is truly threatening & insulting you, don't hesitate and report it! But do not create a topic saying that 'someone is really mean' as it will probably turn out worse than you expect.

Related links:

> Official Forum Rules (Important!)

> In-game Policies (Important!)

Important Points of Civility:

What you should do:

1. Accept fellow players as who they are; Do not act rude to people whom you think are 'different'.

2. Stay polite; Even when you're mad, because that way you will be rewarded with a bunch of respect.

3. Help each other when needed; Try to give them what they need to regather their powers!

4. Report abusive players; Don't create a topic saying that 'someone is annoying', try to fix it yourself by talking to him/her first.

5. Use clean language; Do not swear, cuss or insult at someone or in general.

6. Explain; Insufficient explanations about your story can lead to misunderstandings.

7. Avoid condescension; No matter how frustrated you are, do not tell people to "grow up" or include any language along the lines of "if this were kindergarten" in your messages, topics or anything similar.

The opposite of the above written rules are obviously the things you should not do!

Please, note that I cannot write every rule down. I assume that you know what to do and what-not.

Dealing With Incivility:

1. Consider whether you and the other writer may simply have misunderstood each other; Clarify, and ask for clarification.

2. Consider the possibility that something you said or did wrongly provoked a defensive, irritated or fed-up response; Be prepared to apologize for anything which you could / should have done better.

3. Even if you're offended, be as calm and reasonable as possible in your response; Until there is clear evidence to the contrary, assume that the offense was unintended.

4. Explain, clearly but kindly, exactly what you felt was uncivil; Sometimes it helps to let the other Lord or Lady know how their letter/topic made you feel. ("That made me feel..." is much less likely to incite more anger or resentment than "Your post was...")

5. Ask them to remove an uncivil comment, or re-word it calmly and neutrally, if they have not already done so by this point.

6. No matter how much you're being provoked, resist the temptation to snap back; It never works well; it just makes things worse. Strive to become the Lord or Lady who can't be baited!

7. If none of this is working, and the other person is not ruining the topic or being uncivil or unkind to other Lords or Ladies, then leave the topic be.


Disputes, and even misunderstandings, can lead to situations in which one party feels injured by the other. There's no loss of face in apologizing. We all make mistakes, we all say the odd hurtful thing, we all have bad days and bad moments. If you have a sneaky feeling you owe someone an apology, offer the apology. Apologizing does not hurt you.

Remember, though, that you cannot demand an apology from anyone else. It will only get their back up and make it either less likely to happen, or to be totally insincere if you do get an apology. Never be too proud to make the first move when it comes to saying sorry. That kind of "pride" is destructive. An apology provides the opportunity for a fresh start, and can clear the air when one person's perceived incivility has offended another.

Thank you for reading this, it is an honor to help those whom need it!

I'm also grateful to aid the Moderators on Stormfall and would like to thank Lord Oberon and the other Moderators for helping & letting me in!

Oct 7, 2015, 02:2910/07/15
I think that the rules of Civility was a good idea; however, I just want to point out that when war starts.... those rules go out the window. Also, I am guessing this is a suggestion not an actual game rule... bc that would be absurd.
Oct 7, 2015, 05:2310/07/15

Skycooldude said:

I think that the rules of Civility was a good idea; however, I just want to point out that when war starts.... those rules go out the window. Also, I am guessing this is a suggestion not an actual game rule... bc that would be absurd.

Hello Lord Skycooldude!

I'm not sure if those are official rules, but it's just to make sure people behave the way they should.  

Thanks for your reply!


Oct 7, 2015, 08:1810/07/15
Oct 7, 2015, 08:18(edited)
My Lords and Ladies, these of course are recommendations. Feel free to discuss, add your own suggestions and recommendations to this topic so we can all learn from one another.
Oct 9, 2015, 19:3010/09/15
I Just want to compliment "Slopranodark" for this excellent guide to decency. I think this is relevant in real day to day lives and work places. You have put into words concepts that are difficult to express and done it wonderfully. When people put down playing on line games, I use this as an example of how on-line gaming teaches important values and is not just a "waste of time" . Again, well done!! Thank-you.
Oct 9, 2015, 19:3710/09/15

Euclus said:

I Just want to compliment "Slopranodark" for this excellent guide to decency. I think this is relevant in real day to day lives and work places. You have put into words concepts that are difficult to express and done it wonderfully. When people put down playing on line games, I use this as an example of how on-line gaming teaches important values and is not just a "waste of time" . Again, well done!! Thank-you.

Thank you gratefully m'lord!

That really made my evening! May the Gods bless you on your roads!

>> SlopranoDark

Oct 9, 2015, 23:1310/09/15
Oct 9, 2015, 23:14(edited)

FionaSilver said:

What do you do if some one else attacks you and wipes out everything you have like in my case i was attacked and have no army at all to go on with the game.

Greetings Lady FionaSilver!

The only thing I can suggest you to do is the following:

1. Ask the opponent kindly if he or she would like to stop; perhaps the person didn't mean it the way he or she meant?

2. If point 1 does not work, ask friends to aid you in battle; Maybe your League would like to assist you!

3. If the above don't work, consider purchasing a 'Precise Gateway' and move your castle to a safer place.

4. If all of the above don't work, and you think that you can handle a fresh start, consider moving to the new server; Both the castles will be saved, so you can switch between them anytime!

I hope this helped you out! Good luck!

May your troops slaughter your enemies within no time!

>> SlopranoDark

Oct 16, 2015, 15:4710/16/15
Oct 17, 2015, 07:24(edited)

Val said:

Where is the actual tutorial for the game itself? I came here to learn the game, and found rules about minding P & Q.

Hello Lord Val!

There already is a tutorial included when you firstly start the game, my Lord! If you seek for additional tutorials (For Battlegrounds as example) then follow this link.

Here are some examples:

> Battleground tactic; How do I make the best of it?

> Battleground tips; To get a more clear idea!

> Offense tips; How can I calculate the defense of a target?

I hope that this helped you out! If you need any other assistance, remember that other players would love to help you out as well! 

Together we stand strong m'Lord!

>> Lord SlopranoDark