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Banking Battlegrounds

Sep 17, 2015, 11:5009/17/15

Banking Battlegrounds

There are certain core ideas that are needed to clearly understand

These ideas will help players to better understand the system and get rewards.

1) BG’s Works on a bank system

2) The Big Rewards are given once the bank has been paid, plus interest

3) Any Small Reward increases the bank, plus interest

4) Every BG needs its own amount banked to get a big payout from it.


The bank represents a total value of the last reward you received from a Regular Bg. This value must be considered a loan, and the next reward will arrive after successfully eliminating a mission once the loan has been satisfied, with interest. 

Nothing in this game is a guarantee, especially when dealing with mathematical algorithms. There are variances, changes and randomness added all the time.


The bank value, also known as ‘The Bank’ is what you need to repay before you get another reward. By adding 12.5% interest to the bank, you reduce the chance of coming in under your bank. Technically the bank should reward you as soon as you reach it, however, it doesn’t always. The Interest will reduce your efficiency in reaching the bank, but help ensure a reward when you arrive.

Can the interest be reduced? Yes, but you run the chance of underestimating and by undershooting the bank on a successful elimination, may either run out of missions or overspend by too much to make the next reward profitable.

Ok, then lets go with an example:

I have received my last big payout lets say, 2800 necromancers.

I have to construct my bank from now and the first i have to do is to set how much in resources are those 2800 necromancers, so i realized they are 29.708.000 in resources.

Now i have to add the interest of 12.5% to that amount: 3.713.500 so my new bank to construct is a total of 33.421.500 of resources.

I begin to spend troops yellowing all bgs i have in my Eagle nest and in some moment i know i have spent 37.000.000. Then is the moment to see how much is in my bank. so i have spent 37.000.000 and the interest was 3.713.500 so in my bank there are: 33.286.500 resources.

Next step is checking which bg is going to pay me. I noticed i have yellowed a level 65 which need arround 32.500.000 to bank for a payout, so i finish it and i should receive a big payout from it.

The process beguins again.

What happens if i finish one bg during my banking run and it pays me a small payout???

Then you have to calculate how much in resources is that small payout.

In the example, that i have to bank 33.421.500 for my big payout i finish one bg and it pays me let say 210 necromancers in a level 58. Then we have to add that amount to the bank plus the 12.5% of interest.

210 necros  2.228.100 resources

12.5% interés  278.512 resources

Total to add _>2.506.612

So now my new bank to construct is 33.421.500 + 2.506.612 = 35.928.112 resources.

This have to be done for every small payout i could get during my banking run.

The point is completing the bank and get the big payout when bank is full and then start all process again.

Hope this can help you all.


Note for changes in bgs on july 2016: System could still work although i think you have to bank a little more.

The interest is not really so high so u can use arround 5% of interest.

Sep 18, 2015, 08:2109/18/15
Very helpful analysis, my Lord. Hope more Lords and Ladies read this 
Sep 18, 2015, 08:3709/18/15

Dear Del Viento,

Quick question for you. I had banked about 12 million & went ahead cleared a level 43 offense BG. Got 717 necros + 143 golems as a reward (pretty decent in my opinion). Now, I know that for a lvl 43 to give me a big payout, there needs to be about 8.5 million banked. Now, does that mean that when I clear a level 43, I can expect a reward ONLY in the range of 8.5 million & not 12 million? Meaning, the maximum payout I can expect from a BG will always be approximately equal to the bacnk value?

I hope my question is clear enough. Thank you for taking the time to respond!

Sep 18, 2015, 09:2709/18/15

Lord Falcon

you are right, you got your big payout in that 43. now you have to spend that payout 8.322.370 plus the 12.5% 1.040.296 as total of 9.362.666 to get your next big payout.

yep, for a level 43 the max you can expect is arround the same as you got in the 43 you hit. to get a payout arround 12m you have to hit one 47 or 48

hope this can help you, feel free to ask all your doubts i will try to clarify as possible as i can


Sep 18, 2015, 12:4009/18/15
You have been most helpful, thank you very much!
Sep 18, 2015, 12:4409/18/15
Sep 18, 2015, 12:44(edited)

a pleasure my lord

you are welcome

Oct 6, 2015, 20:0110/06/15

Lord Sammejao

may i know in which levels are you ??

you should have received a big payout corresponding with levels you are. 


Oct 7, 2015, 08:4510/07/15

sammejao said:


I'm level 45 and my BG's range from levl 3-17

Lord Sammejao

you still are on low leves in bgs, but you have in those levels the big payout corresponding for each level.i

i mean, the amount to bank in those level is very few and in the same way the bigs payout you are going to receive are small too.

so, for example if you want to get the payout on your 17 or 16 you have to bank arround 420k in resources and its what you going to get in troops.


