Stiletto said:
"I repeat from April... bring some interest back to the game by adding MANY MORE Beacons to the map all at once"
More beacons needed with a fair method used for force limit - Any limit based on food consumption is hopeless
One mega coiner can smash any beacon with minimal casualties with the new 7 star champions, eldrich dragons and weor units
The Force Limit is a Joke
My league lost over 66 million defense, but the attacker lost only 0.4%This was from Farwol server where there are dozens of empty beacons, but they cannot be held or upgraded without being bulldozed
More beacons is not the answer - any non-coiner league who attempts to hold a beacon will be obliterated
Server 1 has over 700 Beacons - for Server 1 maybe more Beacons is not the answer... but
Server 2 has 119 Beacons - all held by 7 leagues + all Beacons are lvl 5... so yes on Server 2 we need MANY MORE Beacons... put on the map all at one time.
Server 3 has... unknown amount of Beacons - I agree about something needs to be done about Force Limits and we have other threads about Force LImits on Beacons on the Forum.
Is it possilbe that Plarium is working the algorithm for Beacons differently on each Server... hmmm ??