NEW UPDATE 2/10/17
BG guide summarized simpler. Intro remastered. Added a tip to raiding.
Rough draft writen up in a text document for the walk through. it's going to be around 20-50 lines long and needs hours of work to make it make sense and simple to read. Started it's going to go step by step through each quest and show you all the quests you've been skiping by ignoring quests and upgrading lost arts and buildings on your own. You most likely have never seen the full cycle of quests by straying away from quests upgrading on assumtions only. You played your self and did like the many others who play this game who join with half thought up plans and are never corrected by their leaders who probably didn't know or care to share info in many diffrent instances. The full cycle is only triggerd from completing all your curent quest. This will spawn later quests in the cycle. New quests are added when you add new buildings or gain all the scrolls for new lost arts. It will come along added at the end of your full cycle of quests. The first new quest that pops up tells you to discove a new lost art. The next one you train a certain amount of a newly discover lost arts unit after discovering it. Part of the cycle repeats 3 times every time before leading you to the end of the cycle. It then loops back around from the begining. You need to keep track of the full cycle of quests never straying from your main quests. ignore the quests saying spend saphire or attack other players this a tottaly difrent cycle that loops and for guys who have alot of coin and need direction attacking and spending saphires. My cycles really long at level 58 from quests only.
Will add how to spend saphires later.
I'm using some advanced methods to train players in my league from a very reserved aproach of watching, instructing and teaching that I gained from experience. Your best smartest player in your league really needs to be Marshall shot calling and have their hands in everything while seeing the big picture with everyone else feeding them information looking at smaller pictures. #2 and #3 are basicly doing the same thing and wating for direction and orders from #1 while giving #1 feed back, opions on direction and possible direction. Players need to be called out for limited abilities in game like how much do they play each day, how they respond to the #1s orders, how they process information and search for more information. they can then be grouped with other players with same abilities and pushed to step up in the league if they are willing. We all learn diffrently so we need to find out how each of us learns and curent abilities to work together better and gain more abilities faster..