Oct 7, 2015, 12:4510/07/15

i use one i have done myself

in one row i put the expendings in bgs and in the other last big payout + 12.5%

when i have banked the same amount of last payout +12.5% i try to finish one i think can pay


Oct 18, 2015, 07:3810/18/15

Question. Do you know if the mechanics for AoW are the same, similar or completely different for Raise of Balur?

I cannot find an explanation to the mechanics in that game.

Thank you
Oct 18, 2015, 16:4510/18/15

Lord Pete

i dont play Raise of Balur so i dont know if they work as same as here but i'd bet they do

take a look to Raise of Balur forum or open a post there to ask if someone can help you

Oct 29, 2015, 10:3710/29/15

Lord Harvester

its an information i have after reading and talking with a lot of players. The fact is that you have to spend your last payout and plus a tax and this tax can vary from 1% to 12,5% some players even spend the 20% and its more secure raising to 12,5 instead of only spent 1% more.

so that is why i say spend the 12,5%.

you also can try spending some differents percentages to see if you get your payout

Nov 2, 2015, 14:2211/02/15
Nov 2, 2015, 14:38(edited)

Juglar Del Viento, A few questions for you.

My last payout was 1236 Necros and 3710 Golems.(lvl 65 BG) Which is 31663960 in resources plus interest - 35621955 resources in total i believe.

Before i didn't know that the bank system was based on resources until i read this . 

So here is my question, Right now i have around 50% of the bank amount inside BGs. So how would i know which BG to hit when i have the total amount banked ? 

Also on your Original Post u said :  "Then is the moment to see which bg is going to pay me.  I noticed i have yellowed a level 65 which need around 32.500.000 to bank for a payout". How do u know which Bg to hit for reward and How do u calculate a certain amount to clear that BG? in terms or resources. 

And one more question , Does the Bank amount increases after each big reward?

Ty for your time. WW3

Nov 2, 2015, 15:0111/02/15

Lord WorldWar3

you are right, now you have to bank 35.621.955 to get another big payout

personally i have my own excell sheet to trace all expendings and gainings on bgs, so i could recomend you do the same to know when you have reached the total amount to bank. if not, its rather diffficult to guess if i have reach them or not.

i dont calculate the bank every bg needs. all numbers are cause the experiencie of players and the amount is an average of what a certain level usually pays. so when i said that a level 65 needs 32.500.000 for a payout its cause usually it pays arround that amount.

the bank increases after each bg ?? it depends where did you had your big payout. for example you got that payout on a 65 and you have to bank that amount... ok now when you reach that amount you have you big payout ready from low leves bg to level 66 which needs arround 34 millions for a payout. if you for example have spent that amount and wants a payout in a 69 (f.e.) its not going to pay cause a 69 needs more expending for a payout. so i can recomend you to hit another 65 or 66.

well, on this point, now i have to warning you all, cause last experiments of bg experts seems you have to bank in some certains levels depending in which level you want your payout. this is not completely confirm but it seems. They call them this corridors or lanes.

for example you are on 65's so i suggest you banking on corridor from level 51 to level 65 or above to get a payout in that lane

this mean: if you are on task level from 51 to 65 and want your payout in one of those levels, you have to spent them and bank in that lane or corridor.

the corridors that seem to be are:

from 1 to 50; from 51 to 65; from 66 to 75, from 76 to 85; from 86 to 95 and from 96 to 100.

i post here this pic to help all you what amount of resources you need for each level

hope this can help you...feel free to ask everything you dont understand and i will try to answer to them till the points i know.


Nov 2, 2015, 19:4311/02/15

 that pic was really helpful and it was the answer i was looking for. 

Ty and really appreciate it.

Nov 8, 2015, 12:0411/08/15
so if i am to understand this... it means if i raid a lvl 20 BG... i will need to amass about 90k worth of army with resources plus tax in other to gain full payment in the next 20 BG i attack?
Nov 12, 2015, 12:4311/12/15

If battle grounds is all about filling the bank then why does it matter to yellow bar them?

wouldn't it just balance out in the end if you complete each one from lowest to highest every day?

Nov 12, 2015, 13:0711/12/15

Techway_GrandMarshal said:

If battle grounds is all about filling the bank then why does it matter to yellow bar them?

wouldn't it just balance out in the end if you complete each one from lowest to highest every day?

i bank only yellowing some of them, so if i miss one pay, i continue yellowing and have other prepared and ready when i have spent last small payout plus tax.


Nov 12, 2015, 13:3011/12/15

so does it matter in the end weather you yellow bar them or not?

does it still give you back what you put in one way or another if not one day but the next?

Nov 12, 2015, 13:4411/12/15

Techway_GrandMarshal said:

does it still give you back what you put in one way or another if not one day but the next?

i dont sure what do u mean

Nov 12, 2015, 14:0511/12/15

if battle grounds pay out close to 96% of what you put into them then does it matter if you yellow bar them or not.

could you just do them one after the other and in the end you would get the same return as when you yellow bar them?

even if you don't get the final payout the first day but maybe the second day. in the end doesn't it all pay out just under what you pay into them?