Boris Shevchenko said:
Hello, Lords. The opponent in the League Brawl tourney is determined by the overall power of Units which all the team have. So, in case you receive an opponent with more League members, it's just mean that whole power of the army in that League is almost the same with yours.
This is unfair to those leagues with much less members than their opponent.
The Brawl is not based only on how much power you have as a league combined. The membership number counts considerably more. Only some of the aspects of the tournament is determined by your armies; many depend on having a large number of active members. For example Divine Quests, Hero Equipment, Champions, Castle development, etc. etc. etc.
PVP between the two leagues tends to balance itself out for the most part. No matter whose army is bigger.
The only place where army size matters is in Battlegrounds (reg or SH), and even then a much larger number of members can accumulate way more points as a smaller league - even if they have the same troop size.
My league is in Diamond tier. We have 50 members. Our opponent has 14 members. For almost every aspect of the tourney, we accumulated 3x more points than them, except on PVP (we had a few skirmishes) where we ended even on points, and Champions, where our opponent seems to have gone all out, and BGs which we rocked. We ended with way more than double their points in total. Obviously for the main part, our 3x bigger membership counted heavily in our favor.
It is the membership ratio that is the deal-breaker.
And with only 500K points in this and previous tourney, I still would say we didn't belong in Diamond tier. And neither would Mephisto if he were asked. Not to mention our opponent with only 14 members, though I cannot speak for them.