Zardas said:
The beacon game was killed by Plarium introducing the Beacon Massacre event where you could revive 90% of what you lost during that massacre for free. At the same time two of the major leagues was fighting each other, one of those leagues decided to go and kill all the beacons on the map, since they could not hold any no one should.
That doesn't make sense. Because if you "can't" hold a beacon, then why should you anyway? Beacons, and forts, is pvp grounds. Just its so horrible unbalanced and a swipe of a credit card count for a lot more than the combined effort of many players. There this saying, money talks and bullshit walks. but in our case, its gameplay that took a walk...
If someone just want to watch everything burn and is able to do so, that is their choice. Flaws of game mechanics come into play when there is no effective way to combat it.... Or here is another thought. The game evolved to a degree (artificially bloated by spending). So what it took to defend a beacon reached such a level, so if you was stretching yourself to thin, you ended up not able to hold any.
tbh brutally honest, if you can't hold it you don't deserve it. Been playing EVE since the start back in 2003... Seen empires rise and fall in a sandbox so waste stormfall seems like a small speck of grain in comparison. Where some fights was not just about gain systems and riches, but to deny others of it. Yeah, Plarium screwed the pouch in how mechanics work i n this game, but when it come to the nature of pvp. All games with a pvp aspect is the same. Players do things because they can, and their motive for do so is no more wrong than your own motives for playing and what drive you. Some players like to build sand castles, others like to knock them over, because for them your salty jelly tears taste delicious.
The rewards for holding beacons is not just there with the effort needed to do so. Tbh, I would slashed down the numbers of beacons by A LOT. Then rather have beacons give bonus's to the league members more like the champions work. Some could give bonus to food, gold, iron, other to increased stats of spyhing, off, def, whatever.. Why not have some very few limited beacons that could give like a tiny sprinkle of sapphires to the members of the league holding it, now that would be worth fight for.